Nostalgia: The Hindu Weekly Review
Subject: My Madras connection- The Hindu Weekly Review
While in college (1959-63), some Saturdays/Sundays, I used to walk down to the nearby (just 90 minutes by walk) town Vatakara which was Badagara then. The purpose was to pick up a copy of "The Hindu Weekly Review" (HWR) which cost 4 Annas (present 25 paise) and if I was rich enough bought a copy of "My Magazine of India" (a monthly magazine) also. HWR claimed to be for circulation outside India and carried 5 or 6 editorials and a selection of lead articles published in The Hindu daily during the previous week. This relationship with The Hindu was reinforced during the summer of 1963 when my uncle (Krishna Warrier ) gifted me a month's postal subscription for the newspaper (₹3.75, the equivalent of today's ₹150). I've continued to read The Hindu since then. This uncle was in the Indian Army during 1940's and later joined Madras State Electricity Board. When I went for Grade II training to ZTC in 1968 (that was my first visit to Madras), I visited him in his terrace house in Mylapore.
M G Warrier