Warrier's Collage December 22, 2020

Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE December 22, 2020 Tuesday Timeless Wisdom https://youtu.be/0cigyl4P4UI (From Shankaracharya) 🙏 M G Warrier Prayer https://youtu.be/_dAB6tlvtuc (Bala Mukundashtakam) (Link courtesy: K Govindaraj) Restoring TRUST in Governance : India's 2020's Challenge https://notionpress.com/read/restoring-trust-in-governance (Also available at other major online sales outlets) Today in Collage: A Interaction B. Book Review C Readers' Contribution D Freedom Fighters E 1) Relevance of Social Capital: M G Warrier F Leisure: G Quotes Quote for the day: "Every citizen of India must remember that... he is an Indian and he has every right in this country but with certain... duties" - Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel More quotes at G A Interaction V T Panchapagesan GuRu means Gu one removes ignorance, Ru imparts Knowledge. Through intellect . Intellect is internal telling evolving concentrated positive thought...... How one takes, implements it, is Life as it varies From to time to time over the ages.... If there is healthy, meaningful understanding, then it becomes Going upwards towards realizing Self within failing which it goes On and on disputing one another showing muscle power.🤙 Be Well, V. T. Panchapagesan B


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