Warrier's Collage November 14, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday November 14, 2021 Children's Day Special 1) Princess Grace Rose Garden*, Monaco https://youtu.be/zqz9t2DPJk4 *See H2 2) Facts about Jawaharlal Nehru : https://youtu.be/_uNVD3h8sIc 3) Happy Children's Day 2021: 10 inspirational quotes by Jawaharlal Nehru aka Chacha Nehru : https://www.indiatvnews.com/amp/lifestyle/people-happy-children-day-2021-10-inspirational-quotes-by-jawaharlal-nehru-aka-chacha-nehru-744803 Good Morning Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday November 20, 2021. Best Wishes and Prayers ЁЯЩП Nice Day M G Warrier Message from Madan Gauria to R Jayakumar : Dear Jayakumar, Please convey belated very happy birthday to your grand daughter AHANA on behalf of all of us. I don't know 'Elsa' but she herself looks like a beautiful little princess. By chance if you have a video of her singing her favourite song please share with us. madan gauria Happy Birthday to AHANA from all of us. Link for the song "Let It Go" from movie "Frozen" given below. We'll wait for the video requested by Madan Gauria. Best Wishes ЁЯЩП-Warrier https://youtu.be/BS0T8Cd4Uh A Spirituality/Faith 1) SUNDAY COLLAGE : Message from V T Panchapagesan Chennai Education System, then and now We knew only three branches of education when we were growing up : Science, Arts and Commerce. In 1978, Engineering Colleges had five streams : Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical and Electronics. But do you know our Indian Schools were teaching 50-72 different vidyas, before 1858. The system of Indian schools were destroyed by British visionaries. (Continued at H1) 2) Message from Dr Charan Singh charan singh (@CharanSingh60) Tweeted: Unity in Diversity - 69 рдХрд╣рдд рдиाрдорджेрдЙ рд╣рд░ि рдХी рд░рдЪрдиा рджेрдЦрд╣ु рд░िрджै рдмीрдЪाрд░ी рдШрдЯ рдШрдЯ рдЕंрддрд░ि рд╕рд░рдм рдиिрд░ंрддрд░ि рдХेрд╡рд▓ рдПрдХ рдоुрд░ाрд░ी рдиाрдорджेрд╡, рекреорел, рд░ाрдЧ рдЖрд╕ा Reflect in heart about creation of God In each heart, everywhere, is same one God Namdev, 485, Raag Asa, SGGS https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1459276497882009603?s=20 3) "Maa Durga’s divine swaroopa" https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/bliss/maa-durgas-divine-swaroopa-27490/ Excerpts : "The ninth form of Maa Durga is known as Siddhidhatri. After leading the life of an ascetic and all the fulfillment of obligations, the Mother Divine’s Siddhidhatri as Paripurna blesses you with Siddhis (extraordinary capabilities) so that you do it perfectly. Siddhi means that even before the need for it emerges, you get what you need. Everything you say becomes the reality and manifests, and it is for those around us to gain. Whatever job you do gets done to perfection. It’s about Siddhi. In every domain of existence, Siddhi gives fulfillment and totality. The idea of magnificent representation of 'Divine Maa' in innumerable events, and this universe as a whole. рд╕рд░्рд╡ рдордЩ्рдЧрд▓ рдоाрдЩ्рдЧрд▓्рдпे рд╢िрд╡े рд╕рд░्рд╡ाрд░्рде рд╕ाрдзिрдХे рд╢рд░рдг्рдпे рдд्рд░्рдпрдо्рдмрдХे рдЧौрд░ी рдиाрд░ाрдпрдгि рдирдоोрд╜рд╕्рддुрддे" B Select Responses a) S R Badrinarayanan Che├▒nai The Pro-labour attitude of the Collage is transparent... Wish the struggle achieves it's end before the strike programme. (Please see message shared by me with media at C. Since 1964, my attitude has not changed. My approach has been supportive to the causes I found right. Even when I was part of the so called management, I have not compromised my position for personal benefits ЁЯЩП-Warrier) b) Vishnu Kelkar A Current Affairs 1 and 2 (Collage of November 13, 2021) : What a contrast ! On 12-11-21 PM held Team RBI in high esteem. On the same date RBI staff was driven to launch agitational programme for securing long pending wage revision. c) G Mohan On hearing the achievements of Harekala Hajabba, everybody will feel they their contribution is nothing to the society when compared to what the poor man has done. d) C V Subbaraman Mysuru "No problem if you stop drinking tea and coffee." (Issue was about adulteration and quality control) C Media Response What Ails HR Management in Reserve Bank of India? M G Warrier Mumbai Officers and staff of the Reserve Bank of India are planning to go on a day's mass casual leave on November 30, 2021 demanding amicable settlement of Wage-related issues. This will be preceded by other agitational programs. The previous Wage Settlement expired on October 31, 2017. Wages in the banking sector are revised every five years and if the practice continues, next wage revision for bank employees in India is due from November 1, 2022. On several occasions in the past, Wage Revision in the banking industry in India preceded employee unrest including 'go slow', strikes etc. This season, due to pandemic, many were working from home and agitation didn't make much sense. Indian Banks Association and commercial bank employees sensed the futility of procrastination and settled Wage Revision effective November 1, 2017, by across the table negotiation sometime back. RBI had other national priorities and employees showed maturity to wait so far. Stretched to a breaking point, the trade unions and officers' associations in RBI are signalling symptoms of stress and discomfort. In this piece, we are taking only RBI as a case study. There are similar situations in other statutory bodies and PSUs. All along, RBI staff have been a disciplined lot. As regards Wage Revision, they used to wait for banking industry settlement and were satisfied with some parity with what commercial bank employees get after every settlement. When a benevolent Governor I G Patel was in office, RBI made a promise to its staff that service conditions in the central bank will be a shade better than what is obtaining in the baking industry in India. The logic was the supervisory and regulatory roles assigned to RBI by statutes. By and large, the institution has honoured the promise made decades ago. Times have changed. While in government and public sector efforts are made to professionalise Human Resources Management Departments, RBI restricts professionalisation to its core functions. Presently, except governor Shaktikantadas who is from the Indian Administrative Service, RBI's Top Management and Human Resources Management Department have very few professionals with HR background. There's less evidence to show that the institution or employees' organizations seek help from external consultants in Wage Revision and Welfare-related issues. All these cumulatively impact institutional efficiency. "Wage settlement issue: RBI employees to go for agitations; mass casual leave on November 30" https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/wage-settlement-issue-rbi-employees-to-go-for-agitations-mass-casual-leave-on-november-30-7715161.html/amp D Book Review : Discovery of India "BOOK REVIEW: The Discovery of India - INSIGHTSIAS" https://www.insightsonindia.com/2014/04/16/book-review-the-discovery-of-india/ Excerpts : "Feeling of loss is no alien to human nature; indeed it abounds in our modern age marked by pace and aspiration. But seldom does it happen that a book leaves you in that feeling, like a loss of a long friend. A book is essentially a monologue and at most exposes one to the writer's mind. But even that monologue can resonate with your inner intimate questions and then the book becomes a dialogue. Discovery of India is one such book. Written in a prison cell, this book is a discovery of his past by a troubled yet resolute mind. It is an admission of the failings of one's land, but not with a sense of helplessness and self-pity but with a sense of responsibility, hope and action. This book is the product of the times when an ancient civilisation encumbered by the burden of its past, shamed by its present status of stagnation and slavery was coming to terms with harsh realities of the present and intimidating challenges of the future. That was a moment of transition. And in those moments national mind runs the risk of getting overwhelmed; it craves for an anchorage, a civilisational aspiration. And Jawaharlal Nehru tries to establish that anchorage. He ventures into past and traces the roots of our country. Though not deeply, he examines the culture, the literature, the science, the philosophy and the vital force which drove India as one nation, one people. One might sense a tinge of self-glorification during this part of the book but that can be forgiven for the honesty and self-realisation of his failings on the part of the writer. This journey to the past is not for the romance of the past or the nostalgia, it is a purposeful journey; a journey to consolidate one's ancient heritage and wisdom; to frankly face one's mistakes and failings; and to prepare oneself for the change." Know more : "Children's Day: Popular Books On and By Jawaharlal Nehru | Most Searched Products - Times of India" https://m.timesofindia.com/most-searched-products/books/childrens-day-special-popular-books-by-and-on-jawaharlal-nehru/amp_articleshow/72039865.cms Why this link today : "If you are interested in politics or want to know more about Jawaharlal Nehru, it is a great idea to pick up a good book and start reading. And, if you are a hardcore reader, you will always be looking for some good reading recommendations. To help all the readers who want to know about our first Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru or want to read some of his works, here is a list of some popular books that you can go for" E Nostalgia 1) The Moving Reason Why Jawaharlal Nehru Wore A Rose Every Day https://www.ndtv.com/offbeat/why-jawaharlal-nehru-always-wore-a-red-rose-congress-explains-with-rose-day-post-1989898/amp/1 Excerpts from a February 2019 report : "Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, was always seen with a red rose pinned to his coat. In a post shared about an hour ago on Instagram, the Congress explains the reason behind it. Shared on the occasion of Rose Day, the post, which includes a photograph of Jawaharlal Nehru with his signature red rose, explains that he always pinned the flower to his coat in memory of his wife, Kamala Nehru, who died in 1938." 2) From my old scribblings : "Buy and accumulate peace, its price is appreciating!" https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/buy-and-accumulate-peace-its-price-is-appreciating-25838/ Excerpts : Amma: "Son, you go back. Don’t discuss your problems with anyone else including your family now. Settle all your dues. Sell your additional houses/flats. Leave enough money with your family. Come back here with a small amount of money, check with my office how much you need to deposit for your comfortable stay here, and stay here working for this Ashram as long as you wish. All your problems will be solved in a few years” The devotee accepted Amma’s terms. When faced with losses, how many of us work out accounts as suggested by Amma? The suggestion is valid in different situations. Like : 1) A temple with a gold deposit under the flag mast, struggling for mobilising resources for day-to-day operations. 2) Families with ancestral heritage properties which are illiquid, struggling to meet the education expenses of children. 3) A country with lakhs of crores of rupees worth of domestic unaccounted assets in various forms, worrying about GDP growth rate, fiscal deficit issues etc Problems come packaged with solutions. As Shankaracharya said, wisdom will surface, once ignorance is removed. Are we, the human race, ready to invest our monetizable assets for buying peace for all?" F Leisure Panditji & Humour "The Sunday Tribune - Books" https://m.tribuneindia.com/2005/20050116/spectrum/book8.htm Excerpts : "Almost every letter introduces us to some aspect of Nehru's humour. This subtle sense of humour comes even while mentioning the place from where the letter is written. The letter, written on June 30, 1945, notes the place of writing as "Running Train", while another letter that he wrote from a ship while returning from Ceylon records it as having been written from "S.S. Something". There is a nugget in the letter written from the ship which is worth quoting, "Kamla has often been taken for my daughter. But what do you say to Indu being taken for my mother? This has happened repeatedly." This shows the ability of Nehru to laugh at himself and his family. When he got the news of the birth of a baby son to his sister, Panditji sent a lovely telegram on February, 2 1935, from Almora Jail. He wrote, "Cheerio get well soon darling and bring the howling infant here for display and criticism — love Jawahar". In his letter dated October 12, 1943, he jokes at the Nehrus. He writes, "November seems to have been a favourite month for the Nehrus to be born in". He was referring to the fact that he was born in November and so were Krishna Hutheesing and Indira Gandhi. This delightful humour is also evident in his letters from the prison. From the Ahmadnagar Fort Prison on February 25, 1945, he wrote: "This is likely to be my last letter to you from Ahmadnagar Fort. Today we complete 960 days here — a long chunk of one's life. But the longest lane has a turning somewhere and we turn to — another prison". In his letter written on July 12 1953, from Delhi, when he came to know of a little accident his sister had met with and had injured her nose, he remarked tongue-in cheek. "I am glad to know that you are safely back with more or less a complete nose". He reports in his letter dated January 17, 1943, that a bottle of honey sent to him had broken down in the box during transit. "I gazed awestruck at the mess just one bottle of honey could make when given the chance to do so..." Two books in the box had also got covered with honey. And reaction of Panditji to it was sharp and sweet, "There was Zimmern's book, but this Zimmern is and has always been a sticky person. And Lewis Carol? Was it a new adventure for Alice to float about in honey?" G Quotes from Jawaharlal Nehru https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/jawaharlal-nehru-quotes Like : We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. Jawaharlal Nehru H 1) Continued from A The first school in England opened in 1811. At that time India had 732000 Indian schools. Find out how our schools got closed. How did indian school learning end. First let's see what disciplines were taught in indian culture!! Most Indian schools taught the following subjects : 01 Agni Vidya (Metallurgy) 02 Vayu Vidya (Wind) 03 Jal Vidya (Water) 04 Antriksh Vidya (Space Science) 05 Prithvi Vidya (Environment) 06 Surya Vidya (Solar Study) 07 Chandra and Lok Vidya (Lunar Study) 08 Megh Vidya (Weather Forecast) 09 Dhaatu Urja Vidya (Battery energy) 10 Din aur Raat Vidya. 12 Srishti Vidya (Space Research) 13 Khagol Vigyan (Astronomy) 14 Bhugol Vidya (Geography) 15 Kaal Vidya (Time studies) 16 Bhoogarbh Vidya (Geology & Mining) 17 Gemstones and Metals (Gems & Metals) 18 Aakarshan Vidya (Gravity) 19 Prakash Vidya (Energy) 20 Sanchaar Vidya (Communication) 21 Vimaan Vidya (Plane) 22 Jalayan Vidya (Water Vessels) 23 Agneya Astra Vidya (Arms & Ammunition) 24 Jeevavigyaan Vidya (Biology, Zoology, Botany) 25 Yagna Vidya (Material Sic) This is the talk of scientific education. Now let's talk about professional and technical disciplines that were covered : 26 Vyapaar Vidya (Commerce) 27 Krishi Vidya (Agriculture) 28 Pashu Paalan Vidya (Animal Husbandry) 29 Pakshi Paalan (Bird Keeping) 30 Yaan Vidya (Mechanics) 31 Vehicle Designing 32 Ratankar (Gems & Jewellery Designing) 33 Kumhaar vidya (Pottery) 34 Laghu (Metallurgy & Blacksmith) 35 Takkas 36Rang Vidya (Dyeing) 40 Khatwakar 41 Rajjukar (Logistics) 42 Vaastukaar Vidya (Architecture) 43 Khaana Banane ki Vidya (Cooking) 44 Vaahan Vidya (Driving) 45 Waterways Management 46 Indicators (Data Entry) 47 Gaushala Manager (Animal Husbandry) 48 Baagvaani (Horticulture) 49 Vann Vidya (Forestry) 50 Sahyogee (Covering Paramedics) All this education was taught in school, but with time, when school disappeared, this knowledge was made to disappear by the British!! It started with Macaulay. Today, the future of the youth of our country is being destroyed by the Macaulay method. How did school culture end in India? The introduction of Convent education ruined schools Indian Education Act was enacted in 1835 (revised in 1858). It was drafted by 'Lord Macaulay'. Macaulay conducted a survey of education system here while many Britishers had given their reports about India's education system. One of the British officer was G W Luther and the other was Thomas Munro! Both of them had surveyed different areas at different times. Luther, who surveyed North India (Uttar Bhaarat), wrote that there was 97% literacy here and Munro, who surveyed South India (Dakshin Bhaarat), wrote that there was 100% literacy. Macaulay had clearly said that if India (Bhaarat) is to be enslaved forever, its indigenous and cultural education system must be completely demolished and replaced with English education system and only then will Indians be physically Indians, but mentally become English. When they leave the convent schools or English universities, they will work in the interest of British. Macaulay is using an idiom- Just as a farm is thoroughly ploughed before a crop is planted, so must it be ploughed and brought in the English education system. That's why he first declared schools illegal. Then he declared Sanskrit illegal and set the schools on fire, beat the teachers in it and put them in jail. Till 1850 there were 7 lakh 32 thousand schools & 7,50,000 villages in India. Meaning almost every village had a school and all these schools used to be 'Higher Learning Institutes' in today's language. 18 subjects were taught in all of them and these people of schools used to run these together, not by the king. Education was imparted free. Schools were abolished and English education was legalized and the first convent school opened in Calcutta. That time it was called 'free school'. Under this law, Calcutta University. Bombay University & Madras University were created. These three slavery-era universities are still in the country! Macaulay had written a letter to his father. It is a very famous letter, in it he writes: These convent schools will bring out children who look like Indians but are English by brain and they don't know anything about their country. They won't know anything about their culture, they won't have any idea about their traditions, they will not know their idioms, when such children are there in this country, even if the British go away, English will not leave this country. The truth of the letter written at that time is clearly visible in our country even today. See the misery created by this act. We feel inferior of ourselves who are ashamed to speak our own language & recognise our own culture. A society that is cut off from its mother tongue never flourishes and this was Macaulay's strategy! Today's youth here knows more about Europe than India. Considers Indian culture not so cool, but imitates Western country. What a pity. It's high time we all awaken & reclaim our great culture & heritage. V T Psnchapagesan *Source : Incredible Bharat 2) World's best Rose Gardens "The world's top 10 rose gardens" https://www.traveller.com.au/the-worlds-top-10-rose-gardens-h0ytfc PRINCESS GRACE ROSE GARDEN, MONACO Few visitors notice this pretty, perfumed park tucked away in the residential Fontvielle district, but it provides those who do stray with a peaceful experience. It stands as a memorial to the Oscar-winning American actress who became a princess. Sheltered by palm and olive trees and studded with sculptures, the garden showcases 300 rose varieties whose QR codes allow you to find out more about them on your mobile phone. See visitmonaco.com


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