Turf war between AAP Government and Lt Governor on constitutional status of New Delhi: Not a full-fledged State

Turf war between AAP Government and Lt Governor on constitutional status of New Delhi: Not a full-fledged State: In maintaining that Delhi is just a Union Territory, the Delhi High Court has answered some major and unresolved questions about the constitutional status of the National Capital Region. The Court has...

Capital administration

This refers to your editorial “Not a full-fledged state” (The Hindu, August 6). The administrative hierarchy and division of geographical regions for convenient governance should not be considered as permanent features and left only to judicial decisions when disputes arise. If it is a fact that administering Delhi as a separate ‘state’ did not pose major problems for decades only because the political leadership which was in charge of Centre and the state of Delhi was the same for most of the time, the present friction should be solved politically rather than by sweeping discomfort under the carpet of law.
Friction also arises in state capitals when Municipal corporations in state capitals are under the hold of political alignments opposite to the ones ruling the states concerned. A relook to find out whether Delhi should be reverted to its Union Territory status and whether municipal corporations in state capitals should be administered by the state governments taking all stakeholders into confidence may be necessary for sustainable solution for the problems faced now.

M G Warrier, Mumbai


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