Warrier's Blog @ 4444🎂🎂🎂🎂
You have been supporting and encouraging this Blog, for about a decade now. Time to share my happiness in finding the website cross a milestone today.
A big thank you to all of you today when I am posting this 4444th blog post here.
First year when my daughter Reshmy helped me to start the blog, I was not sure whether I would be using this medium to communicate with you all. In fact, for about one year "Thamaso Maa Jyotirgamayah" was the lone post here.
We have come a long way.
Now this is a regular website with an annual fee being paid.
Yesterday there were half a dozen new posts and 352 pageviews.
crossed 2,00,000 cumulative pageviews since inception.
All these would not have been possible without your patronage.
On my part, I have tried to keep this space clean and free from negative thoughts.
Any suggestions for improvement are welcome.
Once again, thank you all.
Found the link
I've included this link in my 4444th post @
as another Blog wordpandit.com
has used one of my letters published in The Hindu Business Line as a "teaching aid"
Enjoy reading
M G Warrier