Happy New Year 2021

Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE 2021 New Year Issue January 1, 2021 Friday Good Morning Collage Wishes A Happy Healthy Active 2021 to All Readers https://youtu.be/Q8JYVWIJ7Xw 🙏 Nice Day M G Warrier M 134 A Dr C Rangarajan* speaks: https://youtu.be/ZpOs1_Kt3qo A must-watch (listen) talk on India's current macroeconomic challenges. *See C below. B Interaction 1) V T Panchapagesan Chennai Good Morning. Get up early.. Open The Heart. Open The Mind. Dedicate them to God for all round happiness. Meditate reflecting with positive thought. Optimize Faith and Hope. Rebuts all evils... Never doubt Others. Inspire with action. Nothing should scare us. Go out with Bright future ahead.. 🙏🙏🙏 Be Well, V. T. Panchapagesan 2) Dr Prabha Ramadurai Wish our Collage friends a very happy, healthy and purposeful New year and for all the years to come. Prabha Ramadurai 3) R Jayakumar One Thing I Would Have Done Differently in 2020... To do something differently in 2020, when the year has ended as a pandemic year, it could happen only in one's imagination. But, for me there was something I wanted to do differently in 2020, but couldn't. After retirement, every year, I have been visiting my native village in the month of August as a religious commitment. Mostly the travel involved Mumbai-Thiruvananthapuram and back flights. But, for 2020, I had planned differently to include a day's halt at Hyderabad during the onward journey and a day's halt at Bangalore on return journey. A friend from Hyderabad whom I have not met, expressed a desire to meet me personally. Another friend who left Mumbai after retirement ten years ago, and was out of contact for many years, called me from Bangalore last December and said that he has built a big house in Shivaji Nagar and that I must visit him. My plan for 2020 was to fulfill both these wishes but thanks to the lockdown, I failed to accomplish. Now for 2021 too, it might remain an unfulfilled desire, because the friend from Hyderabad is out of contact and I fear that I may not contact my other friends because of other reasons. R Jayakumar 4) Enter 2021 with a Positive Note, literally!: M G Warrier Article Link: Enter 2021, with a positive note, literally!" https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/enter-2021-with-a-positive-note-literally-28613/ Excerpts: "This is about what is in your hands. Whatever is left in your hands after continuous washing for about one year. Thought, the caption will attract you to open the link. Now read on. This morning, I received a video link, courtesy the other half, which led to a talk by a happy-looking young man from Trissur, in his Trissur accent Malayalam, about living in the present. Gist of the talk is, we have no control over the past (we can't change) and future is totally uncertain. If at all we can do something about, is the present moment. More later. Now, have you been writing a diary? (Ask me, whether I write anything at all? Writing includes keying in also). If you have not been, start writing diary daily from tonight. Write only positive thoughts and experiences in your diary from tonight onwards. If you have been writing diary and your habit has been to record more about negative experiences, here's a tip to take a U-turn on the narrowing road. Rewrite slowly the 2020 diary dropping everything you find negative in it, and add any positive thoughts that come to mind while rewriting 2020. Even if the whole thing adds up to a blank page, nothing to worry, you can make it up from tonight onwards. You will start experiencing the change for the better from now onwards." *** *** Without responding to that, I chose to express my amazement while entering his room. I said: "For one person, you have a big room and so much furniture and other things!" Murthy said: "Warrier, don't go by what you have today. You will also start accumulating things and if leave Thiruvananthapuram one day, you will transport your things in a truck. That we'll discuss later. Now, you tell me about yourself and your parents and others in your native place" That was the beginning of a long family friendship. Murthy was right. During the last 55 years, I accumulated truckloads of things, now lying idle. My present requirements are limited to what I owned the day I met Murthy in his room on the first day, I think December 31, 1964. I've to learn to unburden. The same way I suggested to you to reduce the negative thoughts about 2020 and earlier by welcoming 2021 with an open mind with a positive attitude. Happy New Year." C Dr Chakravarty Rangarajan Chakravarthi Rangarajan' (born 1932) is an Indian economist, a former Member of Parliament and 19th Governor of the Reserve Bank of India. He is the former Chairman of the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council, he resigned the day the UPA lost power. He is also the Chairman of the Madras School of Economics; former President of the Indian Statistical Institute; the Founding Chairman of the CR Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science; former Chancellor of the University of Hyderabad; and a professor in Ahmedabad University. *YouTube link to his June 2020 talk on India's current macroeconomic challenges Included in today's Collage. Excerpts from a report in the October 2020 issue of 2020 issue of WIMWIAN (IIMA Alumni Mag): "Dr Rangarajan was in many ways the same person we knew in 1968-70. He looked the same and brought the same energy, verve and wisdom to his talk as he did to the courses he offered us at IIMA. Also in evidence was the same clarity of thought and expression and the lucidity which brought macroeconomic concepts within our grasp at that time. Dr Rangarajan succeeded, during his one-hour talk, in transporting us back to our classrooms on the campus. The video of the event is available on the IIMA PGP1970 channel on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ ZpOs1_Kt3qo Two of our batchmates sought permission to meet him briefly in advance at his Chennai residence to present him with our letter of felicitation." D Readers' Contribution 1) The Absent-minded Professor By V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram The prestigious Institute for Advanced Study is in Princeton, New Jersey,a State that lies between New York and Philadelphia on the east coast of the US. More than on the Institute ,the world attention, in the 1930s, is on a two-storeyed building of very modest size as it accommodates the world's greatest scientist, Dr.Albert Einstein. The house is close to the Institute campus. It is a beautiful autumn evening of 1935. Mrs Elsa Einstein, the second wife of the scientist, is sitting in a comfortable arm chair in her husband's study on the upper floor, engrossed in stitching a woolen sweater for her sweet heart. Mrs.Elsa Einstein has a tremendous advantage over other professorial spouses in that she never has to bother about choosing the appropriate dress for her husband as the occasion demands. He will not wear socks, wear neck-tie, wear even a decent coat. His long, flowing hair is not his choice but the result of irrelevance. For a man whose thoughts incessantly hover around black holes in distant nebulae and gravitational waves, going for a haircut is, perhaps, utter waste of time. How do the students of Princeton University know this?They, who liked him immensely , would chant in his very presence: "The bright boys, they all study Maths And Albie Einstein points the paths. Although he seldom takes the air We wish to God he'd cut his hair." Mrs Einstein is in an expansive mood. Looking at the girl, who is busy filing away some papers, she says in pretended anger: "Helen, can't you see the contrast between the book shelves and that nasty table whereat you are sitting?Pens, pencils and paper, all lying pell-mell on it. It will take only a couple of minutes to arrange these things. You are getting lazy these days." Helen Dukas, Einstein's able Secretary, looks up and smiles .She says:"Madam, I was exactly doing that this morning. The Professor pounced upon me and roared: "You do whatever you want with the bookshelves, but don't meddle with the table. I know where exactly the things are and I want it that way.'' I had never seen him like that before." Mrs.Einstein laughs. She says: "The old man is like that. Do you know, Helen dear, I have been suffering as the wife of a genius for the last sixteen years -all on account of a stomach pain?" "No, Madam. Whose?" ''His" she replies. "That was severe. I nursed him well. He is a cousin of mine. Then he wanted me to marry him. I was a widow with two girls. He was keeping aloof from his first wife, Mileva. The added attraction he found in me was that I didn't know a word of science whereas his first wife knew too much of it! Even now that is true." They laugh together. It is growing late. The ladies get jittery. The Professor should have reached home by now. Usually he walks back home. Then they hear the noise of a motor car stopping and then leaving. Helen runs down the stairs and, a few minutes later ,the Professor comes up to the great relief of Mrs Einstein, accompanied by his Secretary. He kisses his wife lovingly and sits on the sofa. The Secretary gives him the usual hot cup of tea. After taking a sip he says: "Helen, dear, don't take revenge on me for what I said in the morning. I am very, very sorry, my child. I want a little more sugar in my tea. Doctors may say so many things. It is their job." "What happened, my dear? Why are you late?", enquires Mrs Einstein. He explains: "While walking back home, he forgot the way.There was no one on the road. He went to the nearby telephone booth. But the home telephone number eluded his memory. So was the number of the Institute. Luckily one number came to his mind. That was the phone number of a friend's house, but they refused to tell the caller the way to Einstein's house as they didn't want the Professor to be disturbed by strangers. Then he had to tell them that the enquirer was Einstein himself! Hearing what happened, the friend's son brought him home in his car. "How did you feel then?" The lady asks. "I felt ashamed." He replies with some discomfiture. "My absent-minded professor! mein Schatz!" She gets up from her chair and hugs him warmly. 2) Ratan Tata* https://youtu.be/9dLKZZN5tSo Motivational Speech *Found this short speech interesting-Warrier E Leisure 1) Books 2020 Books Archives - Open The Magazine" https://openthemagazine.com/books/ 2) Poems*: Reshmy Warrier Reshmy Warrier Untitled Part I I woke up one morning, Decided to change the world, Had my chai, slipped on my jootas, And off I went to become a leader.. I was pushed to the back, It was a long queue, And some 15 minutes later, They held a poll, a poll I lost, One poll young, I went on the news, As a vociferous opposition, I brought down the rule, Neta I became, yes men followed, Knew they would stab me, If I so much as sneezed, So I kept up my disposition, And watched my back, Losing my sleep, Stashing some wealth, Growing a paunch, Switching to green tea and keds, The mirror will show me A fat politician who has lost his way, But I won't look at it, at my evil face, I refuse to accept what I have become, Gone are my noble intentions, Gone are those days, I won't change the world, I won't change me. Part II I have a fascination for the undone, The scarred, the chipped, the broken, The butterflies with a single wing, The masked faces with deep-set eyes, It’s a strange camaraderie, Like meeting of chums from past lives, There is a lot said in the unsaid, In their slightest gestures, I realize the pain felt, In their false bravado or lack of, I see myself, like we complement, We understand, fit into some jigsaw, Piece by piece, coming together, Stories of strife, stories of loss, We have been there, done that, Felt it, and brought harshly to knees, Marvelling at life, this rollercoaster, Survivors, you and me. (*Poems published in the Literary Journal "Narrow Road". Reshmy is my daughter- M G Warrier) F Memories 2019-20 1) The Nobel Week (December 7-14, 2019): Dr G Sreekumar (DOC) The Nobel Week: Five Days in Stockholm | G. Sreekumar, Ph.D. - Academia.edu" https://www.academia.edu/41600602/The_Nobel_Week_Five_Days_in_Stockholm 2) The one book most discussed in Collage during 2020 Restoring TRUST in Governance : India's 2020's Challenge https://www.amazon.in/dp/B08NT36GB2/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_hBmYFb7PBYR0M Reviewed @ Amazon.in and in The Global ANALYST. Appreciated in Without Reserve. 3) Economy Downturn and Challenges before India : Experts’ Views" https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/economy-downturn-and-challenges-before-india-experts-views-15171/ 4) The Hindu Photo Story The Hindu's top photographs of 2020: capturing a year like no other : https://thg.page.link/JzAAFZ5f3PAsKibc8 5) Chandrayaan-2 mission’s initial data released: ISRO: https://thg.page.link/LvKuBnqoQ9bU6WWY9 G Quotes about 2021 50 Inspirational New Year’s Quotes for 2021 | Reader's Digest https://www.rd.com/list/new-years-quotes/


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