Warrier's COLLAGE July 24, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Saturday July 24, 2021 1) Saturn Mantra https://agasthiar.org/a/saturn.htm 2) Only for those who are Superstitious. Others better skip... https://www.astroisha.com/featured/67-shani-and-superstition Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier Saturday Magic https://youtu.be/sa7RgM6HuNE (With Mac King : Uploaded 11 years ago) A Select Responses 1) Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai I "Thrilled to hear the experience of Dr T V Surendran. Saving at the last time or failure at the initial stages itself - both make the Medico strong and determined. Of all the professionals doctors deal with human beings and their emotions and their understanding weighs a lot". (Dr Surendran shared a Child Psychiatrist's advice : After going through the case history, this is like a copycat behaviour. Child must have seen it on TV. Very often teenagers imitate what they see in TV or what they read when they are choosing a method to commit suicide. It is very rare for small children to contemplate suicide or big brother to try killing little brother by hanging him. I feel this is a copycat behaviour like children trying out stunts after seeing it in pictures. Since it sometimes ends up in horrible tragedy, parents need counselling regarding parental guidance watching TV. Although there is very little chance of any other pathology, I will still advise assessment of both children by a Child Psychiatrist. In my opinion there is no need to give other dimensions. It will traumatise the children. If there is any need for further follow up, which is very unlikely, it can be considered after assessment by the Child Psychiatrist.) II Today's(July 23) Collage had something about Angry Birds. Let us talk about Angry Man கொக்கென்று நினைத்தாயோ கொங்கணவா '. ( kokku enru ninaiththaayo konkanavaa?) A story in Mahabharatha Equal to thousands of Gita lines ...... The known story, though, is a little unknown fact. A sage named Kawsikan is doing atrocities in the forest. He woke up after a long penance. (Continued at H1) 2) R Jayakumar Mumbai Life extended after a break... The experience explained by Dr Surendran about his kid patient playing the act of hanging on a noose with his elder brother is a serious matter for parents to note. My two and a half year old granddaughter received as a gift a plastic bag containing garlands of different lengths made of elastic strings. Each garland has blocks and rounds of different colours woven on the elastic and looks very attractive. If the child puts around her neck one garland at a time the same can be pulled out by her easily. But oneday my granddaughter wore all three garlands around her neck and did not know how to remove them individually. She pulled at randam and the elastic strings tightened her neck. When she cried I simply cut the strings with a scissor and removed all three garland. Sometimes the toys our children get look like for educative purpose, but they can be dangerous. R Jayakumar B Current Affairs 1) Reserve Bank of India : Digital Currency Central Bank Digital Currency – Is This the Future of Money* (Keynote address delivered by Shri T Rabi Sankar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India - July 22, 2021 - at the webinar organised by the Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy, New Delhi) https://m.rbi.org.in/Scripts/BS_SpeechesView.aspx?Id=1111 Rabi Sankar's view on Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) : Introduction of CBDC has the potential to provide significant benefits, such as reduced dependency on cash, higher seigniorage due to lower transaction costs, reduced settlement risk. Introduction of CBDC would possibly lead to a more robust, efficient, trusted, regulated and legal tender-based payments option. There are associated risks, no doubt, but they need to be carefully evaluated against the potential benefits. It would be RBI’s endeavour, as we move forward in the direction of India’s CBDC, to take the necessary steps which would reiterate the leadership position of India in payment systems. CBDCs is likely to be in the arsenal of every central bank going forward. Setting this up will require careful calibration and a nuanced approach in implementation. Drawing board considerations and stakeholder consultations are important. Technological challenges have their importance as well. As is said, every idea will have to wait for its time. Perhaps the time for CBDCs is nigh. *RBI Website (A reader wanted definition of CBDC. Couldn't access any brief description quickly. For broad idea : "Also called digital fiat currencies or digital base money, CBDC will act as a digital representation of a country's fiat currency, and will be backed by a suitable amount of monetary reserves like gold or foreign currency reserves. Each CBDC unit will act as a secure digital instrument equivalent to a paper bill and can be used as a mode of payment, a store of value, and an official unit of account. Like a paper-based currency note that carries a unique serial number, each CBDC unit will also be distinguishable to prevent imitation. Since it will be a part of the money supply controlled by the central bank, it will work alongside other forms of regulated money, like coins, bills, notes, and bonds.") 2) BRICS Chair 2021* With India assuming the BRICS Chair in 2021, the Reserve Bank of India conducted three meetings in June 2021. In the BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) Bulletin meeting held on June 11, 2021, the Group deliberated on the structure of the BRICS bulletin for 2021, and also worked towards a consensus to make the bulletin on the theme, "Navigating the Ongoing Pandemic: The BRICS Experience of Resilience and Recovery". In the BRICS Bond Fund (BBF) Working Group Meeting held on June 21, 2021, the Group took a note of the progress made so far under the BBF and highlighted the importance of reaching a working agreement on the Framework. During the meeting, the members were apprised of the recent (June 2, 2021) meeting between the Reserve Bank and Bank for International Settlement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) with regards to the reserve status for the BBF. In the BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) SEMI meeting on June 18, 2021 based on the theme‘BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) System of Exchange of Macroeconomic Information (SEMI) Meeting’, the Group members made presentations on the macro-economic and financial developments in the respective countries. *Source : RBI C Collage in Classroom I Leadership Lessons we inherited https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/toi-edit-page/leadership-lessons-from-indian-philosophy/ As the old saying goes: “I used to be religious but then I grew out of it”. I discovered myself as a cultural Hindu, a philosophical deist, who found Greek Stoicism, Protestant values, and portions of Zen, Jewish and Islamic wisdom intellectually and emotionally appealing. Below are some learnings from Hindu philosophy and their salience in the modern world. God is optional A survey of ancient Indian texts, well captured in Nobel laureate Amartya Sen’s The Argumentative Indian, shows that in 2nd century BC – Hinduisms golden period – atheism and deism were common. Atheism rejected God. Deism rejected organised religion as the link between man and God. Hinduism offers optionality. A child believes that his father can solve everything. The same child, as a teenager, thinks his father can solve absolutely nothing. By the time he becomes an adult, he forms a balanced view and the conviction that his father can guide on many issues. The story of man’s relationship with God is similar. When one can have a divine parent looking out for you, why be an orphan? (I found this article interesting-Warrier) II Procrastination https://jamesclear.com/procrastination Procrastination is a challenge we have all faced at one point or another. For as long as humans have been around, we have been struggling with delaying, avoiding, and procrastinating on issues that matter to us. During our more productive moments, when we temporarily figure out how to stop procrastinating, we feel satisfied and accomplished. Today, we're going to talk about how to make those rare moments of productivity more routine. The purpose of this guide is to break down the science behind why we procrastinate, share proven frameworks you can use to beat procrastination, and cover useful strategies that will make it easier to take action. D Book Review : Five Philosophy Books https://fivebooks.com/best-books/best-philosophy-books-2018/#book-37850 Please open the link only after reading the following 68 words. If you feel "Not for me", procrastinate. No risks involved-Warrier "Philosophy is one of the most interesting subjects you can study, particularly when it can be applied to your own life in some way. I’m not someone who believes that by reading philosophy you’ll automatically become a better person, or that your life will suddenly start going well. It might get worse. But perhaps more than any other academic subject, philosophy has direct connections with life." (I have seen two of these 5 books. Own one of them. Together they may weigh a few pounds-Warrier) E Procrastination https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/rtwritingroom/procrastination-an-unavoidable-element-of-modern-life-35435/ Posted online comments : "interesting thoughts. perhaps, in evolving scenario there is a case for training people in different age groups and situations to selectively prócrastinate. it may be different from realigning priorities.'" F Readers' Contribution 1) V R Chittanandam Cheñnai This was received by email from M BAthreya, Management Guru and a Padmabhushan awardee. Why Army chief General M.M. Naravane visited Italy The Army chief’s visit underlines a growing convergence of interests between India and Italy The voice that rang out on the hillside in the Italian countryside caused the small group of Allied soldiers to stop dead in their tracks. (Continued at H1) 2) Leisure First & Last Shows* Winston Churchill was once invited by one of his friends for the first show of the circus. The invitation was sarcastic. His friend invited Winston Churchill for the first show of the circus along with his friend, if any. Sensing the sarcasm in the invitation, he replied the invitation: "I am thankful to you for your invitation for the first show of the circus. Due to preoccupation and prior commitment, I regret my inability to attend the first show. Please let me know whether I can attend the second show, if any." *Received from VNKelkar G Quotes about Procrastination https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/procrastination-quotes Like : "There's nothing wrong with procrastination. Or is there? I'll leave it to you to decide, but only if you have the time." Craig Brown (Craig Edward Moncrieff Brown is an English critic and satirist, best known for his parodies in Private Eye.) H 1) Continued from A1 Then the crane in the tree hit him on the head. He looked at the bird angrily. The crane was burnt to ashes. Wow! He was proud with the feeling of triumph. He felt the fire of hunger in his stomach. Asked a girl for a pitch. She said, "Sit on the bench, Swami! I am bringing food." She hurried inside and had to do her homework as her husband had arrived unexpectedly. Lovingly doing what he needed to do, she remembered Rishi waiting hungry on the porch and ran to the door with food. Kaushikan was furious. He looked at the woman angrily, thinking that his tapomahima would show strength. She smiled indifferently and said "What, Preacher! What crane do you think of me?-to burn in your anger? ' Kaushikan shuddered and shrugged. She added : "I am a housewife. My God is my husband. Only after completing the duties, can I engage in anything else. You may be a great ascetic." The woman's answer is that the woman who is on duty at home also gets the Siddhi that the penitent in the forest gets. She added, "You are the one who has learned the Dharma of penance by studying the Vedas, but you do not know what Dharma is. Please go and meet Dharma Vyaadaa in Mythila. Another shock awaited Kaushik when he arrived in Mithila and searched for Dharma Vyadar. The reason is that Dharma Vyadan is a butcher. Meat merchant. He was further shocked when Kaushik hid his disgust and stood in front of him and asked, "Sage, did that lady send you?" "Wait a minute ... I'm selling the rest of the meat,'' he said, making Kaushik sit up. Then when he got home, he did all the work for his mother and father and came home from work and started talking to Kaushik so that they would be happy. "Sage, You were disgusted to see my profession. This is the job that came along the way. I don't kill lives. I sell the animals that have been killed by others as an offering to Easwara. I fast at home and practice moderate celibacy. I will not harm anyone with my mind. I do not harm anyone who harms me. I will ask God daily for forgiveness for all the sins I have committed knowingly or unknowingly," Dharma explained. After all, "Behold, my mother and father are God, whom I have seen. These are my scriptures. My sacrifice. Although they are bothering me due to old age, I still feed and cater to them. These guys have brought me up for many years. But, you left your parents to languish and went to penance. Your parents are stumbling blind and suffering. Go and do your duty so that they do not suffer further, '' Kaushikan bent down with shameand remorse. Anger may be due to ignorance, innocence ordomineering. There is not a tailor made programme to control anger. It depends on individual to individual, problem to problem and has to change on various occasions. In a group, different ego states dominate and the result is shouting and anger. If one can control 'ego', the result would be crossed. In Yoga therapy, the Gurus teach the students some exercises to neutralize anger. They are asked to hold on and then to see the cause for anger. But these are post mortem exercises only. The best way is to prevent being angry. A Hindu saint who was visiting river Ganges to take bath found a group of family members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other. He turned to his disciples, smiled and asked. 'Why do people shout in anger, shout at each other?' Disciples thought for a while, one of them said, 'Because we lose our calm, we shout.' 'But, why should you shout when the other person is just next to you? You can as well tell him what you have to say in a soft manner.' asked the saint. No one gave a satisfactory answer. The reality is :- When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other to cover that great distance. What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, Because their hearts are very close. They need not speak, they need not whisper-a mere glance can communicate. So when we argue we should not let our hearts get distant, and not say words that distance each other more, Or else there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the path to return. The enmity will be eternal. Vathsala Jayaraman 2) Continued from F1... It was 1943, and the soldiers were POWs (prisoners of war) who had escaped German captivity. The voice, fortunately, belonged to a friendly resident of the town of Luco Ne Marsi. He was one among several locals from the central-eastern Italian town who wanted to help the escapees. Two locals who sheltered the POWs at great risk to their lives were Guiseppe Ivale and his wife Maria Iuvale. They plied the POWs with food and sheltered them in small huts dotting the vineyards on the mountains. Among the POWs was a young officer, Captain A.S. Naravane of the Indian Army’s 2nd field artillery regiment. Naravane, who retired as Major General from the Indian Army in the 1970s, recounted this adventure in his 2004 autobiography 'A Soldier’s Life in War and Peace'. He had been captured in the bloody battle of Bir Hachiem in North Africa and transported to a POW camp in Italy. On July 8, 78 years later, Major General Naravane’s nephew, Indian Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane, made a trip of his own to Italy, visiting the historic town of Cassino, 80 km south of Luco Ne Marsi. Cassino was scene of some of the bloodiest battles of the Italian campaign in 1943. General Naravane and his wife Veena Naravane met with Filomena Fatato, the grand-daughter of the Iuvales. Fatato told the Naravanes of how her grandfather often and very fondly spoke of the Indian POWs and the bond and friendship they had. The Army Chief was on the second leg of a four-day two-nation tour of the UK and Italy to further defence and strategic ties with the two countries. In Rome, he met with Italy’s Chief of Army Staff and Chief of Defence Staff before driving down to Cassino. Over 50,000 Indian soldiers fought in the Italian campaign that started with the Allied landings in Salerno in September 1943 and ended in April 1945 with the surrender of German forces in the peninsula. General Naravane’s tour of the UK and Italy comes at a time when India is increasingly looking westwards to forge new partnerships to balance a belligerent China. India is now an active member of the Quadrilateral of democracies or the Quad—the US, Japan and Australia. General Naravane’s delegation was received by Enzo Salera, the mayor of Cassino, Barbara Di Rollo, president of the council and Generale Fambrini of the Italian Army. The Rector of the University of Cassino, Giovanni Betta, and students Dongre Yashasvi and Urmil Bambharoliya represented 235 Indian students studying at the university. The General presented mementos to the mayor, members of the city council and to local historian Pino Valente, who was instrumental in bringing up the monument, and to an Indian researcher living in Italy. General Naravane also inaugurated a memorial dedicated to the soldiers of the Indian Army who fought in the battle of Cassino and placed a wreath at the Commonwealth War Graves cemetery. He thanked the city council for renaming a road in the town ‘Roorkee Road’, after a vital lifeline for the Allied war effort built under heavy enemy artillery fire. The road was named after the Indian city in Uttarakhand, the headquarters of the Bengal Engineers Group. Incidentally, National Security Adviser Ajit Doval’s World War 2 veteran father Major Gunanand Doval was a Bengal sapper—another small but not so insignificant detail in the bilateral relationship. **********************


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