The grand delusion of Digital India - The Hindu
The grand delusion of Digital India - The Hindu
Excellent analysis. The observation “India’s economy finally grew faster than China’s in 2014. But on a variety of social indicators, it is decades behind China because the latter, as Amartya Sen has repeatedly emphasised, invested heavily in health and education under communism before it turned to market-led growth.” is multi-dimensional.
India has several growth models within the country, from ‘Kerala Model’(where women are fighting in Munnar for raising their daily wages to Rs500/-)to ‘Colaba Model’(Not heard about it? Colaba is a ‘pocket’ in Mumbai city(Maharashtra) where per square foot price for residential flats starts from six digit figures) co-exist. By now, economists of different schools seem to agree that economic growth of a country is not an indicator of poverty level of the country.
If Modi also fails to understand the need to reverse the flow of resources to support literacy, healthcare and eradication of poverty, whatever be the GDP growth projections, India will be looking back with regret in 2020.
M G Warrier, Mumbai