Warrier's Collage November 24, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Wednesday November 24, 2021 Stanza 17*, Isha Upanishad https://youtu.be/oHpFK5Gy9CQ *Lyrics : ""Om krato smara kritam smara" verse in Ishavasya Upanishad - HinduPad" https://hindupad.com/om-krato-smara-kritam-smara-verse-in-ishavasya-upanishad/ Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier A Select Messages : Friends remember G Mohandas Ex-RBI, Chennai who left us on November 22, 2021. 1) Dr T V Gopalakrishnan Very shocking and not easily digestible news. He has been an active member and a versatile personality sharing lots of information on all subjects particularly updates on RBI related topics. A lovable character with very outspoken approach. No one can forget him so easily for his highly social, very friendly and jovial comments. My heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE ETERNALLY. (Received via Group mail) 2) V Sundaresan Every morning, we used to get “Good News" but today it turned out to be really sad news of the passing away of senior veteran, a noble soul, a soft-spoken gentleman, and ever-smiling Sh Mohandas. I did not find words to express my sorrow when I opened the mail box at 5.00 am with this news and my mind started remembering his activities while in his service and after retirement. Lovely exchanges“With Love – G. Mohandas” – Where will we find hereafter. I became so emotional on recalling many personal mails he had exchanged with me starting with“Dear Sundaresan" and ending“With Love". In fact one long-pending agenda has been to honour his kind invitation to call on him at his Anna Nagar residence during my next visit to Chennai. That has been eluding me for long and remained a“never be”. Despite his age-related ailments, how active he was till his last breath cannot be expressed in words. I am sure, even at the time of his last breath, he would have been thinking of posting of some matter in the RBICF Forum. Half the pages would be blank henceforth. No doubt, he has lived a full, happy and contended life despite the loss of his dear wife years back. He was never wanting in money but his expectations from his past employers, of a pension revision with arrears was to establish his “right" over that and nothing beyond that. Alas! That remained a dream for him. I join the scores of mourners of RBICF wherein a vacuum has been created by his loss, particularly at this juncture. Sundaresan V 3) C V Subbaraman Mysuru My wife and myself are extremely shocked and sad to learn of the sudden demise of our beloved friend and colleague Shri G Mohandas, Chennai. A few years back when we were staying in the Hostel of the Staff College, he came to see us. He used to exchange notes and views on various topics of interest with our friends in the RBI, especially the retirees groups. He was a crusader for rights of the employees and pensioners and above all a great optimist in regard to our pension revision*. It would have been good if he had survived to enjoy the revised pension due from 2017. It is not possible to express the depth of our feelings of grief on his so sudden demise. We can only now pray for the peaceful resting of his soul. Subbaraman C V * One of the last messages received on Monday by friends from Mohandas : Monday, November 22, 2021, 11:39 To: Sitendra Kumar Subject : Wage and Pension Revision "Both Pay and Pension Revision may come this week itself! Love* G Mohandas" *We couldn't appropriately acknowledge the 'Love' he shared in every message. 🙏-Warrier 4) S R Badrinarayanan* Shocked to learn of the sudden demise of Mohandas Sir. I had just then posted a mail to him of a court noting on pension. He was greatly optimistic on pension updation and kept everyone's hope live with his intimations. The group will hugely miss the views and guidance of the octogenarian . With prayers for the soul to attain Moksha. பத்ரி STAY HOME- WEAR MASK.-MAINTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCE.-SANITIZE & STAY SAFE *Received via Group mail 5) M B Talekar Very sad to know that Shri G Mohandas is no more. He was very active member of the the exrbites group. May his soul rest in eternal peace 6) R Jayakumar Early morning today (November 23) when I opened Warrier's Collage* it was an invitation to reflect on the question 'Where is Happiness!' After I went through the poetic reflection for three times I was shocked to read immediately the Obituary of a close but distant friend Mr G Mohandas. It was shocking because I felt like a brightly burning candle in front of me was abruptly blown off brining in a moment of darkness. Mr Mohandas was among the few members of the exrbites group who expressed their views and advices beyond the colour of politics, faith and social sectarianism. Very recently I was surprised to know that he was 87 year old, as my earlier impression was different. It is said that God calls back the people who are good early. But in Mr Mohandas' case He let him live long to spread peace and kindness among his friends. I feel that Happiness is a game of Hide and Seek, however positive and loving one is in his heart. May the almighty God rest his Soul in eternal peace..... R Jayakumar *I thought of delaying pressing the send button. But couldn't wait long 🙏-Warrier 7) S Venugopal Mohandas death is a very BIG Shock to RBI Fraternity as a whole. He served RBI Chennai for 4 decades and he was such a simple man ALL liked him immensely. I met him closely in Train first on my return on LFC in late 1960s but he spoke kindly and it is cherished memory for me. In our Pension Demos one can find him first clad in light blue slack and light yellow pants. At 87 Sri. Mohandas was young and energetic ever. As John Gunther wrote in his poem "DEATH BE NOT PROUD" for snatching him from us. He will LIVE in our hearts, 🙏 8) R Sridharan Who know not if their happy lives shall last the day, In fancies infinite beguile the hours away! Today a healthy person is alive before us but who knows he will not be there tomorrow! This is what exactly happened in the case of our colleague Mohandas! A live wire for infusing the information on pension has been cut off in the middle thus disconnecting the flow of information! What a pity! Even knowing this fact of instability, ego makes its presence in all to forget the humane approach! R Sridharan 9) G Mohanadas Thiruvananthapuram The demise of Shri Mohandas is shocking. With his departure, the group has been rendered deaf and dump in several matters, which are close to our heart. We have lost a Bhishma and the vaccum is so large and deep that it will be felt for years together. Pranam to the always active powerhouse and a lovable personality. G Mohanadas Thiruvananthapuram *Received via Group mail B Spirituality/Faith 1) Awareness https://youtu.be/RFN1ArUZJq8 (Sarvapriyananda) 2) Dr Charan Singh charan singh (@CharanSingh60) Tweeted: Unity in Diversity - 79 मदन मूरति भै तारि गोबिंदे सैनु भनै भजु परमानंदे सैन, राग धनासरी, 695, गुरू ग्रंथ साहिब Saint Sain says - meditate on that beautiful God who is all bliss, takes care of the creation, and ferries you across the world ocean 695, SGGS https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1462857750459785218?s=20 C Current Affairs 1) BRICS Reserve Bank of India - Speeches https://m.rbi.org.in/Scripts/BS_SpeechesView.aspx?Id=1140 Excerpts : Keynote address delivered by Michael Debabrata Patra, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India in the conference on ‘Growth And Development in the BRICS Economies’ organised by the Delhi School of Economics (DSE) and Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Delhi BRICS: FROM ACRONYM TO GLOBAL ECONOMIC POWERHOUSE1 Professor Pami Dua, Director, Delhi School of Economics, Prof. Yogesh Singh, Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi, Prof. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay, Director, Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Centre, Prof. Chetan Ghate, Indian Statistical Institute, distinguished invitees and conference participants, I am honoured to be invited to deliver the inaugural keynote address for the conference on ‘Growth and Development in the BRICS Economies’ jointly organised by the Delhi School of Economics and the Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Centre. The conference is timely and topical in view of India taking over the presidency of BRICS in 2021. The discussions in the conference and the signed papers to be presented will surely shine light on how the BRICS economies chart their course through the pandemic and into a post-pandemic future. My address is loosely divided into two parts, although I might be moving back and forth to tease out the inter-linkages. The first part will deal with the state of the BRICS economies and the immediate challenges that they face. This will be followed by an overview of the challenges confronting India, in view of the current BRICS presidency. *** India's population at 1.38 billion is the world's youngest at 28.4 years, but aging will close the demographic dividend by 2045. By 2027, India will be the most populous country in the world (1.47 Billion), according to the United Nations World Population Prospects. This structure of the population can be best represented by the age dependency ratio - the ratio of the dependent population (0-14 years and 65+ years) to total working-age population: a lower value of the ratio implies a more productive population. India’s age dependency ratio has been declining and is likely to decline further till 2025 after which it may remain stagnant till 2040 and increase thereafter. A comparison of India’s working-age population as a ratio of the total population or WAP ratio shows that India stands at an advantageous position - India's WAP ratio will increase till 2045 even as it is declining elsewhere in the world. Making the most of this demographic dividend is fourth major challenge facing the Indian economy. India was one of the fragile five countries in 2013 as external sector viability deteriorated during the taper tantrum. Relative to macroeconomic configurations in 2013, India is better positioned currently as its macroeconomic fundamentals have improved significantly and external sector indicators point to the availability of enough cushions to manage external shocks. I present this strength as a challenge because the international environment is turning hostile, with geopolitical tensions, the long-lasting scars of COVID and the inevitability of climate change. Furthermore, countries all over the world are contemplating shifting their policy stances away from a pandemic mode to a more normal one. This will involve global spillovers to which India cannot be immune. Hence external sector viability is critical. India is currently one of the fastest-growing major economies in the world. In purchasing power parity (PPP) terms, India is the third largest economy in the world. Projections show that by 2040 India will be the second largest economy in the world. This, in my view, is the final challenge - preparing, with the BRICS, to be a global economic powerhouse. 2) PMC Bank To The Editor The Hindu Business Line Letters* November 23, 2021 Depositors' interest This refers to the report "PMC depositors with over Rs5 lakhs disappointed with draft scheme" (November 23). Post-PMC fiasco, it has to said in favour of the central and state government and the banking regulator that sincere efforts were made to control a situation in the banking sector which could have become chaotic. Having said that, decades of delay in reviewing Deposit Insurance cover and the failure in timely detection of cracks in the supervisory and regulatory system responsible to oversee cooperative banks which became public with the fall of PMC Bank should remain lessons for all time to come. Ideally, as the depositors of PMC Bank have no ownership rights or responsibilities, technically, even if the PMC Bank or its successor bank is not able to honour the commitments in the near future, their deposits in the PMC Bank should continue to earn interest at contracted rates during the contracted periods. M G Warrier Mumbai *"Letters to the editor dated November 23, 2021 - The Hindu BusinessLine" https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/letters/letters-to-the-editor/article37650111.ece D Readers' Contribution Purpose of Life : M G Warrier https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/purpose-of-life-27707/ Excerpts : "Let’s for a moment forget tenses, past, present and future and take life as one happening, suffering, celebration or a calamity, whatever you think of life as of now, discounting the C-thing which anyway is not your making and of course not in your hands. Then, what’s the purpose of this life? 1 Dharma: For whom, at what stage in life? 2 Artha: Accumulating assets? What for? 3 Kama: This cannot be “the purpose” 4 Moksha: If this is the purpose of life, why take birth and go through all the troubles? So, distinct from 1 to 4 there must be a purpose for our being here. Think, and share your thoughts." I said this then. Today, here's a person, yes, G Mohandas Chennai, who loved all, continued to think, talk and do what he thought was right and quietly moved out on November 22, 2021 night. A real Karma Yogi. Prayers 🙏🌹 E November Prayer : Basundhara Roy "November Prayer | Madras Courier" https://madrascourier.com/art-and-poetry/november-prayer/ Excerpts : Does it really matter that November has arrived and I have failed to even begin? That I carry life’s book mindfully in my hands wherever I go, keep its weary, autumn pages together with fortitude, dust it with prayer, forgive it with hope and embrace it with pride, must surely amount to something in this birth’s careening calculus? To master the art of peeling is all, a voice tells me. Beyond everything is something else, invisible to the eye. I stand at silence’ door, waiting for language to part its shimmering veils. *** F Leisure* I Rumours Once an old man spread rumours that his neighbor was a thief. As a result, the young man was arrested. Days later the young man was proven innocent. After being released he sued the old man for wrongly accusing him. In the court the old man told the Judge: "They were just comments, didn't harm anyone." The judge told the old man : "Write all the things you said about him on a piece of paper. Cut them up and on the way home, throw the pieces of paper out. Tomorrow, come back to hear the sentence." Next day, the judge told the old man : "Before receiving the sentence, you will have to go out and gather all the pieces of paper that you threw out yesterday." The old man said: "I can't do that! The wind spread them and I won't know where to find them." The judge then replied: "The same way, simple comments may destroy the honour of a man to such an extent that one is not able to fix it. If you can't speak well of someone, rather don't say anything." "Let's all be masters of our mouths, so that we won't be slaves of our words." II Life & Death Death asked Life : Why does everyone love you and hates me. Life replied: Because I am a beautiful Lie and you are painful Truth. *Received from Vathsala Jayaraman G Quotes about... No content today


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