Warrier's Collage July 30, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Friday July 30, 2021 Magnificent Bharat https://youtu.be/eAB4ZrY2G-Q (Link Courtesy : Dr T V Surendran Mananthavady) Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier A Select Responses 1) D Subbarao, Former Governor RBI Gold's mystique and allure transcend times and generations. Thank you for this Collage of history, news and views. My best wishes to all Warrier's Collage stakeholders. Subbarao (As always, encouraging words. For me, more significant is the awareness that opinion-makers take cognizance of the issues raised in Collage-Warrier) 2) C V Subbaraman Mysuru I think that Service coop banks are not under the supervision/control of RBI. Subbaraman (You are right, Sir. But when they use the word "Bank" in their name and carry on banking business using shortcuts, regulators/supervisors can be blamed for closing their eyes evading responsibility. Excerpts from a Chapter on Demonetization in my book "India's Decade of Reforms" (2018) : "Cooperatives Cooperatives across the country had more than their due share of problems post-demonetization. While primary (urban) cooperative banks whose functioning is similar to mini-commercial banks are regulated and supervised by RBI, the three/two tier structure of cooperatives comprising State and District Cooperative Banks and thousands of primary cooperative societies have multiple regulatory and supervisory oversight involving RBI, NABARD and Registrar of Cooperative Societies (State Government). There is urgency in finding a solution to a problem that has arisen due to continued neglect of an institutional system which has been serving the semi-urban and rural areas of the country, with all constraints. Re are no alternative conduits to ensure banking service to their clientele in semi-urban and rural areas. The cooperatives need to survive, and ssues like politicization, inadequate skills or problems arising from the dual control of cooperatives by Centre and states should be set aside by judiciary, governments and cooperatives themselves for a short period. There is need for cooperation among these agencies in solving the immediate problems the clientele of cooperatives are facing today. Several short-cuts are being tried by state governments and cooperatives which can only lead to more complications. The short-cuts include bypassing DCCBs by state cooperative bank (as in Kerala), diverting the business now being done by cooperatives to other agencies and taking the problems to courts which helps in postponing decision-making. At this stage Centre should assert and empower state level task forces involving RBI, NABARD, banks and state governments to resolve the problems locally in a time bound manner." 3) S Nallasivan Hyderabad This is the time when every Country around the Globe is eager to lay its hands on Gold, yes in the ongoing Olympics*. India Stand at a pitiable state with a 43rd position in the Medals tally, with a solitary Silver and with dwindling hopes, each passing day whether our bigger contingent could bring at least a couple of Golds. Alas we miss the man with a golden touch Dayan Chand who never disappointed or denied the Country from the proud possession of Gold. (Continued at H3) *The Olympic gold medals, while having a shiny gold exterior and status that would suggest they are cut largely from the luxury metal, are actually mostly composed of silver – with the required ratio of silver in Olympic gold medals being at least 92.5%.(Source : Google Search) B Books by M G Warrier "Restoring TRUST in Governance" (2020, Notion Press) Preface This is my third book with focus on banking and finance. As economic reforms in India are moving fast especially with emphasis on cleansing and consolidating financial sector, I felt some urgency in publishing this book as a companion volume to my 2018 book “India's Decade of Reforms.” This book was scheduled to be published during the first half of 2020. The situation that emerged with the COVID19 Pandemic delayed the publication by almost four months. The impact of the recent developments on Indian Economy, to the extent perceivable now, has been covered at the appropriate places in this book. Needless to say, as of now, it is the fire-fighting stage and it will take longer to quantify losses and put in place what one may call a comprehensive “Post-Pandemic Rehabilitation Plan.”Present debates are all speculative in nature. My first book “Banking, Reforms and Corruption: Development Issues in the 21st Century India” published in 2014 (Sampark, Kolkatta) has been republished in 2018 as eBook with a change in title to “Chasing Inclusive Growth: Reforms for Financial Inclusion” indicative of the book's subject focus. The Notion Press, Chennai published my second book “India's Decade of Reforms: Reserve Bank of India at Central Stage” in print and eBook versions of both my books during 2018. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing has brought out some of my non- banking/non-fiction books including Scrambled Monologues, Savings for Survival (a short book on Personal Finance), Ants and Honeybees: Life's Perceptions and Reflections and Assorted Letters of Dissent as eBooks, some of which are also available in print. (Continued at H1) Related Links : Restoring Trust in Governance: India's 2020's Challenge https://www.amazon.in/dp/1636335896/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_NE3HR516CRVHP88EEP4E *My other books on Banking and Finance include "Banking, Reforms and Corruption" (2014, now available in eBook format titled "Chasing Inclusive Growth") and "India's Decade of Reforms" (Notion Press, 2018)-Warrier C Books that can influence your thoughts https://www.onmycanvas.com/books-to-change-your-life/ Excerpts : In the story, the narrator met the little prince, who said he had come from a star, in the desert. The prince says that adults are confused about life and are always rooting for things of consequences. Counting an uncountable number of stars just to possess them or acting as kings when there is no one to rule or punishing people for sins when there is no one to be punished — No one was playing for fun or lived simply but everyone was working towards an irrational goal hoping that that would make them happy or successful. “Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.” Living and playing around and soaking in the natural things around us and not always running after more money or possessing more things will make us happier is only one of the lessons inspired by the book. “What matters most are the simple pleasures so abundant that we can all enjoy them…Happiness doesn’t lie in the objects we gather around us. To find it, all we need to do is open our eyes.” If you read one book from this entire list, let it be The Little Prince. D 1) Gender Discrimination : Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai I am not talking about male domination or woman empowerment. I am talking about gender difference in various languages and other fields. There are times when the beginners get confused about the correct grammatical gender in Hindi. This is the most common mistake all Hindi learners are making. It is also important to note that the gender in Hindi language may not be the same as in your language so it is important to learn the gender of the word. 1. मैं वहां जाता हूँ। (Main wahan jaata hoon – I go there) – This is a basic sentence,yet a perfect example to show that you need to take care of verb declension if there is pronoun. This sentence is fine for a male person, but incorrect for a female. Why? The verb declension happens with respect to the gender. Here in this sentence, it is “जाता” (Jaata), which is declension for masculine noun or pronoun. If there is female person, the verb declension results in “जाती” (Jaati). The pronoun is “मैं” (Main), which is same for male and female like “I” in English. 2. मुझे आज काम नहीं करना। (Mujhe aaj kaam nahi karna – I don’t have to work today) and मुझे आज बात नहीं करनी। (Mujhe aaj baat nahi karni – i don’t have to talk today) In both sentence, we have “मुझे” (Mujhe) and used by same person so how come the verb declensions are different in both of them? (Continued at H3) 2) A Great Mother : Vathsala Jayaraman In 1964 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, when this woman got pregnant by her one year senior in high school, the principal told her she would not be allowed to graduate. She begged the school to change its mind. They did, but there were conditions. She was not allowed to talk to the other students. She was barred from eating in the cafeteria. She could not come to school more than five minutes in advance of the opening bell, and she had to leave school within five minutes of the closing bell. (Continued at H2) E Astrology : Prediction for Revathy Star https://www.ganeshaspeaks.com/astrology/nakshatras-constellations/revati/ Today (July 30, 2021) is Revathy : "Revati folks* are often good looking and extroverted. They can be the life of any party and stand out from the crowd, wherever they go. They possess strong intuition because of which they can make the right decisions most of the time. However, sometimes they can get carried away, as a result of being empathetic. Their empathy burns them out completely, as they go out and about to help people before having their needs met." https://youtu.be/hUmQcdq2-gA *Includes me-Warrier (Just one example of how one can mix up and mess up to mislead the people around-M G Warrier Mumbai) F Leisure Conversation with God* An American decided to write a book about famous churches around the World. So he bought a plane ticket and took a trip to China. On his first day he was inside a church taking photographs when he Noticed a golden telephone mounted on the wall with a sign that read '$10,000 per call'. The American, being intrigued, asked a priest who was strolling by what The telephone was used for. The priest replied that it was a direct line to heaven and that for $10,000 you could talk to God. The American thanked the priest and went along his way. Next stop was in Japan. There, at a very large cathedral, he saw the Same golden telephone with the same sign under it. He wondered if this was the same kind of telephone he saw in China and He asked a nearby nun what its purpose was. She told him that it was a direct line to heaven and that for $10,000 He Could talk to God. ' O.K., thank you,' said the American. He then traveled to Pakistan, Srilanka, Russia, Germany and France ... In every church he saw the same golden telephone with the same '$10,000 Per call' sign under it. The American, upon leaving Vermont decided to travel to up to India to See if Indians had the same phone. He arrived in India, to be precise in Kochi and again, in the first church he entered, there Was the same golden telephone, but this time the sign under it read : 'One Rupee per call.' The American was surprised so he asked the priest about the sign. 'Father, I've travelled all over World and I've seen this same golden Telephone in many churches. I'm told that it is a direct line to Heaven, But the price was $10,000 per call. Why is it so cheap here?' Readers, it is your turn........ Think .....before you scroll down... .............. ......... ......... .......... ............ ...... .............. .......... ......... ......... ........... ...... The priest smiled and answered, 'You're in Kochi now, Son - it's a Local Call'. This is "God's own country" *Received from K P V Karunakaran Mumbai G Quotes about Life https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/life-quotes Like : "Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." Harvey Fierstein (Harvey Forbes Fierstein is an American actor and playwright. He is best known for his theater work in Torch Song Trilogy and Hairspray and movie roles in Mrs. Doubtfire, Independence Day, and as the voice of Yao in Mulan and Mulan II) H 1) Continued from B Some of the chapters finding a place in this book are based on my articles published in the monthly Business & Finance magazine, The Global ANALYST (Published by Iupindia, a division of the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India – ICFAI, Hyderabad). The book is organized in three sections. Section I on Development Issues cover agenda for Modi 2.0 (2019–24), some aspects of universal basic minimum income and the relevance of NYAY, pros and cons of privatizing public sector and India’s approach towards gold management. Section II on ‘Banking for Growth’ covers RBI's role in confidence boosting, monetary policy since the setting up of Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), some aspects of policy challenges before the Reserve Bank of India, need for a strong central bank, relationship issues between RBI and GOI in the context of formulation and implementation of monetary and fiscal policies and general perceptions about the impact of changes in RBI’s policy rates on financial market. In Section III ‘Professionalizing Financial System’ we look at measures being taken to professionalize and strengthen the Financial Sector with focus on regulation and supervision of the banking system. I thank my family, friends and the team at Notion Press who supported me in publishing this book. M G Warrier Mumbai October 2, 2020 2) Continued from D2 And she was not allowed to get her diploma onstage with the rest of the students!! She did marry the father of her child, but it lasted only a year. He was not a good husband and not a good father. After the divorce, he NEVER had any contact, whatsoever with his ex-wife and their son. A couple of years later, she married a Cuban emigrant, a good and decent man. He adopted her son and gave him his name. Many years later, in 2013, the biological father was operating a bicycle shop in California when a writer / reporter came by and asked if he could talk to him. That was when the biological father, Ted Jorgensen, found out that his biological son is Jeff Bezos, *THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD!* "Jeffrey Preston Bezos (/ˈbeɪzoʊs/ BAY-zohss; né Jorgensen; born January 12, 1964) is an American business magnate, media proprietor, and investor. Bezos is the founder and executive chairman of Amazon, having previously served as chairman, president and CEO of the company.[a] With a net worth of more than $200 billion as of June 2021, he is the richest person in the world according to both Forbes and Bloomberg's Billionaires Index." On July 20, 2021, when Bezos exited the space capsule, the first person he hugged was his mother. Vathsala Jayaraman 3) Continued from D1 To answer this question, let's see what's come in between of “मुझे” (Mujhe) and the verb declensions करना (karna) and करनी (karni). There is a noun between the twos in each of the sentences and this noun decide the declension for the verb. In first sentence, the gender of “काम” (Kaam – Work) is masculine and in second, the gender of “बात” (Baat – Conversation) is feminine. Remember: the verb declension which ends with the sound “a” are of masculine and those end with the sound of “i” are of feminine. In Hindi, the verb declension always comes at the end. I struggled very much to understand 'Ne' rules where the object predominates as student of 7th std. When speaking of grammatical genders, one might wonder what grammar has to do with sex. Not much, to be honest. The original meaning of ‘gender’ was ‘race’, ‘type’ or ‘kind’. As a matter of fact, ‘gender’ has the same origin as ‘genre’ and ‘genus’. But then, the Greek philosophers decided to complicate things once again and started using the noun genos (‘type’ or ‘race’) to refer to one specific division of things into three types: males (humans and animals), females and inanimate objects. From Greek, this passed on to Latin and consequently to other European languages, including Old English. Old English was a highly inflected language, which means that besides the four cases (nominative, genitive, dative and accusative), two numbers (singular, plural) and three grammatical genders (feminine, masculine, neuter) were visible inflections on nouns, adjectives and determiners. However, there was a general transformation of the English language from Old to Middle English that contributed towards the gradual reduction of the inflectional system on nouns, adjectives and determiners. Grammatical genders vanished and natural genders (i.e. the gender to which a noun or pronoun would be expected to belong based on relevant attributes of its referent) developed. Genders on Old English nouns were often not determined by meaning, sometimes even in contradiction with their meaning and were therefore troublesome, e.g. wife was neuter, whilst woman was masculine (Note: woman derives from the Old English word wif-man, literally ‘woman-human being’ and in Old English the gender was assigned to the last element of the compound, in this instance ‘man’). Modern languages vary greatly within their gender system. Only one-forth of the world’s languages have a system of noun classification. Languages such as Finnish, Hungarian, Estonian, Turkish, Indonesian and Vietnamese (to name just a few) do not have grammatical genders at all. Other languages have a gender distinction based on ‘animacy’, the distinction between animate beings (humans and animals of both sexes) and inanimate objects. Yet other languages differentiate between human and non-human (animals and inanimate things), whilst others draw a much more specific line: The Australian language Ngan’gityemerri is said to have up to fifteen genders, including masculine human, feminine human, vegetables, drinks, canines, non-canine animals and two different genders for spears. Other logical genders like this can be found in Tamil, where three genders exist: masculine, feminine and neuter. Here it is straight forward: men (and male gods) belong to the masculine group, women (and goddess) are feminine and everything else, including animals and objects are neuter. However, grammatical genders do not always make sense. Only a handful of languages actually group together objects with similar vital properties – the majority of languages are inconsistent and not transparent, e.g. French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Russian, etc Nevertheless, a core group of nouns is usually assigned to a certain grammatical gender in a consistent way. Male human beings are almost always assigned to the masculine gender, whereas women are often denied belonging to the feminine gender. For instance, in German, das Mädchen (‘the girl’) is neuter, as well as das Fräulein (‘unmarried woman’) and das Weib (‘woman’, cognate with English ‘wife’). But the real confusion starts when we look at inanimate objects: a Frenchman’s beard is feminine (la barbe), the Russian water is feminine, but when you have dipped a tea bag inside ‘her’, she becomes masculine. The grammatical genders of German cutlery are hilarious, too: das Messer (‘the knife’) is an ‘it’, but der Löffel (‘the spoon’) with his hairy chest is masculine, whilst die Gabel (‘the fork’) represents a feminine figure. And in Spanish it is the opposite: the spoon (la cuchara) is feminine and the fork (el tenedor) masculine. Another peculiar example is the African language Supyire which has five genders: humans, small things, big things, collectives and liquids. The gender ‘big things includes, as you probably would have expected, all the big animals: giraffe, hippopotamus, horse, etc. But one animal was not considered big enough and was assigned to the human class – the elephant! But as one wise man once said: “The problem is not how to find more such examples, it is how to stop”…One final thought, though: gender markers do not always appear exclusively on nouns. They can also appear on adjectives and articles (which is common), but astonishingly in some Slavic languages, a suffix –a is added to some verbs when the subject is feminine. Freezer bags are male, because they hold everything in, but you can see through them. Photo copiers are female because once turned off, it takes a while to warm them up again. They are an effective reproductive device,if the right buttons are pushed; but can wreak havoc if wrong buttons are used. Tiers are male because they go bald easily and are often over inflated. Hot air baloons are male since they need fire beneath to go anywhere. Sponges are female since they are soft, squeezable and retain water. Web pages are female because they are constantly being looked at and getting hit on. Trains are male because they always use the same old lines for picking up people. Egg timers are female because over time, the weight shifts to the bottom. Hammers are male because they have hardly changed in the last 5000 years and are handy to have around. The Remote Control Female. Ha! You probably thought it would be male, but consider this: It easily gives a man pleasure, he'd be lost without it, and while he doesn't always know which buttons to push, he just keeps trying. We have talked about non-living objects. In music, ragas have been classified into male ,female and neuter ragas, according to nava rasas Male ragas depict emotions of Raudra( anger),veera( heroic) and Bhayanaka ( fearful). Female ragas represent shringara( romance, hasya( humour) and Karuna ( pathos). Neuter ragas are indicative of beebhatsa( Disgust),Adbhuta( amazement) and shanta ( peace) In Carnatic music Bhairavi is a male raga and Devakriya and Kurinji are his wives.Sriragam is a male raga and Hindolam and saveri are his wives. In Hindusthani Classical there are six male ragas Bhairav, Deepak, Sri, Malkauns, Megha and Hindol. Each has five wives and 8 sons each. The classification which was in vogue in 11th century has almost lost the significance now.Yet it is of great interest how the idea of classification came to their mind. Most of the Rajasthani paintings refer to the raga-ragini system. The world is full of gender discriminations everywhere. Vathsala Jayaraman 4) Continued from A3 Shri Warrier, as if to console us, chose to speak about Gold, that we are proud possessor, of a huge share of more than 18000 Tonnes in household gold and unfathomable level with our religious places of worship. We, the members of the Collage are conscious that Shri Warrier has a Midas touch as observed from the studiedly raising popularity and beeline of contributors waiting to make it to the pages of Collage. Midas, the Greek Mythological King had the gift of turning into gold everything he touched. Some say that India is a rich Country with Poor people. But the reverse seems to be true. Our Central Banks possession of Gold remains at 557.7 tonnes that too raised from 200 Tonnes very recently where as the Federal Reserve is in possession of 8133.5 Tonnes. But the People of India owned more than 18000 Tonnes (2011 estimate). We are given the impression and Warrier makes us perceive too that the Government should wean the private house hold and religious places of worship in possession of massive nearly 25000 tons of gold (2019/20 estimate), the ideal asset and always goading that it should be made productive When that really happened why there be a thinking to print more currency to save the economy ravaged by the Pandemic. But such recommendations he concedes proved an exercise in futility from some of lukewarm response to some of the half hearted initiatives of the Government. He himself must have a secret fancy for Gold, or else when he brings an exclusive Golden Edition it gives way to Gold easily axing the usual sustenance of the Collage, Spirituality, Mythology and Faith. Those who bat for and wish to go for for prospecting for buried gold at the secret Chambers of both household and the secret vaults of religious places of worship will rather be in shock to find people crowding the Jewelry shops on a routine basis during marriage season, and more so make it appear as if that it is a part of freebie culture, on the so called auspicious occasion like Akshayathirithya day. Be it the family of dirt poor or the filthy rich, no marriage is brokered to satisfaction when the bride is short of weighed in Gold. The Anti Dowry Laws are invoked for all wrong reasons. As if encouraging people to own Gold these days Gold for Mangalasutra is gifted free by the Governments. The Richest Temple in India Tirupati Balaji Temple that has, besides the gold plated Vimanam, and the huge collection of personal Jewelry of the Presiding Deity and his consorts have more than 2000 Kilograms of Gold held in the Vaults of a couple of Banks. But of late Shri Anandapadmanabha, though not reported in the Forbes, has pushed the Lord of Seven Hills to the second position what with the secret Chambers are reported to have Gold, you name anything in Gold, Crowns, Thrones, Statutes and any artifact is in the Vault with a modest estimated value of a million crores and still when some are remain to be assessed. One thing is for certain that any attempt to forceful divestment of Gold either from the Citizen or His Maker would do it to their own peril. Leave alone the recent gold smuggling sensational case that rocked the Government Gold has a special connection to Kerala. Out of the unrelenting import of Gold in the order of 1100 tonnes, Indian people seem to be an unsatisfied Customer and about 200 Tonnes are arriving on the shores by smuggling. Out of this 200 tonnes, 70 to 80 Tonnes somehow find their way to Kerala. After all their second home is the Gulf. Bombay has its Zaveri Bazar and Jaipur has its Johri Bazar to cater to the Gold crazy people. Has anyone heard of a Gold Village and one kilometer stretch of Gold Street to address the ever needed supply of Gold. The Gold Street has more than 100 Jewelry shops that one might be considered over-zealous for this small Village hardly a stone throw away from Kozhikode. Koduvally, is a very small town, if one may call it a town, but is the home to one of India's densest Jewelry hubs and is the largest market for Gold in India. S Nallasivan


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