Opinions and Perceptions
Opinions and Perceptions
Excerpts :
"Some thirty years ago, I was working with a reputed national level organization. Use of technology in clinical diagnosis was not as popular as it is now. For Annual Medical Check-up, I was sent to a clinic where maximum facilities were available. After a couple of visits, separate reports for individual tests and a computer-generated graphic design giving an overall health assessment were handed over to me for delivery to the employer’s Medical Officer.
It was mandatory to submit the medical reports to the Medical Officer (MO) which requirement I complied with the very next working day.
MO rushed through all the reports casually and got stuck when he reached the colourful graphic presentation. Mine was the first such report reaching him. Looking up and down, he drew my pointed attention to the centre of the multi-colour square. There was a tiny dark blue circle.
With his pencil pointing on the circle, the doctor pathetically asked : “Do you know what this indicate?”
Observing my negative nod, doctor continued : “It’s you. Factoring in all the pathological results, you have reached here from the dark green corner where you should have been, if your health was fine!”
I noticed the dark green fading and merging with light red in the middle and red gradually becoming darker and darker to end up in the opposite corner. It was my turn to interpret. I said : “I understand Doctor. In life’s journey, I have covered half the way. Yes, I am fifty. 100 years are fair enough”
Doctor closed the file, murmuring : “No use explaining to you”"
M G Warrier