What is RBI Reading?*

The Book: The End of Poverty: How We Can Make It Happen in Our Lifetime
Author    : Jeffrey D. Sachs
Publisher: Penguin Books
Price       : Rs399/-

The author says the book is about ending poverty in our lifetime and cautions that ‘it is not a forecast’. Observing that currently (2004, position must be worse today!), more than eight million people around the world die each year because they are too poor to stay alive, Jeffrey D. Sachs makes a bold statement that ‘Our generation can choose to end that extreme poverty by the year 2025.’

The author shares his experience in various countries including Bangladesh, India and China and makes, inter alia, the following observations on sustainable development:

“While targeted investments in health, education, and infrastructure can unlock the trap of extreme poverty, the continuing degradation at local, regional, and planetary of scales threatens the long-term sustainability of all our social gains. Ending extreme poverty can relieve many of the pressures on the environment.”

(Contributed by: M G Warrier, former General Manager, Mumbai)

* RBI Newsletter, April 30, 2013


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