Rajan given Best Central Bank Governor award by Euromoney - The Hindu

Rajan given Best Central Bank Governor award by Euromoney - The Hindu

Congratulations to Dr Raghuram G Rajan.
Permit me to quote my own response to an article on Dr Rajan published in The Hindu (The man
who turned the economic tide, September 5, 2014) I commented asunder:

India was waiting for the kind of leadership Dr Raghuram Rajan and Modi are capable of
providing. Both have some common qualities. Both are willing to work for the
country's good. Both are good listeners. Both lead from the front. Both are
willing to change course, if someone is able to convince that there are better
options. In their respective fields, both have the advantage of age. Both are
lucky to be at the right place at the right time.” 

I have reproduced this in my October 2014 column in The Global ANALYST

M G Warrier


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