Religious discourse: From darkness to light

Religious discourse: From darkness to light: Kalidasa describes Raghu’s ascetic life as a journey that led him from the darkness of ignorance to the light of Infinite Reality. This is the state of realisation that the Upanishads describe as Brahman...

The Hindu, June 6, 2016

Kalidasa describes Raghu’s ascetic life as a journey that led him from the darkness of ignorance to the light of Infinite Reality. This is the state of realisation that the Upanishads describe as Brahma Jnana and Atma Jnana, pointed out Sri N. Veezhinathan in a lecture.
In the Chandogya Upanishad, the well-versed Narada seeks the realised sage Sanatkumara’s guidance to gain that higher truth which can give release from sorrow. The sage elicits from Narada the extent of his knowledge. Narada says that he has studied all branches of learning — art, science, music, philosophy and even the sacred scriptures. Yet he feels an emptiness as his inner being longs for peace and freedom from sorrow. Sanatkumara then explains that only reflection and meditation on the Brahman can help one transcend sorrow and that all other kinds of empirical knowledge are limited in nature. Reflecting on the power of one’s own mind, speech, will, ability to discriminate and concentrate on the beyond is the best method to be adopted. Still it is only through insight and intuition that one realises Brahman as the very principle of life. He then has to continue to meditate on Brahman as power, food, water, fire and ether, and, as memory and hope.
An aspirant for this jnana begins with faith and reverence in the scriptures and in the Guru. He practices the yoga of self control which helps to purify the senses and the heart. He discerns that the association of the body and the self is not the real phenomenon and sees his self as inseparable from the infinite reality. Then the constant thought of the self is predominant and all bonds are severed and one gains freedom. Viveka, discrimination, and Vairagya, detachment, are the essential qualities of mind in the path to realisation.


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