Warrier's Collage on Saturday November 5, 2022 : Weekend Edition

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Saturday Weekend Edition November 5, 2022 1) Drig-Drisya Viveka : Sarvapriyananda https://youtu.be/8gowrWV2STw 2) Ideas of India https://www.ideasofindia.org/ *Link shared by P V Mohan Krishnan Thiruvananthapuram 3) Amazing Panchavadyam https://youtu.be/zmZmpvea5N4 Good Morning 🌻 Sorry, not able to reduce size as I'm confused what to exclude. Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) TNC Rangarajan Finally, we arrive at prayer that we attempt to extend throughout the day, in which we aim to pray without ceasing. Inwardly, our heart dwells with God; outwardly we offer our actions for the greater good. We find this, for example, in the Christian desert fathers of the Philokalia, in the Sufi tradition, in Hindu yoga, and in Kabbalah. An inner repetition of words of prayer can form scaffolding from which we seek to continuously reach toward the Unconditioned. This very high aim of prayer without ceasing constitutes a worthy life’s work. http://www.innerfrontier.org/Practices/Prayer.htm 2) Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai After reading Kalidasa's Megha Sandesham in 1959, I had the real experience of monsoon only in 2010 on going thro "MONSOON REVERIE" by our friend Shri Nallasivan Saravanan. It is in prose, does not need any guru to infuse the experience. This is my most favourite mail of the group. Every year in the last week of October, I take out this mail and get drenched in monsoon rains, even if it is hot in Madras. I am reminded of our Sanskrit class in a thatched shed of our college where we had practically enjoyed the first muddy smell along with the great explanation given by Miss Mythili, our Sanskrit lecturer. Only in 1960 the name 'PETRICHOR' was given to the fresh muddy smell on the first drizzle after a long hot spell by Australian scientists. So how do these earthly smells reach our noses? During light or moderate rain falls, raindrops can trap tiny air bubbles beneath them when they hit the ground or other porous surfaces. These air bubbles then force their way to the surface, blasting out in a spray of tiny, aerosolized droplets. Scent molecules from the earth hitch a ride in this aerosol and spread through the wind. All these scientific explanations cannot just stand before the practical experience authored by Shri Nallasivan. Even during agni nakshatram, a casual glace of this mail would drag you to the heavy monsoon. Congrats Nallasivan Sir. Vathsala Jayaraman 3) S R Badrinarayanan "first ever Communist Government elected through democratic electoral process". Nice Warrier Sir. Your continuing connections with your home state Kerala has been beautifully brought to the readers' attention by your special issue of Collage celebrating Keralappiravi Day which must have been a new information to many like the writer! The Rajyothsava day being observed in Karnataka (government holiday!) the day on which Mysore state [renamed later as Karnataka] was carved out on 1-11-1956. Yes, the Kerala state has the unique fame of being ruled by the first ever communist govt under Elamkulam Manakkal Sankaran Nambudiripad popularly known as EMS. Also, the first communist govt to be dismissed too was EMS' govt!! Kerala lead the country in the youth seeking overseas employment decades ago. Thagazhi Sivasankara Pillai's story Chemeen directed by Ramu Kariat was the first South Indian film to win the President's gold 🏅for the best film in 1965! ..... Badri Last month I had visited my relatives and friends in the old Malabar region and also stayed in Kochi for two days. Kerala is getting more and more urbanised. There's a Kerala different from what outside world is getting to know from media and politicians. 🙏-Warrier B Current Affairs : 1) Indian Economy* https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/markets/india-may-dominate-the-world-done-a-lot-of-heavy-lifting-over-past-few-years-morgan-stanleys-desai-9434481.html Excerpts : Desai also believes that India could account for 20 percent of the growth that world will generate over the next 10 years. The country is becoming both the office and factory to the world and offshoring is a big positive trigger for India, he added. Desai explained the GDP growth with reference to number of Indian citizens who can afford luxury items like Louis Vuitton purses. "Currently the households in India that earn in excess of US $35,000 a year is about five million. Based on our forecast, this number is likely to go to 25 million by the time we get to early 2030. So that's a fivefold increase in the number of people that who can buy Louis Vuitton purses. *Link shared by Sudha Warrier Mumbai in another group. 2) Media Response : M G Warrier November 4, 2022 Nurture G-Sec and gold This refers to the report "Indian equities shrug off Fed rate hike; G-Sec, Re hit"(The Hindu Business Line, November 4). The weakening Rupee and recalcitrant trends on the price front need to be taken congizance of, and the ball is now in GOI's court. US Fed and Bank of England have simultaneously raised rates by 75 basis points each and RBI cannot be expected to follow suit as the situation in India is not comparable to that obtaining in US and UK. The US dollar and UK currency are facing different sets of domestic challenges. Though RBI will continue to remain vigilant and use all available policy tools to manage inflation respecting it's mandate, GOI has to play a proactive role by active resources management and by ensuring the strength of G-Sec market. The recent initiatives in mainstreaming domestic gold stock and creating a retail market for G-Sec should be followed up with appropriate institutional and policy supports. Illustratively, retail holding of G-Sec could be offered higher (differential) rates and banks can be encouraged to hold a stipulated percentage in gold as part of Statutory Liquidity Reserves under Section 24 of the B R Act. M G Warrier Mumbai 3) RBI In-house HR initiative Employee Assistance Programme HRMD, CO on October 20, 2022 introduced an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for its Employees and their dependent family members with immediate effect. Exponential Development Seminars Pvt. Ltd. (EAP India Pvt. Ltd.) has been empanelled as the service provider for EAP. EAP is a confidential employee benefit program, assisting employees with personal and/or work-related issues that may impact their job productivity, health, mental and emotional well-being. EAP is meant to provide high quality, confidential assistance for personal, professional and family problems that may have an impact on job performance and overall wellbeing. EAP shall cover all serving employees, along with their spouse and dependent children as recorded with the Bank under Bank's Medical Facility Scheme (BMFS). Employees and their dependent family members may opt for EAP on a voluntary basis. The services provided will be confidential in nature, where the details as well as the issues shall not be disclosed to the Bank or any other agency for any purpose. C Books 1) Economics for the layman : Dr M L Jayaraman Nayar https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0BGFH9SYJ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_DRV4N568K7AZCDA46BR2 The book initiates the reader into basic concepts in microeconomics and macroeconomics. The most relevant concepts which are relevant to business only are discussed inthis work. The book is India contextualized. Any reader should be able to understand the relevance of fiscal, monetary and economic policy in India. It may be useful for management and business students as also small businessmen who are just beginning their entrepreneurial career. 2) Veterans of the Reserve Bank : P P Ramachandran Author's Note : The book deals with the Reserve Bank's Economic Department which was conceived to undertake research work and provide guidance to the authorities not only in the narrow sphere of money and banking but over a broad spectrum of economic problems. The book deals with a number of great personalities who left a lasting impression on the Economic Department which is the "Brain" of the Reserve Bank of India. After covering the Founding Fathers like Dr P S N Prasad, Dr K N Raj, DrDharma Kumar, the book leads us on to the Intellectuals like Shri M Narasimham, Dr A G Chandavarkar, Dr V V Bhatt, Dr Deena Khatkhate and Dr K S Krishnaswamy. Their glorious period was succeeded by the electrifying presence of highly regarded economists like Shri S S Tarapore, Dr N A Mujumdar and Dr Meenakshi Tyagarajan. The book is replete with hilarious anecdotes which impart an air of levity to a highly charged Department. The reader will get an inkling of how the Brains Trust of a Central Bank works. Dr D Subbarao has written the Foreword and he writes inter-alia : "This stellar collection of anecdotes about veterans of RBI is a delightful trip down memory lane. Ramachandran, PPR as he is affectionately known to friends, tells us stories about scores of RBI stalwarts spanning several generations, portraying their professional accomplishments as well as their human side – all with transparent warmth, endearing empathy and touching candour." Copies of the book can be obtained from the author. The book is priced at Rs.995/--You will get a discount of 20 percent and courier charges will not be levied. His E-Mail I D is pprchandru@gmail.com D Collage Essay By Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai Drik Drisya-Viveka Essence of the content of Shankaracharya's composition "Drik Drisya-Viveka" starting with the Optical path of visual perception, it very directly plunges into the core philosophy of intellectual discrimination and differentiation. Viveka means to differentiate. Like the intellect to differentiate a Cow vs a Tiger, a Boy vs Girl. Drig Drishya Viveka essentially covers the tenets of differentiation between the object and the viewer and slowly takes us to the core non dualistic teaching of the Self. Continued at H1 E https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/letters-to-editor/article66092613.ece F Leisure I Sweet Positive Thinking Secret messege that Indian Sweets carry - Positive Psychology and Sweets. (It's all about "Perspective") 1. Jalebi Your shape doesn't matter, your nature does . No matter how messed up you look or life is , keeping a sweet tone will always help . 2. Rasgulla No matter how much you are squeezed by circumstances, never forget who you are . Come back to your original self. Be resilient. 3. Boondi Ladoo Every little drop of boondi matters. Similarly little and continuous efforts can bring in miraculous results. Continue doing little things, success will follow. 4. Soan papdi Not everyone likes you, yet the maker doesn't stop to make you. Pursue your goals, irrespective of validation. 5. Gulab jamun Your softness is not your weakness, it can be your strength. Softness is a quality much appreciated, be proud of it. 6. Besan k Ladoo If you get shattered due to pressure, you can always rebuild. It's a symbol of hope. No matter what goes wrong, we can always fix it. II Proud Indian Jokes Time* Mathematician asks : How to write 4 in between a 5? China man replied : Is this a Joke? Japan man exclaimed : Impossible! American man said : The question's wrong!! British man snorted : Rubbish !! Indian man wrote : F(IV)E This is the reason you find Indians everywhere in the world in finance, business, medicine, engineering & arts..anything to do with optimising your brain!! British : Can u swim? Indian : No. British : Then a dog is better than u because it can swim. Indian : Can u swim? British : Yes! Indian : Then what's the difference between u & the dog? British shocked, faints!! Indian Rocks! European : Why do all you Indians come in different colors? Look at us, we are all white. Indian : Horses too come in different colors but donkeys are all the same!!! *Shared by S Venugopal Chennai G Quotes on inflation https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/inflation-quotes Like : You can look at history of these things, and Social Security wasn't devised to be a system that supported you for a 30-year retirement after a 25-year career... So there will be things that, you know, the retirement age has to be changed, maybe some of the benefits have to be affected, maybe some of the inflation adjustments have to be revised. Lloyd Blankfein H 1) Continued from D The Author of the work is not clearly Known.. whether it is Shankaracharya or Vidyanarayana who was the Guru to the Vijayanagara Kingdom. It has about 35 simple verses in Sanskrit. The Seer & the Seen Discrimination The Eyes sees a variety of objects in front. The eyes cannot see themselves and are distinct from the objects. The objects may change but the eyes remain the same. The Mind collects the inputs from the eyes and hence different from the eyes. The eyes may be semi blind, effected by cataract or vision problems but the mind distinct from the plurality of the condition of the eyes. The Mind could be in different states but experienced by the Self. Hence the Mind becomes the ‘Seen’ and the Self the ‘Seer’. The ego in the Reflected Consciousness We shine in the reflected consciousness of the Self.. Just like Moonlight appears to be shining to us due to the incident Sunlight.. . Moon does not have a light of its own.. Nor do the jewels that glitter with light. Consciousness is everywhere. It needs a mind to experience.. Just like Sunlight is everywhere but gets reflected only in tiny water droplets and water bodies.. During the day, we all have different alertness levels. Different people have different alertness level.. This is due to purity of mind. Consciousness is same in all.. Clarity level in the Mind varies like a polished mirror vs a dull mirror. As quoted in Gita, we all have different gunas. Guna of purity, mental health, intelligence, physical health. “guna guneshu varthanthe”.. Perhaps that is why different people have different levels of alertness. The Power of Maya “Maya has 2 powers… Projection and Covering.. Vikshepa and Aavrutthi..Unfolding and Folding. With the ability to project and synthesise the world in the imagery of the mind, the samsaara and world is born. “This world is like like foam on the surface of the ocean. Due to Maya Aavarana covering Shakti.. one is not able to differentiate the seer and seen both inside and outside.. Antra drig drishya bhedam..” In a movie one can watch the waves and sound of Ganges.. but not get a glass of water from the river.. A realized person views the world in a similar way.. Samsaara is created by power of projections and coverings.. A realized person sees through the coverings like an X-ray machine scanning below the skin.. A beautiful story illustrating the hidden self. Kuccha had returned back home after his graduation. Prajapati asks his son Kuccha if he found peace after that lofty education… He then advises him to renunciate and find that inner peace.. Kachha tried all sorts of things but in vain… He renunciates his work and householder duties.. Then renunciates elaborate food.. Later renunciates even his clothes and visits the holy pilgrimages. Finally he thinks of giving up his life as he did not find peace yet.. Then his father reveals to him.. It was about renunciation of his identity that he was tightly clinging to.. Once we dissolve the false clinging of identity and ego.. we discover self and there is ultimate peace.. Like in the Story of the 10 fools crossing a river and wailing for the missing one.. We miss seeing our true Self. The Guru and scriptures establish the Shraddha that the 10th one and the Self is right within us.. When the Knowledge is revealed, the illusion disappears like in the story of Princess of Kashi. The Royal family of Kashi had decided to host a play inside the palace. For the lack of a child princess, the queen mother decided to dress up the young prince as princess. After the play, the queen was so excited seeing the prince in princess costume that she decided that a painting should be made of the princess of Kashi and it was labelled Princess of Kashi. Years later, the prince had grown up. One day when he was exploring the older blocks, he discovers this painting, observes the date of the painting and falls in love with the Princess. He is filled with anxiety. On repeated enquiry, he reveals the situation to his minister.. The minister is perplexed and slowly explains the situation.. The desire to marry suddenly vanishes as the princess was all along with him.. It was his self. Vathsala Jayaraman


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