The absurd clamour for labour market reforms | Business Line
The absurd clamour for labour market reforms | Business Line
Online comments* posted on October 14, 2014:
Online comments* posted on October 14, 2014:
This refers to the
article “The absurd clamour for labour market reforms”(MACROSCAN, October 14).
The article gives a balanced view on the injustice being meted out to the
workforce of India in general, in the name of reforms and globalisation. By
bringing the following facts in one place, the authors have helped policy makers to have a re-look at the
way in which the government and
employers handle the issues relating to compensation package(wages,
health/insurance benefits and social security aspects put together):
Total wages and salaries(emoluments)
amounted to only 4.5 per cent of the total input costs in the factory sector
The share of workers(who may constitute
more than 80 per cent of the workforce) in the emoluments bill was less than 47
per cent.
Share of workers wages to total
emoluments is declining.
Regular employment is being avoided by
contract labour and ‘outsourcing’.
In addition to the profit motive of
‘owners’, anxiety of ’managers’ to protect their pay packets, while deciding on the wages of workers, is also
having a bite on workers’ emoluments.
The phenomenal rise in the percentage of
contract workers, which is a direct result of employers’(including government)
short-cut to side-step legal provisions for workers’ protection, ranging from
collective action to safety andhealth provisions topension andother
obligations, is adversely affecting the remaining bargaining power of the
All these, in the long
run, are issues that will have to be addressed by government, and more
importantly, the social costs will be unbearably high. Any labour reform
proposalsshould factor in these issues and their implications.
. M G Warrier, Mumbai
*A slightly edited version has been published in The Hindu Business Line dated October 1, 3014
*A slightly edited version has been published in The Hindu Business Line dated October 1, 3014