Warrier's Collage January 21, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE January 19-21, 2022 1) Gods & Goddesses : Thrimoorthies https://youtu.be/ZQz-OxTqlTc 2) Blogs : Master Minood I https://www.speakingtree.in/master-minood/ II https://www.speakingtree.in/ Good Morning Next issue of Collage hopefully will be on Sunday Nice Day M G Warrier A Responses 1) V R Chittanandam The punsters contributed by Dr.Chitra Nashik are very interesting. Chittanandam 2) V Sundaresan “Prior to 1984, for several years RBI Thiruvananthapuram functioned from Belhaven Palace Kaudiar” Dear Warrier On seeing the photo of Belhaven Palace, I became nostalgic of my stint at Tiruvananthapuram during 1991-1996, which period I had the pleasure of staying in Belhaven Quarters. Even before I moved over there, our office which was once functioning in Belhaven Palace had already shifted to its existing building at Bakery Junction. I was given to understand that though the construction of Belhaven quarters was completed and ready to occupy, it was kept unoccupied for some reasons. At that time, the Belhaven Palace was occupied by the Southern Air Command (SAC) and there was an impending threat from them to take over the quarters in case the building continued to be kept vacant any more. RBI therefore thought it fit it to allot to its officers without loss of much time in the process to avoid infiltration from SAC. Barring two flats, the remaining had been allotted and occupied subsequently. For transferee officers, the rule then in force was that the transferred officers could avail of hotel accommodation (for a maximum period of 45 days) in case the bank was not in a position to provide their own accommodation at the centre to which transferred. On my transfer and relief from Chennai on a Saturday, I stayed in a hotel just for a day as I reached Thiruvananthapuram on the same Saturday. On reporting on Monday, I was promptly given the key to the one of the remaining two flats in Belhaven quarters wherein I moved over the same evening. I was allotted the ground floor flat (D25) and I vividly remember my former colleagues and neighbours in that block which consisted of seven more - opposite to me was Mathew Abraham; first floor had D. Sasikumar and opposite to him P.M. Paulose; in second floor, V.S. Amarnath and Gangadharan were there; and third floor had M. Sundaravel and Ramachandran (ever seen with his trademark shoulder bag “Jolna Bag”). Of these, V.S. Amarnath and M. Sundaravel (basically from Chennai office) are no more now and I do not know whether the other friends remember me at this distance of time. Though the quarters was ideally located with good atmosphere and clean surroundings (Kowdiar area where the palace of Maharaja was also there), since our apartment was in an elevated plane, all the occupants had to undergo the sufferings of water scarcity initially for quite some time. Then the bank took steps to impress upon the Government department concerned and resolved the problem, of course with great difficulty. Despite all the initial hiccups, I thoroughly enjoyed my stay in that quarters for five plus years. I did a wise thing in shifting my family also along with me and my son who had completed his ninth standard in Chennai could get into Mar Ivanios College for his Pre-degree class. All said and done, as two Sentries were always seen standing with rifles at the entrance to SAC, I dared not peep into that Palace and therefore, I had no idea as to how it would look like inside. Even after it was taken over by RBI and converted into VOF, I could not make a trip so far to stay there. Of course, I have been longing for a visit and awaiting Corona to leave our country for good. Thanks for sharing the photo and taking my memory back by twenty five years. Sundaresan V (Retaining Belhaven Palace with RBI was not easy from the day Southern Command identified the unoccupied building to start their Office in Thiruvananthapuram. I was transferred to Mumbai in 1986. Though it may not find a place in the Regional Office's history anywhere, I too, with strong support from A (Aduvakkulam) Chandran, had a small, but crucial role in it, at one stage. I'll write about it later 🙏-Warrier) 3) T R S Iyer Mumbai Shared a link : Breath taking ! A 360 degree view of Bhagirathi at DevPrayag. Swipe your finger or turn your phone around to check out a never seen before view of this iconic place. If on laptop, click with mouse and drag. Sitting at home see this beautiful site which you cannot see even by physically going there. Enjoy ! https://kuula.co/share/collection/7YBD5?fs=1&vr=0&zoom=1&gyro=0&autorotate=-0.04&thumbs=-1&info=1&logo=1 3) Uzhuthra Warrier I find edifying pieces of information in your Collage. Swami Vivekananda condemned Kerala as a lunatic asylum seeing the caste discrimination. He has also said Hindus are destined to suffer as they failed to follow Budha who came to rid Hinduism of the caste discrimination and meaningless rites and rituals just as Jews failed to recognise Jesus Christ. But except Narayana Guru nobody had initiated any reform movement. Since he belonged to an untouchable caste Upper caste Hindus did not follow him and Brahmins could not relish the very idea of abolishing caste system. Savarkar was Brahmin who advocated abolition of caste system, but the RSS or BJP has not yet bought his agenda despite his being a Brahmin. Because it is structured in such a way that every caste gets some placebo as there is another one below that till the bottom Dalits who have been isolated and intellectually emasculated so that they have lost thinking power to realise and revolt. When KR Narayanan stood first in degree exam he applied forbs teachers post which was denied as upper castes did not relish sitting on his class. (Let's look forward to an era : Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high Where knowledge is free Where the world has not been broken up into fragments By narrow domestic walls Where words come out from the depth of truth Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit Where the mind is led forward by thee Into ever-widening thought and action Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake. Tagore B Media Response G-Sec-Yields, the untold story January 18, 2022 G-Sec Yields, the untold story* This refers to the report "G-Sec yields on the rise, again" (The Hindu Business Line, January 18). Media and analysts are overcautious while talking about government borrowings. Those who talk vociferously about oil and onion prices do not show the same enthusiasm or concern while talking about government's revenues or borrowings. Professionalising and bringing transparency in these two areas is the need of the day. For borrowings, central and state governments depend on a captive catchment area, mostly confined to banking system and institutional investors. How deftly this is managed through statutory provisions and tacit support from GOI-owned RBI could be a subject for intelligent research. Without going to details, few suggestions can be made safely : 1) Make return on investment in G-Sec market-related. 2) Develop a dependable retail market for G-Sec instilling confidence in the savers to directly invest their savings in government securities with trust and confidence. 3) Slowly allow banks to diversify the basket of investments to meet Statutory Liquidity Reserve requirements. 4) Make Gold a worthwhile investment proposition to dig out at least a portion of domestic stock of the yellow metal remaining concealed and unaccounted in private vaults. M G Warrier Thiruvananthapuram *Submitted on January 18, 2022 C Spirituality/Faith a) Meditation http://enlightenmenteverywhere.org/Experiences/LanguageDetails/301 b) Faith charan singh (@CharanSingh60) Tweeted : 1) Unity in Diversity - 134 सभ तै उपाई भरम भुलाई जिस तूं देवहि तिसहि बुझाई सतिगुरु मिलै त सहसा जाई किसु हउ पूजउ दूजा नदरि न आई You created them & led astray in delusion Guru blesses understanding & dispels doubts Whom to worship? Can't see other Namdev, 525 https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1482773942817685504?s=20 2) Unity in Diversity - 135 बेगम पुरा सहर को नाउ दूखु अंदोहु नही तिहि ठाउ नां तसवीस खिराजु न मालु खउफु न खता न तरसु जवालु With God's blessing found City free of sorrow No grief or anxiety No goods or taxes No fear, blemish or downfall Ravidass, Gauri, 345, SGGS https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1483147920170172418?s=20 3) Unity in Diversity - 136 हंसा सरवरु कालु सरीर राम रसाइन पीउ रे कबीर कबीर, गउड़ी, ३२५, गुरु ग्रंथ साहिब As swan lives near water Similarly, Death hovers near body So, says Kabir, drink Lords elixir Kabir, Gauri, 325, SGGS https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1483526799342829568?s=20 4) Unity in Diversity - 137 जिमी पुछै असमान फरीदा खेवट किंनि गए जालण गोरां नालि उलामे जीअ सहे Earth asks Sky as to how many boatman have gone by? Ans: Many, their bodies are cremated/buried but their soul/mind has to face consequences of their deeds Farid, Assa, 488, SGGS https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1483845463527014400?s=20 D A Ray of hope* : Inspirational Video Link Courtesy & Narration : Vathsala Jayaraman https://youtu.be/kaeBNjfB23U This lady Annapoorna, I know well. Some three decades plus back, she remembers feeling a sense of soul-crushing hopelessness, when she learnt that her daughter would be a down syndrome child. How her daughter's life would be like! How different her family would look upon the baby! It was totally different from what she imagined when she was carrying. It was after all her baby. There is a reason behind God's will. As soon as she and her husband started thinking this way, anxiety, sorrow, anger and different negative emotions were replaced by positive and hopeful thoughts. The parents, especially the mother wanted to erase the figure she had imagined about a stereotypical Down Syndrome Child. The despair and sadness gave place to an air of peace. There was no time to sit, think and worry. Time to act had arrived. Archana, as the name indicates ( worthy of being worshipped) is a gift consequent on worship and prayer. She was her darling. Definitely she is going to reach a milestone "I will strive for it". The parents accepted the challenge. May be it may take a little longer but the goal is sure to reach. The mother started appreciating the sparkling eyes, rosy lips and the innocent smiles, however strange it may appear to others. Everyday was an experience to the mother. Every frustration turned to be a challenge. Frustrations turned out to be a good stepping stone to get creative with her teaching approach. She started embracing the frustrations, realising that after all, every child learns differently. If one method failed, she switched over to another. When the child could not express, she didn't hesitate to switch over to 'sign language'. The rumours and gossips about the probability of the death of the child within ten years didn't deter them. She is the mother. She will not let the child go out of her hands so easily. 'Fight and struggle till we succeed' became the unwritten law and motto of the parents. Did the mother succeed? See the You tube video. I know the parents well. Shri Jayaram worked in SBT, Thiruvananthapuram and Mrs Jayaram runs a school for such children in Coimbatore. "NISH CHINTA" IS ITS NAME. SURELY ARCHANA IS A RAY OF HOPE *Received via Group Email E Poetry last week : Madras Courier https://madrascourier.com/art-and-poetry/in-this-poem-there-are-no-deaths/ F Ageing : Link Courtesy : Dr T V Gopalakrishnan https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/life-and-relationships/how-do-we-age-and-can-we-delay-it-20211004-p58wzy.html 2) Book knowledge* Come on, let us learn some interesting facts relatedness to "Books" 1 *Dog's Ear* ...while reading a book when we get up we fold the corner of the page we were reading. That is known as Dog's Ear. 2 Librocubicularist ... the person who reads book lying on the bed. 3 Epeolatry...a person who worships words. Tries to string out the sweetness from every word. This is found mainly with Linguists. 4 Logophile .. a person who is fascinated with words. 5 Bibliosmia ...The smell of old books. 6 Book bosomed .. A person who cannot stay a moment without books. 7 Omnilegent...A person who reads all types of books without judging the subject. 8 BallyCumber ... Books which are half read. These books are called BallyCumber. 9 Tsundoku ... it is a Japanese word. There is no English word for it. This means that after purchase the book was not opened even once. 10 Princep. ...The first printed copy of any book is called Princep. 11 Sesquipedalian... A word which has many Syllable such as ses/qui/pe/da/li/an. 12 Colophon ... the spine of the book or where the publishers logo is seen. 13 Bibliclasm... To spoil a book knowingly. 14 Fascine... Part. 1st part, 2nd part etc. A book which is published in many parts such Encyclopedia Britannica, Oxford Dictionary etc. 15 Afflicted... After reading a book if a person feels like crying at the end but is unable to do so. This feeling is called afficted. 16 Bookklempt ... when you have finished reading the last episode and you know that there is no other episode to read but you are unable to digest this truth, this feeling is known as Bookklempt. 17 Chaptigue...the tired feeling which you get in the morning after reading a book for the whole night is known as Chaptigue *Received via Group Email from R Jayakumar 3) Multi-tasking* Why Indian Husbands remain faithful disciples of their wives. By Dr Perfect, MD I will tell you my personal story as to why I remain faithful to my wife. It is just for survival. Her multitasking always amazed me, especially when it came to chemistry. It was 8 in the morning. In the kitchen, my wife was checking the viscosity of the sambar, the solubility of chutney and the permeability of coffee, all at the same time. The huge number of multisized, multilabel bottles and cans on the shelf in front of her, looked like a 17 th century alchemist lab with containers of different shapes and sizes labeled in Hebrew and Arabic. Hebrew and Arabic you can learn, but here it was a different challenge. The ‘Horlicks’ bottle contained chili powder, The ‘Bournvita’ tin, salt, while the oats tin had turmeric. I won’t be surprised if the rat poison cover had pickles in it. But even without the blink of an eye she confidently opens a container labeled Britannia biscuit , puts a little masala powder in one of the cookers, and put it off. No watches to time, no weighing scale to go by. But then suddenly, there was this call from the department of physics. The milkman has come with the milk. Even without a lactometer she predicted that the milk did not meet the required specific gravity to be deemed fit for human consumption, adult, pediatric and our pet cat included. The simultaneous arrival of the old newspaperwalla needed supervision in weights and measures department, which she did with accuracy eligible to earn an ISO certification. Within the next 20 minutes she noted that the particulate matter in the tap water was alarmingly high (to me it seemed usual) and made sure that no one used it for drinking. By noon she discovered an unusual biologic phenomena of slowing of the movement of our goldfish in our jerry can sized aquarium and predicted that the prognosis and outcome was poor. With my postgraduate degree in medicine, I did not find the fish too abnormal but uttered an “yes yes”, more to avoid an argument than anything else. By evening 6 the goldfish died. She followed the exact norms of environmental safety in disposal of the mortal remains with necessary prayers; identifying that the cause for the mortality was the new brand of fish food, without an autopsy The arrival of the gardeners made her take critical decisions in the area of agriculture deciding on which manure would suit the mango tree better. And the financial wizard happily manages to run the home with a fiscal deficit starting by the end of third week of every month. It is said that management skills go beyond what you are taught in the B schools., However top grade they are, you need some special senses. I agree. Even if my salary check lies deep in my hospital coat pocket she smells it out by the time I park the car. Phenomenal I say. Isn’t it. Surprising that with all these qualifications, a working day from 6 am till 11 pm, and on call 24 hours a day, Indian housewives are still considered unemployed and have no organized Trade Union. Administering the department of Home, with two terrorizing kids is another matter I don’t want to discuss here, because, at least one of them is a young ‘Activist’. Today is the era of re-designation, where the department heads have become Directors, Managers rechristened as Chairman and owners as CEOs. Without call for a strike, we have decided to elevate and promote the good old, young at heart, all knowing housewife to a "Homemaker." She is happy with it! I have very little knowledge of chemistry, nature science, food and beverage or commerce or arts. I remain faithful to my wife, and I cling to her just for survival. Salute to all lovely women. ..... As recd..... ©Badri. *Forward received from S R Badrinarayanan via Group Email G Collage Tourism : Bihar https://www.tripadvisor.in/Attractions-g297591-Activities-Bihar.html


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