In praise of losing!
In Praise Of Losing!
The Hindu Open Page article today (Sunday, December 22, 2024) "Losing is the new winning" by Jairam N. Menon is a "Must Read" for winners, losers and those aspirants and trainers who are helping others including their own family members to win.
Yes. Several basics about winning and losing are covered in the piece. Kindly refuse to be carried away by the elements of negativism and sarcasm which Menon has skillfully camouflaged.
In principle, generally, in sports and war, the game is played or the battle is fought, irrespective of the chances of winning or losing.
Sportsmanship and fighting spirit are words coming to mind in this context.
This year (2024), I have joined the group of Octogenarians and perhaps it is late in the day to talk about winning and losing with a future perspective. But, as always, nothing prevents one from sharing memories or revisiting experiences for the benefit of those who are interested in listening or reading.
That was the thought that guided in publishing "Open Book Of Happy Memories"
(Open Book of Happy Memories : ( and Other Stories )
As a student, I was never asked by my parents to score high marks. Forget about coming first in the class! But there was one demand from my father that kept me vigilant from Class 5. He said : "If you fail once in any class, that is the end of your school-going"
(Reason : Every month one of his friends or a well wisher was sponsoring my school fees -Twelve Annas. He can't approach them and ask to finance the education of a failed child.
I didn't disappoint him. I passed in the first attempt all exams upto B Sc Degree exam(Out of 35 candidates who appeared for B Sc(Final Year) exam in 1963, only 5 of us completed the degree then). Incidentally, we were second batch of students in the 1958 started Government College, Madappalli.
Immediately after completing the degree course, I got a job in August 1963. In subsequent 40 years, I was giving recruitment, promotion and selection tests and interviews. To avoid repetition, I'm not going into the story of winning and losing. Relevant to the context is the fact that success and failure kept alternating. In the first (1964) and last interview (2003) in RBI, I was not selected!
In 1968, I entered RBI with a first rank in selection test and interview.
While leaving the service in 2003 voluntarily, 13 months earlier than the date of superannuation, months after the last selection interview I appeared, there was an unwritten commitment from the top management that if I didn't opt for Voluntary Retirement, I could retire a year later in the next grade. I politely declined.
I have no regrets after 21 years.
On the other hand, I am living with happy memories of a 40 year long association with institutions i served and constantly interacting with my colleagues.
Love All.
M G Warrier