HANDLE WITH CARE:Judicial appointments

August 16, 2016
Handle with care

This refers to the report “CJI Warns Govt on Vacancies” (Economic Times, August 16). Read with the short piece on Justice Thakur published along with (ET Newsmaker), it is amply clear that the CJI’s ‘reaction’ on appointments is not a sudden outburst of anger or just an expression of disappointment. It is an indictment on the GOI machinery handling appointments. In the recent past, the ineptness in handling appointments at the top level by Centre has been glaring. This laziness in handling appointments at higher levels do not augur well for a government which wants the nation to reform, perform and transform. After all no institution can perform efficiently with several vacancies at the top.
As new vacancies are sanctioned in government (judiciary included) and public sector after due   deliberations and most of the time a year or two later from the initiating of processes, the existence of large number of vacancies at various levels directly mean heavy pendency of work. Judiciary need to get some special consideration in the matter of filling up existing vacancies, as the fate of pending court cases has a direct impact on the lives of people involved.
Government and public sector should move forward to a ‘zero-vacancy’ concept sooner than later. In such an approach, GOI may have to consider appropriate legislative measures to enable allowing retiring incumbents to continue post-retirement, on mutual consent and acceptable terms, till the successor takes over. 


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