Warrier's Collage 25022021: Strengthen Your Mind

Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE Thursday February 25, 2021 Vedanta Techniques to Strengthen the Mind (Swami Sarvapriyananda) https://youtu.be/oth-RDTmoF0 (Link Selection: M G Warrier) Good Morning Have a Great Day M G Warrier A Interaction 1) V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram Thoughts come only when the body is in a comfortable position. So, a souchalaya fitted with a western type commode only can be considered as a Sochalaya.' "Socham'' (Sokam?) in Sanskrit means grief. Kaikeyi might have gone into one such alaya when Dasaratha came to see her. Who knows? 2) Dr Prabha Ramadurai In response to Shri Nallasivan’s write up about a family where everyone except last daughter is from medical fraternity, I feel that the last daughter married to a bank clerk is the most blessed one as she holds the prestigious position of a mother of a Neonatologist who brings smiles on the face of hundreds of worried mothers. He is the darling of so many parents who worry about their preterm infants. As a mother, I pray for him and wish him long and healthy life with continued selfless service to the medical society where the medical service has become a market for minting money. Prabha Ramadurai (Unlike hospitality services personnel who get their services acknowledged and gratitude by clientele expressed on the spot, healthcare personnel have to know face reading to know how their services are valued. The reasons for this situation are a subject for another essay. I join in Prayers and endorse Dr Prabha's views 🙏-Warrier) B Book Review Freelance Journalism https://www.amazon.in/dp/B00I3VZUSK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_HN3B3X2DCJ6FRZ78YEV2 M G Warrier's review of "Freelance Jóurnalism" co-authored by Kavita Rao and Charukesi Ramadurai: "comprehensive guide to freelance journalism Reviewed in India on 24 February 2021 Finding that post-retirement I have taken up freelance journalism as a hobby, my friend mentioned about this book during a recent interaction. Soon I obtained a copy. I found the content interesting. In olden days, certain professions including those who worshipped God from close proximity, used to keep some professional secrets, which they believed, can be passed on only when they retire. In modern days too some secrecy surrounds professions like Media and Politics. Here I find two journalists who learned what they do, through hard work, sharing all their knowledge for the benefit of those who may be interested in following their path. For those who have a flare for writing and would like to share their thoughts with a larger target audience, this book will give guidance on how to make a beginning. Like spiritual pursuit, one has to find one's own way once a beginning is made. This book will help one to prepare one's own "Do's and Don'ts" if one opts for freelance journalism as a hobby or a profession." Responding to this Prabha Ramadurai says: Thank you very much for your apt review on the book "Everything You Wanted to Know about Freelance Journalism" co - authored by Kavitha Rao and Charukesi Ramadurai . My daughter (Charukesi) was very happy to see your very nice review (her own words) and has requested me to thank you for your prompt response. I feel proud to share here that though being an Economics graduate, she has nurtured an interest in journalism. Within a span of 5 years she had travelled about 56 countries on invitation and written articles for them on their chosen subjects. Your kind words and blessings would surely help her to carry on with her writings. Prabha Ramadurai (Best Wishes and Prayers 🙏 -Warrier) b) More disclosures https://medium.com/swlh/how-i-get-lots-of-good-paying-freelance-journalism-work-ce379ccefa73 C Current Affairs Reserve Bank of India Monetary Policy Committee meeting February 3-5, 2021: Minutes* https://m.rbi.org.in/Scripts/BS_PressReleaseDisplay.aspx?prid=51161 *Minutes are usually published a fortnight after Policy Announcement. (My article on February 5, 2021 Monetary Policy Añnouncement will be published in The Global ANALYST, March 3021- M G Warrier) CC Useful Information Adhar TRUST Old Age Home VAPI https://youtu.be/ueqPPAIJuhM


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