SBI plays down reports of Bharatiya Mahila Bank merger | Business Standard News

SBI plays down reports of Bharatiya Mahila Bank merger | Business Standard News


 While one appreciates the SBI chief’s reluctance to discuss the issue at this stage in public, the need for a serious look at the ‘utility’ and viability aspects of BMB brought into being without much ground-work in 2013, after one and half years cannot be under-played. Banks depend on trust and public funds and introducing new institutions which are dependent on continuous umbilical support from government for survival and restrictions different from those applicable for banks as a class, can affect the morale of existing banks.
Though it may seem unpalatable for political leadership, the organisation responsible for regulating and supervising banks, namely Reserve Bank of India should be given its due role in deciding the structure and role of institutions which will become banks. An institution with Rs1000 crore capital and loan book of Rs200 crore, twenty months after opening shop is a luxury India can ill-afford at this stage of development. Merger of BMB with any public sector bank is a wise option.
M G Warrier, Mumbai


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