Warrier's Collage on Infantry Day 2024

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Infantry Day, 2024 Good Morning October 27 is observed in India as Infantry Day : https://www.tnpscthervupettagam.com/currentaffairs-detail/infantry-day-%E2%80%93-october-27?cat=important-days#:~:text=It%20was%20first%20infantry%20action,and%20dedicated%20service%20to%20nation Today's Collage remembers the sacrifice by jawans. Nice Day M G Warrier A Collage friends* All in 20 minutes After a long interval, last Wednesday (October 23, 2024) I thought of spending some morning time in the garden area. Our residential complex has a large garden area where children play, elders walk and all others can meet, play, do exercise or simply sit together and chat anytime of the day. While entering the garden area, I met an old time friend Ranade who stays on a different floor in our 20 storey building. When he was working, I used to meet him in the lobby or the lift occasionally. After he retired, occasions we meet are few and far between. He was returning after a walk and just to say something he said : "It's getting hot. Oldies like us should remain inside the house during daytime" I said : "You can't say that to me. You're 20 years younger" He ascertained my age and confirmed he was of course 15 years younger. Wishing a nice day to Ranade, I proceeded to meet Iyer and Capoor. Both are in their 80's, but had different personality traits. About that later. Iyer had just returned from his native place in far south and Capoor doesn't travel much. Iyer's daughter works for a media group. Mrs and Mr Iyer had spent some time with their elder daughter in Chennai and were with Iyer's 97 years old MiL for about two months. Iyer was talking about High Court lawyer Menon whom he accidentally met the previous evening. Menon, in addition to his fairly busy work as an advocate, goes for lectures in law colleges and for motivation talks for the benefit of groups doing social work. Capoor enjoys participating in the equity market more for timepass. Restricted mobility owing to age-related issues is the only constraint for him. Iyer is a spiritual seeker, motivator and a ready-to-help-tell-me-what-I can do for you -person, all in one, age 84! He practices "Vipasana" (a branch of meditation). By spending 20 minutes with such people you get recharged for the rest of the day. I returned home. *Names changed to protect identity B Affirmations during tough times https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/soul-search/5-sanskrit-phrases-that-work-as-excellent-affirmations-during-tough-times/photostory/114414141.cms C H G Wells The son of a professional cricketer and a lady's maid, H. G. Wells (1866-1946) served apprenticeships as a draper and a chemist's assistant before winning a scholarship to the prestigious Normal School of Science in London. While he is best remembered for his groundbreaking science fiction novels, including The Time Machine, The War of the Worlds, The Invisible Man, and The Island of Doctor Moreau, Wells also wrote extensively on politics and social matters and was one of the foremost public intellectuals of his day. D Some numbers are special Today is October 27 I have observed that number 27 is considered auspicious. There are 27 Stars in the Panchangam. Shankaracharya chose 27th Stanza to convey more important messages in his works like Soundaryalahari : https://youtu.be/oNSA7dgirrQ?si=AsD-OY7ziOKsHlIQ Another example : Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 9, Stanza 27 : yat karoshi yad ashnasi yaj juhoshi dadasi yat yat tapasyasi kaunteya tat kurushva mad-arpanam Translation BG 9.27: Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer as oblation to the sacred fire, whatever you bestow as a gift, and whatever austerities you perform, O son of Kunti, do them as an offering to Me.


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