NOSTALGIA: 18012021

Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE Monday Special: Nostalgia January 18, 2021 Monday "Celebrating 20 years of Wikipedia – Wikimedia Foundation" On January 15, 2021 Wikipedia completed 20 years of its purposeful service 👍🙏 🙏 Nice Day M G Warrier Quote for the day: "I don't feel like a very nostalgic person. I think about the past much more clinically. When I look back and wonder, 'Why was I doing that? Was it a waste of time?' I don't beat myself up. Instead, I say, 'I'm so glad I did that, because now I really know what matters to me.' -Sarah Paulson (Sarah Catharine Paulson is an American actress. She is the recipient of several accolades, including a Primetime Emmy Award and a Golden Globe Award. In 2017, Time magazine named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world.) More quotes at G A Interaction 1) Book by Dr Deepali Pant Joshi " I have published a book and would be thankful if you include it in the Collage which we all read each day early morning. Thanks Deepali" Link below: The Economic Paradigm: India In The Covid World (Dr Deepali Pant Joshi and I were colleagues in central RPCD-Warrier) 2) K Ramasubramanian Mumbai Yes, Shri Babusenan. No doubt Shri PPR has unquenching thirst for reading books and publishing book reviews. His style is unique and coverage of subjects is countless. Always ready with historical references on any subject on earth. An unbounded enthusiasm defying age to learn anything new and adept with computer . May the Lord bestow on him a long and happy life. 3) V N Kelkar I was pleased with what Shri Babusenan wrote about PPR Sir who has been in the field of book reviews for over 52 years and about his book "Reserve Bank of India - An Anecdotal History ". In Babusenan, I found one more book writer in the group whose books were published in 2014 and 2018. The amazon link reveals to the reader the mountainous work done by PPR Sir in the paragraph 'About The Author'. In her 'Foreword' to the book Madam Usha Thorat has very rightly described PPR 'as one person you can always count when you want stories and anecdotes of persons in or connected with RBI'. Thanks to humble person Shri Babusenan for his interaction. While his focus was on PPR he did not mention titles of his books. (V Babusenan has authored books in Malayalam. Reference to 2014 & 2018 books was part of my observations. I had published my first book "Banking, Reforms & Corruption" in 2014 and "India's Decade of Reforms" in 2018. First book is now available as eBook with change in title as "Chasing Inclusive Growth". Amazon links: 4) R Jayakumar Mumbai "Open with a Smile" This is what my grandchildren write on the envelope whenever they handover to me a greeting card on any special occasion. It was interesting to read what Sh Panchapagesan Sir and the Twenty Fifth century encyclopaedia have to say about the significance of Human Smile. Panchapagesan Sir has written that there was nothing special to say about their trip to various temples, but he found the patience and cheerfulness of the bus conductor, remarkable. This took me back to the days when I was a regular traveler by BEST buses. (For many years now I have given up bus and train as a mode of transport for me.) Whenever I entered a bus, before buying a ticket, I always searched on the shirt of the conductor if he had pinned a medal or a badge to certify him as a person of Good Conduct. There was a practice in BEST to reward their employees for exceptional behaviour during service. Such persons always served customers with a smile and preferred eye contact while issuing tickets. I too preferred to buy my ticket with a smile from such good conductors. It is our bad luck that today it is rare to find people serving us with a smile, specially, when it comes from persons serving on behalf of the govt and semi govt departments. The other one I read with interest was the excerpt from Barack Obama's book Promised Land forwarded by Mr Chittanandam. By reading this small portion one can get the taste of what is in store if one decides to read the entire book of Obama. His description of Saudi King's life style and the rubies studded Necklace of a bicycle chain length for Michelle Obama is fabulous to read. Really I spent a little more time on the Collage today. R Jayakumar B Current Affairs Bengaluru world's fastest growing tech hub, London second: Report - Times of India" C Nostalgia 1) "Games we played" This is a 10 years old article. Current enough for today's theme. Excerpts: " For a few moments I was transported to my growing up years in Andheri in Mumbai. I used to reside in a society which had three buildings and 108 flats. Two buildings were of four storeys each and the other of three. Can you imagine the space it occupied? Yet, the builders of those years were kind enough to leave us with plenty of open space. I find it hard to believe that we had rolled cricket pitches and played with leather balls without breaking windowpanes. Of course, we also indulged in tennis and rubber ball cricket where a hook meant that a new ball had to be bought. There was garden space for tiny-totters and a double bar for the health freaks. Once the excitement of leather ball cricket wore down, we became experts at ‘daam-doom’ Sunday volleyball. These were some of the major games that I actively participated in." 2) Looking back: M G Warrier a) My childhood days inside a temple : b) Theft, a lie and a friendship" c) "A self-sufficient village" D Readers' Contribution V T Panchapagesan Chennai Hinduism imparts highest philosophy. Unfortunately due to lack of understanding, it is interpreted in different ways due to ignorance now prevailing within us. Hi, Ndu is the combination of two letters meaning Hi of Himalayas and Ndu of Bindu Sarover ( Cape commorin sea )..which means People living whose boundary on the northern side, Himalayas, Eastern ,Bay of Bengal, western ,Arabian and Southern ,Indian Ocean...were All human beings living in this area which were called Hindus.......... The country can be renamed as Hindustan avoiding all Then comes The Religion which is baffling us all........ There is no Religion as such comparing to other Religions....prevailing.. It is a way of life which was shown to us by people of high integrity, Knowledge and matured wisdom.........over a period...of time. Man is also said to be an animal just like other animals..whereas Animals which grow horizontally have tails whereas MAN WHO GROWS VERTICALLY HAS INTELLIGENCE AS AGAINST TAIL..This is the basic difference. Having understood this, what is the code of living? Sanadana Dharma , code of duty prescribed was followed.... Let us know what Mrs.Annie Besant said about this...... When the Nations of the earth were sent forth one after the other, A special word was given by God to each, the word which was to express To the world the particular message of each.... To Egypt in olden days , the word was RELIGION, To Persia (Iran) the word was PURITY, To Chaldea the word was SCIENCE, To Greece the word was PURITY, To Rome the word was LAW, AND TO INDIA ,THE ELDEST BORN OF HIS CHILDREN , He gave a word Dharma———- It is too difficult to translate the word in English. It briefly means : A code of duty. Duty towards God, Duty towards His people, Duty to Society, Duty to animals and birds which can also mean LOVE FOR ALL THE CREATION... India has preached this message of love for nearly Fifty be continued. V. T. Panchapagesan, E Blogs and Links 1) Home lessons on time management: Excerpts: " Back home from the class, I had a new insight into the whole time management stuff triggered by a cup of coffee offered by my wife. Wife, a cup of coffee and time management. You may wonder what connects them. I sat there pondering how she gets up at the crack of the day, cook breakfast, pack lunches for all four of us, do the laundry, wake up her drone of a husband in three or so attempts in half an hour starting from 6 a.m., iron school uniform, attend to children’s complaints and occasionally mediate their squabbles and scuffles, lay the table for breakfast, clear the table after breakfast, rush to work where a whole lot of responsibilities await her, and back home in the evening, take a short break and then tend the vegetable garden, again cook, clean, entertain guests, help the children with their homework ... all the umpteen responsibilities that we write off as household chores!" 2) Free Will The Speaking Tree: Where Fate Ends and Free Will Begins - Times of India" F Leisure 1.Swedish proverb: The pillow is the best advisor. Meaning: Sleep over a problem and see how you feel in the morning. 2. Kenyan proverb: When elephants fight, it is the grass that gets hurt. Meaning: Fights of the powerful hurt only the little guys. 3. Ancient Roman proverb: Hunger is the best sauce. Meaning: Everything tastes better when you are hungry. 4. Japanese proverb: A frog in a well does not know the great sea. Meaning: There is more going on than you know, try and see the big picture. 5. Turkish proverb: If the world flooded, it would not matter to the duck. Meaning: Things that are bad for you, aren’t always bad for everyone. 6. Filipino proverb: Leave it to the batman. Meaning: Some problems require superheroes to solve. 7. Russian proverb: To live with the wolves, you have to howl like a wolf. Meaning: In dangerous situations, try and blend in. 8. French proverb: A hungry stomach has no ears. Meaning: You can’t concentrate without food in your tum tum. 9. Kenyan proverb: Slippery ground does not recognise a king. Meaning: Even the most powerful people are just human deep down. 10. Gaelic proverb: A cat in mittens won’t catch mice. Meaning: Being careful and polite doesn’t always get things done. PENSIONERS’ PROVERB: WHEN YOU ARE A BANK PENSIONER YOU DON'T MATTER TO ANYBODY. MEANING: YOU ARE AT THE MERCY OF JUDICIARY, MANAGEMENT, POLITITIONS, UNION AND RBI/IBA , GOVT. THEY ALL LOOK PAST YOU AS IF YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD. AMEN. (A forward from an SBI Pensioner) *Received from S. Thyagarajan G Nostalgic Quotes - BrainyQuote"


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