Warrier's Collage 03012021

Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE January 3, 2021 Sunday Good Morning 🙏 There will be no regular issues of Collage on January 4 & 5, 2021 Nice Day M G Warrier PEP TALK https://youtu.be/g-jqbR3p9rY (By M) A Acknowledgement Big Thank You from Collage to all readers and contributors. The New Year Special Issue of Collage on January 1, 2021 was well received by readers. Collage thanks all readers who responded to/appreciated the contents. Collage received encouraging responses from many, including Ex-Governors/DGs of Reserve Bank of India. Grateful to all for the kind gestures and blessings. B Interaction 1) V T Panchapagesan Chennai Brahadaraynyaka Upanishad, chapter V Second Brahmana - The Three Principal Virtues...... The possibility of gaining a higher level of awareness creates its own philosophy Of hope and faith...of regeneration, of transformation... Da Da. Da Ganga was sunken and the limp leaves Waited for rain, while the black clouds gathered for distant, over Himavant, The jungle crouched, humped in silence.........T.S.Eliot’s. Wasteland... Da. Da. Da Gods, men, and Asuras———all three descendants of Prajapati—— Lived with him for a time as students.... Then the gods said:”Teach us, Sir” In reply Prajapati uttered one syllable “Da” Then he said. “Have you understood?” They answered, “Yes, we have understood.” You said to us,”Be self-controlled”. “yes,” agreed Prajapati you have understood... Then the men said: “Teach us, Sir” Prajapati uttered the same syllable: Da.. Then the men said , yes, we have understood, it means Datta which means Be charitable.. Prajapati nodded having agreed.. Finally Asuras said: “Teach us, sir” Prajapati uttered the same syllable. Asuras replied Da means Dayadhwam —-Be compassionate.. Yes, agreed Prajapati.... The storm cloud thundered Da, Da, Da.. Be self-controlled, Be charitable, Be compassionate.... Shantih. Shantih. Shantih. What does this mean? THREE denotes three Gunas within us through intellect, body and mind... Service through body, Sincere through mind and Self-controlled living....through intellect understanding SELF....within..... Be Well, V. T. Panchapagesan 2) R Jayakumar Mumbai In praise of cooperative leadership.... I read the article by Shashi Tharoor, attached to the Collage, on leadership qualities. The author has analysed the qualities of the present day world leaders leading major countries including our own. Like a true Congress man, he is critical of our PM's leadership also. His argument is not altogether wrong. As pointed out by him our present day leaders lack the quality of consultation and cooperation with the people they lead. He is right in saying that a leader should act on the principle of acceptance, and not merely tolerance towards the minority. This is based on Rabindranath Tagore's advice for a good leadership. In short the leader should be ready to accept the diversity of the people he leads. Contrarily our leaders appear to be like war time heroes always wielding weapons in their hands to quell the opponents. Regards R Jayakumar 3) C V Subbaraman Mysuru this write up, the boisterous leader like Shashi Tharoor sounds like a bundle of confusions, rambling in thoughts, and ending up with nothing concrete after spending in many paragraphs on thoughts that do not provide for a firm definitive thinking. He visualises and talks of an abandonment of democratic niceties during the "last six and half years" even as he conveniently ignores many decades of abandonment of fundamentally democratic processes in J and K State under the Congress Party leadership of the country, when under the garb and burden of Article 370 of the Constitution several sections of people of the State were brutally denied any basic human rights that were enjoyed by their fellow citizens elsewhere in the country. Within his own party, there are no signs of democratic niceties and that is ok for him! "mai nahin, hum" does not exist in the Congress leadership: it cares only for one family against one nation, for it is the Congress party which supported silently the infamous slogan: India is Indira, Indira is India. Why does he feel that the last six and half years one has been witnessing erosion of democratic niceties, when his own party leader who has failed miserably to "lead" except leading in tweeting abuses about the present government and its leader, who have after many decades in the country been voted to power by an absolutely majority. But such a remarkable democratic election is not acceptable to Shashi Tharoor? Yet, after dismal defeats of the party, to which Shashi continues to owe his allegiance, the party does not learn lessons, the fundamental lesson being that abuses do not pay. You cannot capture power or convince people across the country by calling some one a "chor", some one a "Mauth ka saudhagar", or a "khoon ki dalaali". Shashi should try to reform the party, before pointing his finger at others, and should prove how and on what basis he feels that there is erosion of democratic niceties during the last six and half years: mere accusation without substantiation would not convince people. Such accusation would be rejected by the people, as has been demonstrated in the last two general elections to Parliament and to several State legislatures, as charges being made out of malice, jealousy and helpless and inept leadership of the parties which make such accusations. After reading the long essay by Shashi Tharoor, one is led to believe that he has wasted not only his time but also the time of the readers. C V Subbaraman C Leadership 1) 15 Quotes to Inspire Great Teamwork | Inc.com" https://www.inc.com/dave-kerpen/15-quotes-to-inspire-great-team-work.html Collage Pick: "Individual commitment to a group effort--that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work." --Vince Lombardi 2) Enlightened leadership https://www.speakingtree.in/article/enlightened-leadership-774011/m-lite 3) India's immediate challenges* https://www.dailypioneer.com/2020/columnists/many-challenges-lie-ahead.html Analysis by Kalyani Shankar, a Senior Jóurnalist *Link courtesy: G Mohandas Chennai D Book Review Restoring TRUST in Governance* Amazon Review on January 2, 2021 A book must read Reviewed in India on 2 January 2021 Verified Purchase As the author of the book has had a vast experience in working at the top echelons of the RBI,he is able to critically examine the role and responsibilities of RBI and the changing focus needed by RBI in the present context. The book also evaluates the role of Monetary Policy Committee and the Public Sector Banks, and the the need for enhancing professionalism in the banking sector. The author also describes the merits and demerits on the concept of setting up a bad bank to handle the issue of NPAS. Overall those who are at the helm of finance and banking sector will find this book very thought provoking, insightful and useful. Very well written and this book is a must read ! By K.N.Pillai. *Link: Restoring TRUST in Governance : India's 2020's Challenge https://www.amazon.in/dp/B08NT36GB2/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_hBmYFb7PBYR0M E Uncertainty a) Poems Uncertainty' poems - Hello Poetry" https://hellopoetry.com/words/uncertainty/ b) How to Deal With Uncertainty: According to a Psychologist | "Real Simple" https://www.realsimple.com/work-life/life-strategies/cope-uncertainty?amp=true c) Coping with uncertainty Seven Ways to Cope with Uncertainty" https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/seven_ways_to_cope_with_uncertainty d) The illusion of certainty "Certainty Is an Illusion" https://fs.blog/2014/05/certainty-is-an-illusion/ F The Best Books to Read in Uncertain Times | "The Art of Manliness" https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/the-best-books-to-read-in-uncertain-times/ G Quotes about uncertainties 15 Uncertainty Quotes, to Turn Your Worry Into Wonder – Healing Brave" https://healingbrave.com/blogs/all/uncertainty-quotes Like: I am learning to trust the journey even when I do not understand it.” — Mila Bron


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