Warrier's Collage October 26, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Tuesday October 26, 2021 Sri Chakra Raja... https://youtu.be/YdpmJGIe_TI Good Morning Limited Vacation Edition Nice Day M G Warrier A TO JESUS* A Poem by E X Joseph Between the earth and the heaven Connecting existence and essence Bonding Divinity and Humanity Blending God and Man, Earth and Heaven On the wood carved in the womb of life Hangs the man who in words of agony Proclaimed the passion of unconditional love Embraced the present, the past and the future Effaced the divide between man and god Merged all transient reality into infinity Made ordinary water into wine And breathed eternal life into mortal frame. Mankind imprisons souls in sacred structures Poison is served in blessed bowls The poor shepherd’s stick is covered in gold And used to torture anyone who is bold to see the simple truth of love and speak it In the holy freedom of the spirit. To amass wealth creeds are made and sold And to sit on the throne endless lies are told Whited sepulchers are enthroned for worship Gifts of god’s blessings are traded in the shop Merchants of sin, damnation and eternal death parade themselves to be keepers of faith. Two thousand years have stood as witness To the betrayal of the man whose greatness was his oneness with the lowly and the lost who condemned the ugliness of those who ruled with power, pelf, wealth, command of state and robe and branded the self appointed agents of God as vipers and drove them out of the temple of God. and dared to declare the innocence of the babe to be the secret of the kingdom of god sang a hymn to the divinity of all men and women to every existential demand said amen and wrote in his blood the poem of love. e x joseph *Received by email on March 26, 2016-M G Warrier B Current Affairs 1) A tribute to Dr P K Warrier who was Managing Trustee and Chief Physician, Kottakkal Aryavaidyasala for decades. Panniyampilly Krishnankuty Warrier was an Indian Ayurveda practitioner. He was born in Kottakkal, Malappuram district in the Indian state of Kerala. He was the chief Physician and Managing trustee of Arya Vaidya Sala. He was the youngest nephew of Vaidyaratnam P. S. Warrier, the founder of Arya Vaidya Sala. Passed away on July 10, 2021 at the age of 100. https://youtu.be/rk35xwAACuI Context : "A Tribute to a Life of Service: Padmabhushan PK Warrier, Managing Trustee - KOTTAKKAL Aryavaidyasala" https://www.kottakkal.shop/blogs/healing-with-kottakkal-ayurveda/a-tribute-to-a-life-of-service-padmabhushan-pk-warrier-managing-trustee-of-arya-vaidya-sala-kottakkal 2) Media Response To The Editor The Hindu Letters October 26, 2021 Redefining the opposition's role This refers to Shaikh Mujibur Rahman's article "On the future of the Congress" (October 25). During the initial days after the transfer of power from the British rulers to domestic political leadership, utmost care was taken by the Nehru-Patel-,Rajaji trio along with other contemporary leaders to put in place a lasting and workable architecture for governance. The acceptance of parliamentary system, giving to the people a Constitution integrating the best of "both the world's", putting in place an institutional system comparable with the best in the world and acceptance of "adult franchise" with simplicity and transparency are some of the creditable achievements of Indian National Congress (INC) under Nehru's leadership. Though it would be uncharitable to blame INC in isolation for this, since decades, we are paying the price for not nurturing a healthy opposition in our legislative structure. Irrespective of denomination and sizes, all political parties give an impression that functionally, once in opposition, their role is to obstruct and oppose the government of the day. The hotch-potch coalition system that evolved in the absence of strong political parties with convincing manifestos has done irreparable damage to the democratic system of government we have accepted. Perhaps, time is opportune for an all-party forum to consider preparing some ground rules for rejuvenating and professionalising the working of all political parties participating in the electoral process. M G Warrier Mumbai C Faith/Spirituality 1) Dr Charan Singh charan singh (@CharanSingh60) Tweeted: Unity in Diversity - 50 पहिला वसतु सिन्नाणि कै तां कीचै वापारु दोही दिचै दुरजना मित्रां कूं जैकारु नानक, १४१० गुरु ग्रंथ साहिब First, recognise merchandise & then trade in it Get rid of evil persons/vices Celebrate/welcome friends/virtues Nanak, 1410, SGGS https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1452416572341960705?s=20 2) Dr C P Mathew renowned Oncologist passed away on October 20, 2021 at the age of 92. https://www.organiser.org/india-news/kerala-s-first-cancer-specialist-dr-c-p-mathew-passed-away-at-the-age-of-92-6615.html/amp/ Excerpts : "Kerala's first cancer specialist Dr C P Mathew's body was cremated in Changanacherry (Kerala) as per Hindu funeral rites. His elder son Mohan and his student Dr Sreejith performed the last rites following instructions from Suryakaladi mana. Kerala’s first cancer specialist Dr C P Mathew passed away at the age of 92 One of the pioneers in cancer research in Kerala, Dr C P Mathew passed away at the age of 92. Born as a Christian in Changanacherry taluk of Kottayam district, he lived a Hindu way of life, made immense contributions to traditional medicinal systems like Ayurveda and Siddha." V T Panchapagesan Chennai adds : Dr Mathew was the first oncology professor in Kerala, Head of the Oncology Department at Kottayam Medical College and then the principal. Later when he retired he was a flying doctor and visiting professor of allopathic cancer treatment at universities in more than 50 countries. At the age of 60, he decided to unlearn everything he had learnt earlier and accepted a _Lada Vaidyan_ (a physician of traditional tribal medical system), whom he met on the street, as his guru. D Books "Book Review - The Tata Group - A Word To The World"* http://awordtotheworld.com/book-review-the-tata-group Observations Some key observations of the Tata Group They still refer to the philosophy of Humata, Hukhta, Hvarshta (good thoughts, good words, good deeds) Develop soft power by allowing people to own their actions and enterprises (JRD Tata run the empire solely on the trust he reposed on his people) The focus has been to make money (Capitalism with an intent for socialism) Faith is built with effort and takes a lot of time (TCS’ first all-women BPO in Saudi Arabia was a highlight as TCS went the extra mile to bring women’s brothers and fathers to repose their faith in TCS’ commitment towards protecting their culture and customs) Belief of serving people who are not your employees, rather your suppliers (After transferring ownership of Kanan Devan Plantations to 13000+ workers, Tata’s ensured that welfare schemes were not discounted) Persistence is the key to success and once partners are always family (Tata and Singapore Airlines waited for 15-long years to get permission for Vistara) Create an employee network, which would stand by you resolutely (Tata Steel was on the verge of nationalization, saved because the unions unequivocally supported the Tata management over a govt-controlled management) *Included here after watching a video talk by the author of this book. The YouTube link was shared by Vivek Amin Nagpur E Blogs & Links 1) Universal Healthcare : Moneylife article by M G Warrier published on January 24, 2013 https://www.moneylife.in/article/universal-healthcare-when-will-the-government-act/30971.html 2) Ayushman-Bharat : Prime Minister Modi's announcement on October 25, 2021 https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/india/story/pm-modi-launches-ayushman-bharat-digital-mission-health-id-1857657-2021-09-27 3) "The tree of life" https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/drpande/the-tree-of-life-38484/ Excerpts : "The water of love, the water of care, of affection and compassion The water of humanity- Contributing to the existence. The existence of the tree. The tree of life, Beautiful. Strong. Immortal." 4) "Memories and us" https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/the-mobile-story/memories-and-us-38545/ Excerpts : "Ultimately, it is us who need to act as the memories though are powerful enough to shape us; they have no power to change us. Taking it further, how you perceive a person depends on the memories that you have of your previous encounter with him or a person with similar attributes. Even if the previous encounter had not been very pleasant you can choose to carry the best part of it as a memory. This would define your conception about that person which can further decide the outcome of your next encounter. This does not mean that if that person has cheated you earlier you carry only the positive part and drop your guard. No, remember that as well (although it sounds paradoxical) for your own safety but at the same time if you approach this impending encounter carrying a wee-bit positive feeling from the previous encounter, the outcome might be quite different from the expected disaster." F Leisure Getting Older* (Received from A P Ramadurai Cheñnai) Laugh it out I changed my car horn to gunshot sounds. People get out of the way much faster now. Gone are the days when girls used to cook like their mothers. Now they drink like their fathers.. I didn't make it to the gym today. That makes five years in a row. I decided to stop calling the bathroom the 'John' and renamed it the 'Jim'. I feel so much better saying "I went to the Jim this morning". Old age is coming at a really bad time. When I was a child I thought “Nap Time” was a punishment. Now, as a grownup, it feels like a small vacation. The biggest lie I tell myself is..."I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it." I don't have grey hair; I have "wisdom highlights" I'm just very wise. Don't ever ask me to bend down and touch my toes. If God wanted me to touch my toes, He would have put them on my knees. Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators We haven't met yet. Of course I talk to myself; sometimes when I need expert advice. At my age "Getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for. Actually I'm not complaining because I am a Senager. (Senior teenager) I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 60 years later. - I don’t have to go to school or work. - I have a driver’s license and my own car. - I get an allowance every month. - I have my own ipad (although I can't recall where I kept it) - I don’t have a curfew. Life is great. Have a good chuckle. Laughter is a good Medicine *No big deal. Of late, I always forget I have decided to take a few days leave from Collage. Remember about it when readèrs remind me 🙏-Warrier


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