Look up, and look around, the universe is moving!
The universe, it is streaming live 24x7...- Yes, the message is for you...
https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ nov/15/the-universe-it-is- streaming-live-24x7-2061904. html
The other day my grandson (Vihaan, now in Class X) listed my daily routine from 5 a m to 10 30 p m and asked a simple question, for which I didn't have a one-word answer. The question was: " Appoopa (Malayalam word for grandfather), this routine, seven days a week, 365 days a year, don't you get boared?"
My routine he listed included:
"Getting up at 5 a m
Morning walk
Bringing milk and newspapers
Chat with friends in the park
Breakfast and reading papers
Bath and lunch
Evening tea
Evening chat with friends in the park
Dinner and sleep"
I said, I'll reorganize my routine early next year in consultation with him.
Are we really caring about the environment and people around applying our own mind, or are we already slaves of the life-support system provided by the smart phone? This article will help you to start wondering!
M G Warrier