Warrier's Collage February 2, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Wednesay, February 2, 2022 1) K Jayakumar, IAS on Saibaba https://youtu.be/u-x7HoOZk2U 2) Tirupati https://youtu.be/EDswla8VzlQ Good Morning Happy Married Life and Best Wishes to Sankaran Namboodiri and Chandni whose wedding was held last week at Kannamkulam Illam, Payyanur. Sankar is my father's eldest brother's great grandson now working in Thiruvananthapuram. Nice Day Next issue of Collage, hopefully, will be issued on Sunday February 6, 2022. M G Warrier Budget FY23 📌 Key Highlights* : 📍 GDP growth for FY 22 expected to be 9.2%, the highest for any large economy. 📍 PLI (Production Linked Incentive scheme) in 14 sectors for Aatmanirbhar Bharat to create 6 million jobs , additional allocation of Rs 19,500 crore for PLI in solar PV module manufacturing. 📍Promoting Fintech and digital economy a focus area for this Budget. 📍 75 digital banking systems in 75 districts by scheduled commercial banks. 📍 IBC to be amended to improve efficiency of resolution process including cross border. 📍 Core Banking Services to start in Post offices 📍 PM Gati-Shakti masterplan Has scope to enhance Multimodal communication through 7 engines, 2000 km of rail network to be brought under KAVACH & Highway network to grow by 25,000 km in FY23. 📍Contracts for implementation of multimodal logistics parks at 4 locations to be awarded in 2022-23, in PPP Mode 📍 ECLGS (Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme) to be extended upto March 2023, guaranteed cover extended by another Rs 50,000 crore 📍 8 million new dwelling in rural, urban areas to be completed under PM Awas yojana 📍 Rs 2.37 trillion worth of MSP direct payments to wheat and paddy farmers. 📍 Rs 2 trillion outlay for MSMEs, Additional loans for 13 mn MSMEs. 📍 Rs 48,000 crore allocated to housing projects under PM Housing Scheme for FY23, Rs 1,500 crore allocated for development of the Northeast in FY23 & Desh stack e-portal to be launched to promote Digital infra 📍 New provision to file updated return within 2 years of relevant assessment year. 📍 Alternate minimum tax for cooperative societies down from 18.5% to 15% 📍 Tax deduction limit for state govt employees to NPS raised from 10% to 14% 📍 Surcharge on Corporate tax pruned from 12% to 7% Surcharge on transfer of long-term capital gains tax capped at 15% 📍 Tax exemption to start-ups extended to March 2023. 📍 Gross GST collection for January 2022 at a record Rs 1.41 trillion 📍 No change in income tax slab. 📍 Electric Vehicles battery-swapping policy to be brought out with interoperability standards. 📍Concessional duty on import of capital goods to be phased out. 📍 Duty on unpolished diamonds to be reduced to 5% 📍Customs duty on steel scrap extended by a year 📍RBI led digital rupee using blockchain to be launched in FY23, 1% TDS on transfer of virtual digital assets & income to be taxed at 30% 📍 68% of capital outlay for Domestic defence industry. 📍Revised Fiscal Deficit 6.9% of GDP in FY22 as against 6.8% in Budget estimates, Fiscal deficit at 6.4% in FY23 📍 Total expenditure in FY23 estimated at Rs 39.45 trillion ; total resources mobilisation to be Rs 22.84 trillion other than borrowing. *Received from Kiran Warrier Navi Mumbai A Messages 1) R Chandrasekharan This is about Neil Armstrong, the U S astronaut who walked on moon and who reportedly said "Good luck, Mr Gorsky" - post from Sri Shivram Shetty. This anecdotes is not real. It is only from a comedy show which gained popularity and people started to believe it as true. Chandru (No further proof needed. Please note the joke was included under F Leisure : Bonus in Collage 🙏-Warrier) 2) A P Ramadurai Cheñnai https://twitter.com/WIONews/status/1487432846511775744?t=K__4-jQ4Uia9wRoouDT_7A&s=08 3) R Jayakumar Mumbai Spirituality/Faith Sri Panchapagesan Sir has written that if we have good and positive thoughts we are our friends and when we are thinking negative thoughts we turn out to be our own enemies. True, that having a positive mindset is full of encouragement and a negative mindset is always discouraging. Most of the preachers also centre around their talks on the above lines.. But I am unable to digest this theory that a person who is positive in mind will be happy in life. When the future is so unpredictable how can anyone be happy just by being positive in mind. We expect one thing and what happens is something different. Being positive in mind is only a kind of feeling and not an action based on what actually happens. Only persons believing in the saying ' Ignorance is bliss ' can truly be positive all the time. But the one who is aware of the facts will hesitate and be cautious. His attitude towards Life will be one of practical thinking, knowing that life is full of uncertainties. Such a person is capable of accepting success and failure with equal preparedness. Looking critically at what is happening and what is not happening can help suppress feelings of dejection and keep the reality in the forefront. Being positive in life doesn't bring success but being practical will. So ideally one should be happy when things are good and sad when things are bad. All scriptures also speak more of sufferings in life and recommend to leave everything in the hand of God for peace. Because he is our Hope and Comfort. Requesting Panchapagesan Sir to throw more light on practical thinking and it's merits in life.. R Jayakumar (There seems to be no contradiction. Philosophy helps to prepare the mind to adjust to different circumstances. No teacher can prepare text book solutions for personal problems. 🙏-Warrier) B Current Affairs Economic Survey : 1) History https://www.financialexpress.com/what-is/economic-survey-meaning/1623911/ 2) Economic Survey 2022 : https://www.indiabudget.gov.in/economicsurvey/ Highlights : https://indianexpress.com/article/business/budget/economic-survey-2021-22-live-updates-gdp-growth-finance-minister-fm-nirmala-sitharaman-chief-economic-advisor-cea-v-anantha-nageswaran-7749258/ India will retain its tag of "fastest growing major economy" as the pre-Budget Economic Survey forecast an 8-8.5 per cent GDP growth in the fiscal year starting in April, saying it has the fiscal space to do more to support the economy. According to a PTI report, India is poised to wrest the title world-beating economy tag this fiscal with a projected growth of 9.2 per cent, and the widespread vaccine coverage, supply-side reforms and easing of regulations are going to support it in the next. C Budget FY2023 Highlights : https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/union-budget-2022-explained-nirmala-sitharaman-live-updates-7750628/ D Blogs & Links 1) How I deal with anxiety https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/abhivision/how-i-deal-with-anxiety-40998/ Posted online comments : "' i loved the approach summed in the concluding observations : \"at some point, you realize itâ s just a feeling. itâ s powerless once you stop feeding it. fear canâ t do anything but scare you. ask yourself: do you really want a silly feeling to hold you back from experiencing life to the fullest?\" true. it\'s also true that one cannot evade or sleep over anxiety and fear. like any other problem which needs solution, as rightly said in the article, anxiety and fear need to be \"handled\" deftly. thanks for opening a debate on the issue.'" 2) Born with a Horoscope : M G Warrier https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/born-with-a-horoscope-22215/ The above Blog Post (of Mid 2020) is currently at the top among the most read articles for some embarrassing reasons. I'm happy about the interest shown by my readers. Story telling is more about conveying right messages. Quotes and examples are incidental. The untold story of Make-up Industry : https://theprint.in/in-pictures/a-peek-into-jharkhands-mica-mines-where-child-labour-illegal-mining-are-no-secret/608052/ E Readers Contribution Work is Worship : T V M Warrier Nashik Work is worship . There is a general saying that work is worship. All work is worship or any category of work only become worship? Always every one is engaged in some kind of work. Meditation and silent prayer are also work. They are not included in this narrative though they too are worship. Work is a physical action in which mind is a partner and the action is result orientated. Without the application of the mind a job becomes idle and is not a work at all. Work is a worship in the following conditions. When mind and body are synchronized and focussed on an activity it's worship. It should be done purely out of love of that job, any gratification if it entails must be accepted as a gift after the completion of the job. In fact gratification mustn't be expected. This is possible when the person involved is self motivated in the state of mind the job in hand is God and when completed must experience benediction that follows any sincere prayer.If a worker works to eke out a living is a worshiper in the above situation. Incentive is a killer of motivation. It attracts quick material benefits from the job giver.It fetters the freedom of the worker and his action is to satisfy the owner. Here the motivation is crucified. Bargaining the work in exchange of material benefits are immoral. Such actions create a sense of competition and ensueing jealousy. When individuals involved in a teamwork the final product envisaged is naturally split into several small activities and to be shared by the individuals.In such a case a worker will have the activity limited though it cannot be constrained by a rigid line. There will be a no man's space between that imaginary line which no worker will be happy to take up unless he's a motivated worker. This viciates the atmosphere. A self motivated man never prefers to work under some one's command even for a very attractive remuneration. He wanted to do himself according to his satisfaction and judgement. He wants to do a perfect job without thinking that the realm of perfection is beyond the reach. He has to satisfy himself that job intended is complete. An artist well-known as perfect by the people had an occasion to review his own job completed earlier might be inclined to make some changes now indicates that perfection is not a stable destination. In other words perfection is subjective. N C Parkinson rightly stated that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. A self motivated man must have been in his mind. Here the time for completion is in the hands of the worker/artist. Media Response Partial monetization of domestic gold stock This refers to the report "Huge debt coming up for redemption in FY23" (The Hindu Business Line, January 30). Though redemption burden is reaching alarming levels, there's some comfort in the rising cash balance reducing the need to increase net borrowings. At this point of time resources management has to be viewed seriously. Beyond conventional tools, monetization of of so far neglected catchment areas like real estate and domestic gold stock as also tax avenues like wealth tax and agricultural income tax need to be tapped. Partial monetization of hitherto unaccounted domestic gold stock could be budgeted for FY23. Supportive measures may include regulatory and infrastructure support for : 1) Accounting gold stock 2) Infrastructure for standardization of old gold stock including that with institutions 3) Increasing gold stock with institutions and banks 4) One time waiver of legal hurdles in bringing transparency 4) Incetivize investment in gold-backed financial instruments M G Warrier Thiruvananthapuram F Faith/Spirituality 1) You will love to read this... Prabha Ramadurai.. Every day early morning a little girl would come to the temple and stand before the idol,close her eyes and with folded hands, murmur something for a couple of minutes. Then open her eyes, bow down, smile and go out running. This was a daily affair. The temple Poojari was observing her and was curious about what she was doing. He thought,she is too small to know the deeper meanings of religion,she would hardly know any prayers. But then what was she doing every morning in the temple? Fifteen days passed and Poojari now couldn’t resist but to find out more about her behaviour. One morning, Poojari reached there before the girl and was waiting for her to complete her ritual. He placed his hand on her head and said, “ My child, I have seen since the last fifteen days that you come here regularly. What do you do?" “ I pray,” She said spontaneously. “ Do you know any prayers?” asked Poojari with some suspicion in his voice. “No” replied the girl. "Then what are you doing closing your eyes, every day?” he smiled. Very innocently the girl said : “ I do not know any prayer, but I know "a,b,c,d…. up to z." I recite it five times' and tell God that, I don’t know your prayer, but it cannot be outside of these alphabets." Please arrange the alphabets as you wish and that is my prayer.” And she ran, jumping on her way out. The Poojari stood there dumbstruck, staring at her for a long time as she disappeared running in the wilderness. This is THE UNCONDITIONAL belief in God that we pray. 2) Dr Charan Singh charan singh (@CharanSingh60) Tweeted: Unity in Diversity - 149 अउतरिआ अउतारु लै सो पुरखु सुजाणु झखड़ि वाउ न डोलई परबतु मेराणु जाणै बिरथा जीअ की जाणी हू जाणु सत्ता, ९६८ Guru, you are - * incarnation of God * rock-solid like mountain Sumer And you know how helpless we are Satta, Ramkali, 968, SGGS https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1488236810505682944?s=20&t=jjsJL3G9uKWHvAw2v5BLYQ 3) A Poem from Madras Courier* https://madrascourier.com/art-and-poetry/going-through-the-motions/ *Link Courtesy : M G Warrier G Leisure SMILE* GENERALLY SPEAKING 1) When the Second World War was over, a British General was asked if he was to be credited for the victory. The General replied “I don't know-But if we had lost, I would certainly have got all the blame” 2) The student had very little time for the last question. He began “Ladies are, generally speaking" when his time was up. He was given full marks for the question, less one for the comma after “are” 3) The Census official is puzzled Asks-“Mrs.J, your husband is dead for 5 years but you have a 3 year old child.” “O.K. But I am alive” 4)” I never speak to my inferiors” “So, where do you find them?” 5)” I had a sound sleep” “Yes, I could hear you” 6) If you lisp you can’t pronounce ‘Lisp’ or call a spade a spade *Received from A P Ramadurai Cheñnai H Collage Essay Parenting : Vathsala Jayaraman Recently I happened to listen to Shri Suki Sivam in TV. The subject was "Is a mother adorable? Does she deserve so much of praise as revealed on talks during Mothers' Day? His argument was : No doubt mothers are respectful. But in bringing up children she does only her duty. Even all the animals feed their babies and take care of the younger ones. What is special about human mothers who are endowed with reasoning? Does she deserve so much of commendations? Does she deserve to be elevated as an angel just for doing her allotted duty? (Especially when most of the mothers cling to their authoritarian rule "Do what I say".) The Beauty of attachment is the Detachment. Learn to love and learn to let go. I don't agree with Suki Sivan in many aspects. The present day mothers are already aware of the logical and reasonable methods of child up bringing and I think they may not be rather should not be possessive to a large extent. In these days , amidst so many communication modes and diversions, parents face many challenges. No single style parenting will suit all children and the mother cannot adopt the same style to both her children. They have to integrate it to the needs of each individual child. There is no common tailor ade method of bringing up. The word 'aalumai' in Tamil may be authoritarian or authoritative. Both have authority of the parent. The authoritarian style which mothers are blamed of consists of a closed system,just obey what the parents say. There is no discussion, no alternatives or no negotiation. Mutual trust is lost. Children are likely to obey for some time but may turn repulsive later. An authoritative parenting style responds to the emotional needs of children while setting limits and boundaries. Children feel a sense of empowerment when there is balance between choice and responsibility. Authoritative parents expect their children to meet high standards while also being willing to reason and be flexible with children when they make mistakes. As a result, children have the opportunity to learn how to negotiate, become self-reliant, achieve academic success, develop self-discipline, be socially accepted, and have increased self-esteem. Perhaps this is what Suki sivam means by positive aalumai and negative AAlumai. However the present behaviour of modern children cannot be attributed to mother's and their authoritarian attitude alone. In this world of developing communications,the 'peer pressure' has the supreme role to play and it has spread its demonish wings in all 360 degrees. There is a stage in which any amount of even authoritative parenting may be of no help. Children feel what they think is 100% correct. Child psychology has undergone unimaginable changes and some strange behaviour of high ranking children of much understanding parents on certain occasions causes much concern. It is easy for Suki Sivam or anyone to give appealing lectures on platform,decry the role of mother as a phenomenon of animal instinct and it is extremely difficult to be a mother these days with bundles of challenges ahead. It is all the more difficult to handle problem children even by psychologists/psychiatrists "It is ultimately for the mother to choose which style of parenting suits her child best. Vathsala Jayaraman


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