Warrier's Collage 12122020: Betel Leaves

Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE December 12, 2020 Saturday 🙏 M G Warrier Restoring TRUST in Governance : India's 2020's Challenge https://www.amazon.in/dp/B08NT36GB2/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_hBmYFb7PBYR0M A Dr Raghuram Rajan https://youtu.be/GE5_XjUaVS4 (Rules of the game in the Global Financial System) Today in Collage: A Dr Raghuram Rajan B Interaction C Betel Leaves D Readers' Contribution E 2 Lessons from a crisis F Leisure G Quotes Quote for the day: "Empowering the individual means empowering the nation. And empowerment is best served through rapid economic growth with rapid social change." – Atal Bihari Vajpayee More quotes at G B Interaction 1) Chittanandam I am really amazed at your skill and perseverance in culling all these materials and presenting them nicely under one caption. Collage is really interesting. Regards, Chittanandam (Thanks. But some of the recipients apologetically confess, even without any query from my side, on these lines: "Only for one thing I am sorry, Mr Warrier. Frankly, I don't open your daily mails. But you can continue to send them to me, we will be in touch" (I really don't know whether this "TOUCH" is connection or contact. This morning, when I received a mis-sent message from such a recipient, I gave a ring and the person said "How can it happen, I never open your WhatsApp messages! They are all about RBI and finance...") These are the tax-free Perks I enjoy 🙏-Warrier) C Betel Leaves Betel leaf: "Revisiting the benefits of an ancient Indian herb" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3892533/#:~:text=In%20India%2C%20Betel%20leaf%20(BL,dates%20back%20to%20400%20BC.&text=Betel%20leaves%20are%20used%20as,people%20have%20changed%20over%20time. Excerpts: Chewing habits of people have changed over time. The betel leaves are chewed together in a wrapped package along with areca nut and mineral slaked lime. Catechu (kattha) and other flavoring substances and spices were also added subsequently. For many decades, tobacco has also been added to the BL package. The practice of chewing BL has been decreasing progressively and now the Quid comprising of tobacco, areca nut, and slaked lime (gutkha) is generally in practice. D Economic Growth 1) The Worst Scenario https://www.deccanherald.com/opinion/panorama/tackling-inflation-and-recession-a-formidable-challenge-925559.html 2) Focus on Growth Dr C Rangarajan Economy needs a mega ‘capital expenditure’ push: C Rangarajan - Business Line" https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/economy/economy-needs-a-mega-capital-expenditure-push-c-rangarajan/article33060732.ece/amp/ 3) Welcome Startups https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/proxy/AVvXsEjr2w4wpxM6J2TYQ-BDXQDLllL1MeuSbS0bXD1oIASkwyN6KWkgvXVZZDkKLt72M2vPUcT0R_8RrQ-oxxRLzBisyvX28fAOjqOZAzaZ_i5gli-Bt8_C8myq_eN3JhwWucDxeLJ_Y3y39QU2tpZBhbp2-rd8ld1uVqqOoS1JPj_M87bP7Xg28MxBVPu_776I=s0-d-e1-ft,width-130,msid-79656101/resizemode-4.jpg 4) Experts speak on Economic Reforms and impact of the Pandemic Economy Downturn and Challenges before India : Experts’ Views" https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/economy-downturn-and-challenges-before-india-experts-views-15171/ E Reader's Contribution Remembering Taj Tragedy* Taj Hotel terror attack has become a massive psychology case study in Harvard. Not ONE Taj employee abandoned the hotel and ran away, but stayed right through the attack. They helped the guests escape and, in the process, many employees died. It confounded psychologists! Finally, they pinpointed 3 recruitment strategies : 1) Taj did not recruit from big cities, they recruited from smaller cities where traditional culture still holds strong 2) They did not recruit toppers, they spoke to school masters to find out who were most respectful of their parents, elders, teachers and others. 3) They taught their employees to be ambassadors of their guests to the organisation, not ambassadors of the company to their guests. The results are stupefying. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=vQGz1YRqBPw *Contributed by Yashodhan Mujumdar, Mumbai (Collage adds: And Ratan Tata remembered: https://youtu.be/wksSdGkrkmw) F Leisure: Quit Chewing: (Skip this if NA) Taking Actions to Quit Chewing Betel Nuts and Starting a New Life: Taxi Drivers’ Successful Experiences of Quitting Betel Nut Chewing | Request PDF" https://www.researchgate.net/publication/308758505_Taking_Actions_to_Quit_Chewing_Betel_Nuts_and_Starting_a_New_Life_Taxi_Drivers'_Successful_Experiences_of_Quitting_Betel_Nut_Chewing Taking Actions to Quit Chewing Betel Nuts and Starting a New Life: Taxi Drivers’ Successful Experiences of Quitting Betel Nut Chewing G Quotable Quotes on Growth Economic Growth Quotes - BrainyQuote" https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/economic-growth-quotes


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