Indian Coffee House

History of Indian Coffee House Excerpts : In response to the interference to the All India Coffee Board Labour Union, then Prime Minister Pt. Nehru, advised these retrenched workers to form Co-operative Societies and run Coffee Houses at the units closed areas. Shri. A.K. Gopalan, then Union leader as well as first opposition leader of India, was extended all supports to them. In this connection, 13 separate Co-operative Societies were formed in different cities of India Jabalpur Society. In this wave of formation of co-operative Societies countrywide, then Coffee Board Labour Union at Jabalpur, had given strong support to form co-operative Society in Jabalpur. The President and Vice President of the said Union was Shri. L.N. Mehrotra and Shri. P. Sadasivan Nair and they were also respectively the founder President & Vice President of the Jabalpur Society. This Society was named as " Indian Coffee Workers' Co-operative Society Limited, Jabalpur “. In India cooperatives have a success story to tell M G Warrier


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