Savings for Survival : New eBook by M G Warrier

New book by M G Warrier

If the above link opens, please find some information about my 4th book (third during 2018)"Savings for Survival" which has been published as eBook by Kindle Direct Publishing ( 
My first book "Banking, Reforms and Corruption: Development Issues in 21st Century India" (print edition) was published in 2014 by Sampark, Kolkatta.The eBook version of this book was published as "Chasing Inclusive Growth: Reforms for Financial Inclusion" by Notion Press, Chennai in March 2018.
My second book "India's Decadeof Reforms" was published in print andas eBook by Notion Press Chennai in January 2018.
"Ants and Honeybees", a collection of essays on general topics of current interest (Non-Fiction, Non-Finance) is my first book published by KDP (

M G Warrier


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