SILENCE: Warrier's Collage

Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE: SILENCE 🙏 December 20, 2020 Sunday 1 Pre-Collage discourse Free Will (Swami Sarvapriyananda, a week ago) 2 Sunday Wake-up (Keli Kottu: From Kerala) This used to announce in the evening the performance of Kathakali in the night in the neighborhood temple premises. One personal request: If comfortable, kindly consider sharing today's Collage with at least two individuals in the age-group of 16 to 56 from two different families known to you. One of them will be interested in "Silence" Thanks 🙏 M G Warrier Today in Collage: A Interaction B Book Review C Current Affairs D Lead Story: Silence E Readers' Contribution F Blogs and Links G Quotes Quote for the day: "Silence is foolish, if we are wise, but wise, if we are foolish.” – Charles Caleb Colton* *More about/from CCC at: ) A Interaction J Santhanakrishnan "Thank you very much for placing my mail on Without Reserve in your 19th December Collage. With regards J.Santhanakrishnan" (It's "Our Collage". Dear JS, I retired in 2003. From the time of launch till some three years back I didn't miss any issue of Without Reserve. Occasionally I've contributed one or two articles (Appreciating one article, WR sent me a Gift Voucher too 🙏) and used to respond via letters to editor to see my name in print in a magazine which my colleagues read. Now I am dependent on the soft copies you promptly make available. WR has maintained high quality among house journals all through. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to recall all this. Best Regards M G Warrier) B Book Review: 1) Sitendra Kumar New Delhi Restoring TRUST in Governance : India's 2020's Challenge M G Warrier Top reviews from India sitendra kumar 4.0 out of 5 stars Verified Purchase Reviewed in India on 19 December 2020 ROLE OF RBI IN THE PRESENT ERA An eminently good book on banking and finance written by the career central banker , it briefly describes the agenda for Modi in his second term and analyses the multi dimensional role of RBI to meet the future challenges which the country may face and the need to professionalise the financial system. The author has explained well that when the country is afflicted by Covid-19 pandemic, how the Central Bank of the country has ensured proper functioning of core central banking systems including currency management. As there had been considerable divergence of opinion between the RBI and the Government of India, the author has analysed and suggested as to how to restore the trust keeping in view RBI's functional freedom and accountability. The author has done considerable spadework to explore what challenges lie before RBI and how best they could be met. The book would be useful to the bankers, economists and the students of the management to understand India's monetary system and interplay between RBI and Govt of India. This is Mr Warrier 's third book on 'banking and finance' and he should be commended for that. (Many Thanks Sitendraji for the generous encouragement and nice review-M G Warrier) 2) Insomnia Rachna Bisht Rawat’s ‘Insomnia’ is an engaging collection of tales about the Indian Army: Excerpts: " Rawat comes from sturdy Army stock. Daughter, sister and wife of Army officers, she has had “men in olive-green around for a lifetime, walking all over my carpet and my heart, with their dirty DMS boots, driving me insane with their unpredictable lives, and melting me completely with a salute and a smile.” C. Current Affairs 1) C-Vaxine Woes Long road ahead despite COVID vaccine, warns WHO official: 2) RBI Central Board Meeting Date : Dec 18, 2020 Meeting of the Central Board of Reserve Bank of India The Central Board of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) met today under the Chairmanship of Shri Shaktikanta Das, Governor, through video conferencing. This was the 586th meeting of the Central Board. The Board reviewed the current economic situation in the backdrop of global and domestic challenges and various areas of operations of the Reserve Bank including the customer education initiatives and resolution of customer complaints. The Board also discussed the draft Report on Trend and Progress of Banking in India, 2019-20. The Board noted the change in the Bank’s Financial Year from July-June to April-March and the changes in the unit of presentation from millions / billions to lakhs / crores. Deputy Governors Shri B.P. Kanungo, Shri Mahesh Kumar Jain, Dr. Michael Debabrata Patra and Shri M. Rajeshwar Rao and other Directors of the Central Board – Shri N. Chandrasekaran, Dr. Ashok Gulati, Shri Manish Sabharwal, Dr. Prasanna Kumar Mohanty, Shri Dilip S. Shanghvi, Shri Satish K. Marathe, Shri S Gurumurthy and Ms. Revathy Iyer attended the meeting. Shri Tarun Bajaj, Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs and Shri Debasish Panda, Secretary, Department of Financial Services also attended the meeting. (Yogesh Dayal) Chief General Manager D Lead Story: Silence 1) Brains of Silence These Are Their Brains on Silence - Issue 101: In Our Nature - Nautilus" 2) Being "eloquent" about silence! a) "Silence Is Supreme" Excerpts: "We need not pay attention to unnecessary speech and inane chit-chat, as sometimes we keep talking even when there is no need. There are some words which are pointless and can be avoided, for instance, when someone rings the doorbell, we ask ‘who is there?’ Instead, we simply need to check for ourselves who is at the door. Your speech reflects the state of your mind. You should, therefore, speak only when it is absolutely necessary. At other times, rein in your mind and speech" b) "Power of Silence" Excerpts: "Moreover with silence, one introspects and we connect to our soul better than connecting to society. Introspection produces strong positive vibes, making our connection to Almighty stronger. One must practice this with an open mind, they must maintain an easy attitude and must let things happen on their own. Meditating at a particular time of the day helps, as the process becomes habitual. When you are calm, your hormones secrete endorphins, particularly Dopamine which is responsible for pleasure and the avoidance of pain." c) When to be Silent: Bible Says: "WHEN TO BE SILENT" d) Eloquent Silence Excerpts: " The practice of Vipassana involves an awareness of the waves of sensations that rise and fall in the body — the first stirrings that echo into the various thoughts and feelings that cross the mind. The conscious cultivation of calm awareness towards them builds a biological detachment; stronger than a moral choice but not enough to avoid the seduction of the self. No idea is ever that simple. Tucked within the seeds of insight are also the roots of defeat. Which is why the most brilliant minds are often tormented; the simplest ones, disarmingly free. " E Readers' Contribution 1) V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram DARWIN Robert Darwin sent his son to the medical school under the Edinburgh University hoping, like any other father, that the latter would one day become a doctor like him. But his hope went awry when the young fellow left the study half way and returned home as the subject did not appeal to him at all. The next option that occurred to the farther was to make him a parson, in the Anglican Church and, for that purpose, he sent his son to the Christ's College, Cambridge to acquire a bachelor's degree.He took the degree, but his interest lay in the pursuit of natural science. He wished to collect specimen from different parts of the world the opportunity for which presented itself in the form of a naturalist's position in a ship 'H.M.S .Beagle' whose sailing programme included a trip round the coast of South America. Robert Darwin did not approve of his son's proposal and refused to finance it. Later he relented and agreed to fund it. It never occurred to him that he was aiding a project that was going to create a furore. No doubt, he died as a frustrated father but he was spared the sight of his son being hauled over the coals by the very Church to serve which he tried in vain to groom his son. The first outcome of the deep study that Charles Darwin made of the very rich collection of the specimen flora and fauna was the book 'On the Origin of Species ', published in1859. The book sold like hot cakes,but many found the cake bitter. They could not stomach the negation of the Biblical account of Creation and of God's supreme role in it. Although Darwin did not directly say that man evolved from the ape,there were sufficient hints to that effect in the book which hugely offended a major segment of the English population. Seven months after the publication of the controversial book, a meeting of intellectuals and churchmen was held in the Museum of Natural History under the Oxford University to discuss Darwin's findings. The exact date was 30th June1860. One of the speakers was Admiral Robert Fitzroy, the Captain of H.M.S.Beagle. When his turn came,he raised a bulky copy of the Holy Bible over his head and exhorted the audience fervently to believe in its authority. Then he declared that ,had he an inkling that Darwin was such a mischief maker, he would never have permitted him to enter his ship! It was the same meeting where Rev. Samuel Wilberforce, the Anglican Bishop of Oxford, derisively asked T.H.Huxley, the ardent advocate of Darwinism, whether his claim to the ancestry to the 'monkey' was through his grandfather or grandmother. The latter's response was acerbic. He said he would rather have an ape as his ancestor than a bishop who distorted truth." F Blogs and Links 1) The Mystery Disease of Eluru The mystery disease of Eluru: Posted online comments: ". In a way, though the whole story is scary, the concluding paragraph should restore public trust. I quote: " The Andhra Pradesh State Health Minister Alla Kali Krishna Srinivas announced on December 13 that there were no new cases reported and all the 600 odd patients admitted in hospitals with symptoms of the illness were successfully treated and discharged. But the mysterious disease with no name has taken hold of people’s lives in Eluru. As trains near the Eluru railway station, passengers down the shutters. The sale of water bottles has reportedly seen a dip on platforms. It is as if the very air of Eluru has turned toxic." Though the fear complex is yet to subside and the real reasons are still not convincingly clear, the quick response from the government machinery deserves appreciation 2) "Soul" the Movie Jamie Foxx: inside ‘Soul’ and beyond : G Quotes on Silence


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