Warrier's Collage January 2, 2022


Welcome To
Warrier's COLLAGE
January 2, 2022

Grand Park's New Year Eve, LA

Good Morning

Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday January 8, 2022. Best Wishes.
Nice Day

M G Warrier

Positive Note :

India’s Economy to Rebound as Pandemic Prompts Reforms : IMF

1 Select Responses

1) K Ramasubramanian

Happy new year to all the families of Collage

2) S R Badrinarayanan


3) Yashodhan Mujumdar  

Time has no holiday.. Dreams have no expiry date.. And life has no pause button...! 

Live it..  Love it.. 
Enjoy each and every moment of your life....!! 

Save only those memories which gives twinkle in your eyes... Not wrinkles on your face...!! 

Have a fantastic & Wonderful  Year 2022 ahead !!
Always Stay Safe & Fit. 
Regards  Muzumdar

2 Spirituality/Faith

1) Sunday Collage : V T Panchapagesan

New Year Community Prayer : 

Harmony in Community Prayer makes one
keeping the mind calm without agitation.
If it becomes Community Prayer, then
The atmosphere becomes vibrating, sending positive signal all round.....
O LORD , Give us a heart pure and clear like the waters of a spring.
Give us a selfless heart that does not brood over failures;
A magnanimous heart that takes delight in giving;
A Compassionate heart that goes out to those who suffer;
A forgiving heart that never keeps a grudge;
A grateful heart that never forgets an act of kindness...
O Lord, g 🌹ive us a heart that is meek and humble,
Eager to love without expecting any return,
A noble and courageous heart that meets ingratitude without bitterness, and forgetfulness without complaint.....
With the following resolution .....
Behind us at what we have already accomplished...
Believe that the sky will clear..
Make sure we are on the right path.
Claim victory over every obstacle......
V T Panchapagesan

2) charan singh

(@CharanSingh60) Tweeted:
Unity in Diversity - 118

मेरे सतिगुरा मै तुझ बिनु अवरु न कोइ 
हम मूरख मुगध सरणागती करि किरपा मेले हरि सोइ
रामदास, सिरीराग, 39, गुरु ग्रंथ साहिब

My True Guru, I have none other than you
I am foolish, ignorant, in your protection 

3 Kitchen Garden ideas

4 Banana Plantation

5 Leisure*

Doctor's prediction comes true :
I had difficulty in walking. 
My doctor told me he'd make me walk in one month. 
True enough, after one month, it happened.
 I had to sell my car to meet treatment expenses.

*Received from A P Ramadurai

6 Food for thought*

Everyday two bulls fight in every person's 


"Positive & Negative"

Do you know which one wins..
The one you“feed”the most..!!.

Think twice act wise.!! 

Feed only the positive bull living inside you in this new year.

*Received from R Jayakumar

7 Media Response

Optimization of pessimism

This refers to your editorial "With optimism and hope" (The Hindu Business Line, January 1). Pre-Pandemic, window dressing was used negatively, only in the banking parlour. Now, masks cover faces and presentations universally camouflage anxiety, uncertainties and fear.
Last two years have exposed the worthlessness of accumulation of wealth and the limits of the purchasing power of "strong" currencies.
The 2022 challenges for governments and medical professionals will include the balancing act of preparing the citizens for the post-pandemic life without compromising safety in every sense. 
One more year, priority will continue to be ensuring basic needs including healthcare for all. Comparisons of economic growth and Inflation rates can wait.

M G Warrier

Link to earlier response :

8 Draupadi & Sita : Vathsala Jayaraman

Here is a compare-Contrast of the epic characters Draupadi and Sita :

Both Sita and Draupadi are princesses. Both have 
unnatural or supernatural births. But while Sita is born
 of earth, Draupadi is born of fire. Sita's father Janaka, King of Videha, finds her accidentally while ploughing a field and decides to adopt her. Draupadi's father Drupada, King of Panchala, creates her with the sole purpose of destroying the Kuru household that patronised Drona,
 who used his students, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, to conquer and then divide Panchala.
Thus, while Sita is born an infant, Draupadi is born an adult, with no appreciation of childhood or parenting.
And while Sita is raised in love, Draupadi is raised in hatred, designed for destroying a family. Curiously, mothers play little or no role in their upbringing. 
They are always addressed as their father's daughters : 

Janaka's Janaki and Drupada's Draupadi.
Both Sita and Draupadi are trophies in an archery contest.
Rama breaks a mighty bow that he was supposed to string
 to win Sita's hand while Arjuna strikes the eye of a fish rotating on a wheel hanging from the ceiling to win 
Draupadi's hand.
Some Ramayana retellings tell us of how Sita met Rama 
in a garden before marriage and it was love at first sight. 
In contrast, there is no such romance in Draupadi's life. 
In fact, she prevents Karna from participating in the archery contest as he is of low caste and ends up marrying a 
Brahmin who turns out to be Arjuna in disguise.
Sita's sister and cousins are given in marriage to Rama's
brothers. Draupadi is shared by Arjuna's four brothers, 
all of whom have many other wives.
Sita pays dearly for the actions of her husband and brother-in-law. She is abducted by the rakshasa-king, Ravana, on grounds that her husband had mutilated his sister, Surpanakha.
Draupadi pays disproportionately for her own actions. 
She insults her husbands' cousin Duryodhana, the eldest Kaurava, when he falls in a pool of water calling him 
the blind son of a blind man, not realising how oversensitive he was. As a result, Duryodhana goes out of his way to publicly humiliate her, getting her husbands to wage
her in a gambling match, and having lost her, watch helplessly while he gets her dragged in full view of the court and proceeds to disrobe her.
Both Sita and Draupadi are feared by their abusers. 
Ravana fears forcing himself on Sita as there is talk of 
him losing his life if he touches an unwilling chaste woman. 
Duryodhana's father, the blind Dhritarashtra, warned by Vidura, gives back to the Pandavas all that they have lost to the Kauravas in the gambling match when he hears Draupadi swear that she will not tie her hair until she
washes it with the blood of her abusers.
Sita never screams vengeance but displays silent stoic 
confidence that her husband will rescue her. Draupadi screams vengeance but doubts if her five husbands 
will avenge her insult. She has reason to doubt them. 
They do not kill Jayadhrata, the husband of her sister-in-law, even though he drags her out of her house onto his chariot determined to make her his concubine.
When Rama finally rescues Sita, he reveals rather heartlessly that he is more worried about his family
 honour, and not her person, forcing her to prove her chastity while in captivity in Ravana's house by undergoing a trial by fire. There is never talk of Draupadi's chastity;
 but that she has five husbands often leads to accusations 
that she is a public woman and not a Queen.
In the final chapter, Sita is abandoned in the forest, banished from her husband's house as the public feels she is a stain on royal reputation and unfit to be Queen.
She suffers silently. Draupadi gets her vengeance : 
Her abusers are massacred and she washes her hair 
in their blood. But the joy of vengeance is short-lived.
Sita gets the pleasure of raising her children and they inherit Rama's kingdom. Draupadi, however, does not get the pleasure of raising her children; they are sent 
to the house of Krishna while she lives in exile in the forest with her husbands. All five of her sons are murdered by Drona's son who refuses to take defeat 
lying down. The kingdom of the Pandavas is passed on
 to the grandson of one of Arjuna's other wives.
When Sita finally disappears under the earth, refusing
 to rejoin her husband on his throne, Rama weeps and decides he cannot live on earth without her. He enters the river Sarayu and does not rise again. Draupadi, by contrast, dies a lonely death when she slips and falls down the slopes of the Himalayas ; not one of her five husbands comes to her rescue as her first husband, Yudhishtira, thinks that having renounced the world, they have to let go of all bondage.
Both Sita and Draupadi are enshrined as goddesses. Sita is a more familiar sight in temples. She is the graceful Lakshmi, without whom, Rama is never worshipped. Draupadi worship is popular in some parts of India as in north Tamil Nadu. There she is 
Amman, the mother-goddess, worshipped alone without any of her husbands, the fearsome Kali who 
drinks the blood of her abusers.
It is interesting to note that modern writers tend to project Sita more as a silent suffering victim and Draupadi more as an outspoken and demanding heroine, 
while traditional storytellers see Sita as a person full of love,
wisdom and patience and Draupadi as a glamorous intimidating diva. What everyone agrees with is that there can be no two characters more different from each other.
Whether silent or demanding, both suffered.
Apart from the discussion that whether such things really happened or an exaggeration of life's happenings at the time of Valmiki and Veda Vyasa-one is likely to feel that the depiction of epic women characters has 
deep rooted impact on erring individuals and make them think that women have been created as enjoyment toys and it is but natural for men to take for granted that raping etc are the unavoidable normal happenings in women's life and they need not be taken very seriously.
The epics and puranas have done enormous service in imparting spirituality and traditions .
Yet, even in this age of high education and employment there is no security for women.
Do these characters have a telling influence on the society?

Vishnu Kelkar adds :

Vathsala Madam has nicely covered compare and contrast of the epic characters. 
While Sita is from Treta Yuga Draupadi is from  Dvapara Yuga.
Sita is from epic Ramayana and Draupadi  from Mahabharata. 
Both had peculiar births.
Sita was lone child.
Draupadi had a brother- Drushtadyumna
Both married in a Svyamvara fashion - selected bridegrooms themselves. 
Lava and Kusa were born to Sita.
Both Sita and Draupadi  are embodiments of purity and chastity.


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