Warrier's Collage October 10, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday October 10, 2021 World Post Day : October 9, 2021 https://youtu.be/68luTdqxVXU Sambhavaami Yuge Yuge... https://youtu.be/LEyy4C50b4Q Good Morning Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday October 16, 2021. Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages 1) V R Chittanandam P R R Nayar's 'KG Admission' interview in today's (October 9) Collage was very interesting and hilarious. Chittanandam 2) Satsangam with Panchapagesan Sunday Collage.... CGR Let us Create Graceful Resolution.... Confidence Gratitude Realization. Invoking Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswathi.... For the welfare of Humanity ....... (Continued at H1) 3) Dr Charan Singh charan singh (@CharanSingh60) Tweeted: Unity in Diversity - 34 तीनि भवन भरपूरि रहिओ सोई अपन सरसु कीओ न जगत कोई आपुन आपु आप ही उपायेउ सुरि नर असुर अंतु नही पायेउ God is present in - space/land/air None other like God Self-created Angels, humans, devils know not God's limits Bard Bal, 1405 SGGS https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1446582327950204932?s=20 4) V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram Warrier's appeal to the newly formed NARCL to find an appropriate pet name in the place of 'Bad Bank' before it is too late, is quite pertinent. I hope most readers will agree that calling a good endeavour 'bad' is, in a way, doing injustice to the English language. It has to be avoided at any cost. Commercial banks have, for a long time, been under the fear that the very heavy burden of bad debt will sink them and that it was only a question of time. What NARCL proposes, or is expected, to do, is removal of that fear. In that sense why not it be given the positive name ABHAYA BANK?(Abhayaa literally means she who removes fear and refers to Goddess Durga) 5) C V Subbaraman Mysuru Why not nickname the "bad" bank as "Saviour Bank"? By the way, what would be the income of the "Saviour Bank", what will be its organisational structure, how will it be able to function profitably? Subbaraman (Now that NARCL has already come into being, let it's Board find out some solution. As regards structure and functions assigned to the new entities, ET reported : "NARCL: What are NARCL and IDRCL? How do they work and what is the plan?, BFSI News, ET BFSI" https://bfsi.economictimes.indiatimes.com/amp/news/banking/what-are-narcl-and-idrcl-how-do-they-work-and-what-is-the-plan/86282175 -Warrier) B Current Affairs Media Response : Towards Universal Healthcare To The Editor The Hindu Letters October 9, 2021 Towards Universal Healthcare This refers to the article "Infusing public health into Indian medical education" by Soham D Bhaduri (October 9). The article is informative and deserves serious attention from those in charge of medical education and government and non-government agencies responsible for providing medical education across specialties and ensuring availability of infrastructure and inputs as also manpower at various levels. The pandemic was an eye opener showing how resources can be mobilized using unconventional ways and pace of research and production in core sectors can be increased when need arises. We have used production capacities and technology to our advantage during the last 2 years in an unprecedented manner. Accepting the lessons learnt we must advance the time of making minimum healthcare to every citizen. This can be achieved by a Public-Private Sector Participation of a different nature in the healthcare sector. Government of India is moving in the right direction in this regard and much progress towards Universal Healthcare has already been made. Now it should be possible to link the Adhar/Mobile number of every adult citizen with the contact number of a hospital/health centre/doctor who will be in a position to maintain a health-card of the citizens attached to him. M G Warrier Mumbai I wrote in Moneylife during January 2013 : "Universal healthcare: When will the government act?" https://www.moneylife.in/article/universal-healthcare-when-will-the-government-act/30971.html Looking back after 100 plus months, some changes are visible. Technology and pandemic had a proactive role, though!-Warrier C Collage Books Alchemist : Book Review* "Book review: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho - Citywire" https://citywire.co.uk/new-model-adviser/news/book-review-the-alchemist-by-paulo-coelho/a476605 Excerpts : "In a nutshell: We too easily give up on our dreams, yet the universe is always ready to help us fulfill them. Santiago is a shepherd. He loves his flock, though he can't help but notice the limited nature of the sheep's existence. Seeking only food and water, they never lift their heads to admire the green hills or the sunsets. Santiago's parents have continually struggled for the basics of life and have smothered their own ambitions accordingly. They live in beautiful Andalucía, which attracts tourists to its quaint villages and rolling hills, but for them it is not a place of dreams. Santiago, on the other hand, can read and wants to travel. He goes into town one day to sell some of his flock and encounters a tramp-king and a gypsy woman. They urge him to ‘follow his omens’ and leave the world he knows. The gypsy points him toward the pyramids of Egypt, where she says he will find treasure." *As you have noticed, book reviews here are picked up at random from a wide selection available. Once a reader access the link, will find what may attract his attention. D Readers Write : Story Time with Vathsala Jayaraman a) Saraswati & Kalamegam Once a learned Saivite started doing penance to Akilandeswari to achieve wisdom in all arts. Devi Akilandeswari came before him in an ordinary women disguise wearing a white saree and asked him to open the saivites mouth to spit the betel leaves she was chewing. The saivite out of much irritation insulted Devi. At that time 'Kalamegam' was sleeping within the temple premises, Devi Akilandeswari appeared before him and spat into his mouth the betel that she was munching. “Kalamegam” immediately obtained wisdom and went into poetic raptures. He became a very great Tamil poet then was called as “Kavi Kalamegam”. He then sung 'Thiruaanaika Ula' in praise of Akilandeswari. Kalamega Pulavar sung the 'Saraswathi Maalai' on Akilandeswari, envisaged her as Goddess Saraswathi (Goddess of Wisdom). A verse from saraswathi malai is furnished hereunder: b) Donkey & Navaratri Yesterday as I was entering the lane of Electricity Board I saw two donkeys fighting with each other on the road. A rare sight in the city! I thought of the year 1969 when my daughter was born in our village. Soon after birth, she developed some red rashes all over the body and as per medical books, it will automatically vanish. (Continued at H1) E Blogs & Links 1) Gold Management "Letters: The gold think tank" https://wap.business-standard.com/article-amp/opinion/letters-the-gold-think-tank-114112701295_1.html November 27, 2014 "Even the right exploitation of a small portion of India's surface gold stock will fuel economic growth to a great extent. This is mainly because success in this direction will bring down the import bills, besides improving forex earnings from jewellery exports. This initiative will give the necessary research support and professional backing to the efforts of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to make an inventory of India's domestic gold stock, standardising and making tradable at least a portion of that stock and building people's trust in gold-backed financial instruments. M G Warrier 2) Mainstream Weekly http://mainstreamweekly.net/article11636.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MainstreamWeekly+%28Mainstream+Weekly%29 Excerpts : " A short congratulatory message to Syukuro Manabe, who has won the Nobel Prize in Physics on his work on development of the first general circulation model of the Earth’s atmosphere. He has shared one half of the prize with Klaus Hasselmann, who along with Syukuro, have enabled us “physical modelling of Earth’s Climate, quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming.” The other half of the prize is awarded to Giorgio Parisi “for the discovery of the interplay of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from atomic to planetary scales." The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has declared on 05 October 2021 Dr. Manabe’s research, which began in the 1960s, is the origin of the climate simulation models that have become indispensable tools for generating climate change prediction information today. His research using a radiative-convective equilibrium model, which accurately evaluated the role of energy transfer processes and convection in determining the vertical structure of the Earth’s atmosphere, pioneered the development of climate models around the world. The coupled atmosphere-ocean model, which took into account the flow of the atmosphere and the oceans, became the prototype for climate models that are now being developed around the world, and has made remarkable progress. His achievements are counted for his sheer volume of fundamental research in the field Earth Sciences, with widespread societal implications. At times he has felt that his science discoveries may not have received as much public attention as deserved, as he mentioned in a feature article published by the International Pacific Research Center, Hawaii, in 2005. But award recognitions have followed generously, most notably the 1st Blue Panel Prize (1992), Crafoord Prize in Geosciences (2018)." 3) Temples of education : M G Warrier "Temples of Education" https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/temples-of-education-29775/ Excerpts : "While preserving heritage is important, I wonder why our thoughts do not travel to the idea of reviving and reforming our Heritage and exploiting their infinite possibilities for solving our current economic and social problems. To give some idea about what I am talking about, let me share with you an excerpt from an internet content I stumbled upon today while searching for Kanthalloor-related links: ” Known as the Nalanda of South, the Kanthalloor Shala was once a famous centre of knowledge and due to the quality of education provided by this ancient university, it attracted scholars from other parts of India and Sri Lanka. What set Kanthalloor apart from other ancient Indian universities of that era was the diversity in the subjects it offered.” Just think of the changes that can be brought about, if erstwhile Universities are revived one by one with the reformed environment, facilities and course content integrating present needs. Maybe the present thinking at the highest intellectual levels may be on these lines. But, political compulsions and ease of doing popular things and deriving short-term benefits may be distorting Policy Priorities." F Leisure How to make Kerala Pappadam* at home https://www.onmanorama.com/food/recipe/2019/09/26/make-kerala-pappadam-papad-at-home-easy-recipe.amp.html Ingredients 200 gm urad dal powder ¾ tsp baking soda 2 tsp sesame oil Water, as needed All-purpose flour, as needed Preparation Into a bowl add the urad dal powder, baking soda and salt and mix well Add water and sesame oil gradually while mixing it To make the dough soft, flatten it using your palm, fold it and then beat it using a stone or a rolling pin Repeat it at least 10-12 times Now roll it and cut it in small pieces Sprinkle some all purpose flour on a board and roll each piece of dough in circular shapes Keep it under the sun with each side exposed for at least 5 minutes You can fry these pappadams after drying as well. *Making Pappadam is a joke. So included under Leisure-Warrier G Quotes about renunciation "TOP 25 RENUNCIATION QUOTES (of 192) | A-Z Quotes" https://www.azquotes.com/quotes/topics/renunciation.html Like : "We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path." Paulo Coelho (Paulo Coelho de Souza is a Brazilian lyricist and novelist. He is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters. His novel The Alchemist has sold more than 150 million copies worldwide and is the all-time best-selling book by a Brazilian writer.) H 1) Continued from A2 "Amritham Gamaya" > Aum Shri Maathre Namaha > > Fasting of Inner Senses during Sarannavratri > > 1st Day - I will leave all my Anger. > > 2nd Day - I will stop Judging People > > 3rd Day - I will leave all my Grudges > > 4th Day - I will forgive myself & everyone > > 5th Day - I will Accept myself & every one as they are. > > 6th Day - I will love myself & everyone unconditionally. > > 7th Day - I will leave all my feelings of Jealousy & Guilt > > 8th Day - I will leave all my Fears > > 9th Day - I will offer Gratitude for all the things I have and all which I will get > > 10th Day -There is abundance in the universe for all and I will always tap the same and create what I want through unconditional love, sadhana, nishkama seva, faith and nama sankirtana. > > Blissful and blessful NavaRathri. > > Aum Shri Maathre Namaha > > प्रथमं शैलपुत्री च द्वितीयं ब्रह्मचारिणी।तृतीयं चन्द्रघंटेति कूष्माण्डेति चतुर्थकम् ।। > > पंचमं स्क्न्दमातेति षष्ठं कात्यायनीति च ।सप्तमं कालरात्रीति महागौरीति चाष्टमम् ।। > > नवमं सिद्धिदात्री च नवदुर्गाः प्रकीर्तिताः ।। > > Prathamam Shailputri cha dwitiyam brahmcharini. Tritiyam Chandrghanteti Kushmandeti Chaturthakam. > > Panchamam Skandmateti Shashtam Katyayniti cha Saptamam Kalratri Maha Gauri chAshtmam. > > Navmam Sidhidatri cha Nav Durga Prakirtitah. > > Navadurga or the 9 forms are manifestations of Durga which are are the nine Goddesses worshipped on nine festive nights during Durga Navratri. > > Though, the nine manifestations or avatars of Durga that are worshipped during Navaratri may differ from place to place per Aagama vidhis being followed, the standard or primary Navadurga Goddesses remain same for every region. > > Goddess Durga is a form of Shakti, the Mother Goddess. Three main forms of Shakti – Mahakali, MahaLakshmi, Saraswathi are evolved from the Trimurtis – Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva respectively. > > Each of these three main Goddesses gave rise to 3 more manifestations, who are referred as Nav-Durga. On each day of Durga Navratri, one of the Navdurga Goddesses is worshipped. > > Shailputri Mata: First Navdurga Mata, worshipped on 7th October in India which is the first day of Navratri i.e. Aswiyuja Shukla Pratipada (Kalasha Sthapana / Ghatsthapana). > > Brahmacharini Maa: Second Navdurga Mata, worshipped on 2nd day of Navratri on 8th October i.e. Aswiyuja Shukla Dwitiya (Preeti Dwitiya). > > Mata Chandraghanta: Third aspect of Durga. Chandraghanta is worshipped on 9th October on third day of Navratri i.e. Aswiyuja Shukla Tritiya (Sindhura Trithiya). > > Mata Kushmanda: 4th aspect of Goddess Durga. Kushmanda Maa is worshipped on 10th October, on 4th day of Navratri i.e. Aswiyuja Shukla Chaturthi. > > Skandamata: Fifth manifestation of Durga Maa. Skandamata is worshipped on 11th October, on 5th day of Navratri i.e. Aswiyuja Shukla Panchami (Lalita Panchami / Upang Lalita Vratham). > > Katyayani Mata: Sixth aspect of Navdurga, Katyayani Mata is worshipped on 11th October, on Maha Sashti, 6th day of Navratri i.e Aswiyuja Shukla Sashti. The fifth and sixth avataara are worshipped on 11th October due to tidhi dwandwa on same day. > > Kalaratri Maa: Seventh manifestation among Navdurga forms. Kalratri Maa is worshipped on 12th October, on 7th day of Navratri Aswiyuja Shukla Saptami (Maha Saptami). > > MahaGouri Mata: Eighth form of Navdurga. Maha Gauri is worshipped on 13th October on eighth day of Navratri i.e. Aswiyuja Shukla Ashtami (Durga Ashtami). > > Siddhidatri Mata: Ninth and final aspect of Navdurga Mata. Siddhidatri Maa is worshipped on 14th October on ninth day of Navratri i.e. Aswiyuja Shukla Navami (Maha Navami). > > On the Vijayadasami, the divine mother Rajarajeswari is worshipped. > > Aum Shri Maathre Namaha. > > > V T Panchapagesan. 2) Continued from D(b) But my neighbour Mami insisted that the child should be given a spoonful of donkey's blood, which I resisted. The arguments continued for three days.The baby became alright by then. Donkeys are often referred to in books of all religions, the Hindu, Islam and Christianity. Donkeys appear in Hitopadesha and Panchatantra stories also. Kalarathri is the seventh of the nine Durgas. There is yet another form of Durga named' Shitala mounted on the Donkey Vahana. "Shitala is represented as a young maiden crowned with a winnowing-fan, riding a donkey, holding a short broom(either to spread or dust off germs) and a pot-full of pulses (the viruses) or cold water(a healing tool). Among Hindus residing in interior villages and tribal communities, she is represented with slab-stones or carved heads. Sometimes, she is said to be carrying a bunch of neem (Azadirachta indica) leaves, a medicinal herb used throughout India since ancient times that is believed by some to be an effective remedy to most skin diseases to this day. Shitala Devi (Fighter of fever and other maladies) [IMG] Note the broom on the right hand which may signify the need to keep your place clean to avoid all diseases and a pot of medicine on the other hand. Near Kumbakonam in Valangaiman there is a temple for Sheetala Devi. The main Prarthana in the temple is strange. If someone falls seriously ill, they make a vow to the Goddess. As soon as the patient is cured and becomes normal, he/she is treated as a dead person and taken to the temple in the form of corpse mounted on bamboo poles covered with green coconut sheaths.( known as 'paadai' in Tamil ') with conches and chest beats taken to the temple and placed before the Sannidhi. On a particular day, I don't remember when, hundreds of such alive corpses arrive.The people believe that for the patient it is a rebirth due to Sheetala's Grace and may not suffer any disease afterwards. The donkey is the symbol of the Egyptian Sun god Ra and the Greek God Dionysus. Donkeys find a place on many occasions in the Bible. Leading, saddling, mounting/dismounting denote a change in focus some believers came to see the Cross-shaped marking present on the donkey's back as a symbol of the animal's bearing Jesus into Jerusalem. Donkeys are generally portrayed as stupid and stubborn. G K Chesterton's poem on donkey is popular in the West. Shakespeare popularized the word 'ass' representing stupidity. Later there is a positivity of 'sincerity' as portrayed in later works as a symbol of patience and perseverance. In modern management text books the donkey is portrayed as a paragon of crisis management, transforming threats into opportunities. The story is about a donkey which is thrown into the well and covered by heaps of mud, uses the same mud as the stepping stone and comes out of the well. There are many phrases and proverbs about donkey. "to talk the hind legs off a donkey"-refers to a person talking excessively and persuasively. Buridon's Ass -A donkey placed exactly between water and food would die of hunger and thirst because of its indecision as to whether to take food or water. I think many human beings also can be termed 'Buridon's Ass' if they lose the opportunities when there are too many choices. The famous Italian phrase 'women, donkeys and goats have heads' to denote the stubborn nature of women. Donkey also comes to politics. A "Donkey Vote" is a vote that simply writes down preferences in the order of candidates-1 at the top, then 2 and so on and is most often seen in countries with preferential voting such as Australia. The donkey is a common symbol of The Democratic Party of the US. In 1828 the symbol was introduced when Mr.Jackson was contesting. His opponents called him a 'jackass' as an insult. But he embraced the symbol to present himself as strong willed and determined. In South India there is a belief that seeing donkey is a bad omen, but listening to its cries is auspicious. In our village, when the bray of the donkey is heard, people would go inside and lock themselves so the braying donkey may not be seen. Many condemn the donkey's voice. If any performer has a husky voice he is often criticized as 'like the donkey singing Kamboji ragam';( kazhuthai kambothi.) I read in a book "On careful observation of a donkey while braying ( notwithstanding bad omen)it is proved that the donkey's unique voice is due to the fact that it makes noise while exhaling and inhaling while every one else including human beings make noise while exhaling only and that makes a donkey enormously unique!" Only ENT specialists have to give clarification on this point. Tail piece "Human snoring, on account of which many marriages have failed is like another form of donkey's bray. Google Guru reports. "Snoring usually occurs on inhalation but can also occur during exhalation. Snoring can occur during exclusive nasal breathing, exclusive oral breathing, or during combined oro nasal breathing. Snoring can occur during apneas, hypopneas, UARS (upper airway resistance syndrome), or non-apneic sleep." Vathsala Jayaraman


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