Warrier's Collage October 19, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Tuesday October 19, 2021 Prayer : https://youtu.be/s3fWKIIURIA Ranthambore National Park https://youtu.be/BL5kGkcOUSc (Let's meet them in close quarters) Good Morning Tried some trimming. Don't miss B1. Nice Day M G Warrier Thought for the day charan singh (@CharanSingh60) Tweeted: Unity in Diversity - 43 Poisonous fruits seeming sweet: can't distinguish between good/bad Turning away from virtue:deepening web of birth/death Dhanna, 487, SGGS भिखु फल मीठ लगे मन बउरे चार बिचार न जानिआ गुण ते प्रीति बढी अन भांती जनम मरन फिरि तानिआ धन्ना https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1449808143903428610?s=20 A Select Responses 1) K Ramasubramanian Mumbai Eagle 🦅 A very good message in Eagle. A lesson to lead a good life. No matter of even age now. Let us thank our dear Shri P R R Nayar and follow his message. Perhaps our ancestors have recognised Eagle and made it into the carrier of Shri Mahavishnu the God in charge of Sthiti (Maintenance) of all creations. RAMASUBRMANIAN 2) Collage "Perks"🙏 Copied below is a message received by Shaji Kurup, Kochi from R Krishnamurthy, Ex-CGM NABARD now in Chicago : "Govinda Warrier : Last we met was when he was in Central RPCD, RBI and I was chief CPD our HO. We met in some meeting. It was very brief. But I cherish those moments we worked together in ARDC TVM. Kindly pass on my regards to him. I am sure he must be in Tvm. Sasthamangalam was his favorite haunt. I will call soon. Good morning Shaji. Take care." (After a long time, Shaji, Krishnamurthy and I had interesting interaction. Collage connected Kochi, Chicago and Mumbai. Will catch up 🙏-Warrier) 3) C V Subbaraman Mysuru Forget Paise? In the Nineteen Fifty's, there were separate balance sheets for Issue Department and Banking Department of the Reserve Bank. In the balance sheets of Issue Department, the value of Rupee Coin used to be shown as fraction of a Rupee! I wrote to the Central Office that this is wrong as Rupee Coin cannot be a fraction of Rupee and it would be better to adjust the figure against value of Rupee Securities. But strangely, Central Office did not agree!! Their defence was that no one has raised the issue so far and that if any one raises the issue the matter can be explained away. Why did the statutory auditors certify this? No explanation. ( I was preserving the correspondence with the Bank for a long time, but they were misplaced during one of my transfers). Subbaraman B Current Affairs 1) Time to feed the hungry : M G Warrier To The Editor The Hindu Letters October 18, 2021 Time to feed the hungry This refers to the well-researched piece "Alarming hunger or statistical artefact?" on hunger by Sunny Jose and MD Zakaria Siddiqui (October 18). I don't have the latest information. But from what I remember from what I was reading in the media during pre-pandemic days, I recall that world has enough food in stock to feed every living being for the next one year. If that is the case, why anyone should remain hungry today? The answer is : People/nations do not have the money to buy food! Let's restrict our discussion to India. India has idle resources which are yet to be mainstreamed and accounted which will be sufficient to feed all Indians for the next 5 years. Once fed well for one year our farmers and workers will multiply farm and industrial production with amazing speed. Where there's a will...Yes, political will, there's a way. Till then, researchers will continue to mint money from hunger. Lucky few will become celebrities. M G Warrier Mumbai II To The Editor The Hindu Business Line Letters October 18, 2021 Hunger and deprivation* Media reports say that this year India ranks 101 out of 116 countries for which reliable and comparable data about status of hunger existed according to compilers of Global Hunger Index. This makes news as it's a record fall from last year's position at 94. My interest is in knowing, how long the world wants to cultivate and maintain poverty and deprivation levels high to have fertile resources for research and literature! I don't have the latest information. But what I remember from whatever I was reading in the media during pre-pandemic days, I can recall that world has enough food in stock to feed every living being for the next one year. If that is the case, why anyone should remain hungry today? The answer is : People/nations (many of them) do not have the money to buy food! Let's restrict our discussion to India. India has idle resources which are yet to be mainstreamed and accounted which will be sufficient to feed all Indians for the next 5 years. Once fed well for one year our farmers and workers will multiply farm and industrial production with amazing speed. Where there's a will...Yes, political will, there's a way. Till then, researchers will continue to mint money from hunger. Lucky few will become celebrities. M G WARRIER Mumbai https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/letters/letters-to-the-editor/article37057775.ece/amp/ *Published version (link above) copied below : Hunger and deprivation Media reports say that this year India ranks 101 out of 116 countries in the Global Hunger Index. This makes news as it's a drastic fall from last year's position at 94. Given the high stocks of foodgrains, at least in the pre-pandemic period, why anyone should remain hungry today? The answer is : People/nations (many of them) do not have the money to buy food! India has idle resources which are yet to be mainstreamed and accounted which will be sufficient to feed all Indians for the next five years. Once fed well for one year our farmers and workers will multiply farm and industrial production with amazing speed. MG Warrier Mumbai (What I wrote on April 3, 2020 : https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/a-message-for-all-of-us-11424/ Excerpts : “Live and let live. Do not mismanage resources to show off. Stop fighting in every sense. Have “peaceful coexistence” as the principal idea guiding life in families, society and in national and international governance.” Today I may add : "Time is running out... Even the Nature is turning impatient... Correct or... Perish!") 2) Celebrating Maharaja's Homecoming "The Tatas’ Tryst with Air India - Open The Magazine" https://openthemagazine.com/columns/the-tatas-tryst-with-air-india/ Excerpts : 'For me personally, Air India will be owned by the Tatas but will belong to every Indian: and that is the true credo of this brand. Both today and tomorrow." 3) Nature's fury "Kerala’s floods require a local set of responses" https://www.livemint.com/opinion/online-views/keralas-floods-require-a-local-set-of-responses/amp-11634571891332.html Excerpts : "At least 25 people have lost their lives in Kerala’s floods that took on alarming proportions over the weekend. Triggered by heavy rains in the south-west tip of the Indian peninsula, the inundation has revived memories of a deluge in 2018 that claimed more than 400 lives and laid much property to waste. This time, too, people and homes have been swept away, vehicles as large as buses submerged and livelihoods taken apart by unruly waters, even as landslides wreaked havoc. Like last time, the most severely affected are those of limited means. Current evidence of the immediate cause points to a cloudburst, a concentrated downpour with enough force to loosen hillside earth and send chunks tumbling. Given the coastal state’s terrain, with the windward slopes of its Western Ghats forcing monsoon clouds upwards to squeeze out rainwater, intense precipitation is not unusual in Kerala. Yet, frequent extremes of it should refocus attention on the man-made aspects of such weather events—and hasten remedial action." C Book Reviews : 1) Searching for God Knows What : Donald Miller "Book Review: Searching for God Knows What by Donald Miller – CALEB COY" https://calebcoy.blog/2015/01/13/book-review-searching-for-god-knows-what-by-donald-miller/amp/ Excerpts : "Miller draws mostly from the Garden of Eden, using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and tweaking it just a little bit into a reworked theory of what mankind needs. A speaker who struggled with agnosticism in college, Miller is honest, candid, and real as he shares his own questions about what it means to believe. Miller later realized he had come to deny the existence of a frightening God who gave us a bunch of rules for avoiding Hell, and returned to a God “so incredibly other [and] has created a kind of afterlife for people [and] can tell you again and again He loves you and you are still going to be quite a bit afraid, just because of what it feels like when you think about His nature.” 2) Great Expectations* : Charles Dickens https://www.ukessays.com/essays/english-literature/great-expectations-book-review-english-literature-essay.php Excerpts : "The themes in this novel include social class, aspiration, wealth and crime. I think that Charles Dickens in this novel was trying to say that social class doesn't matter, and that desire to become better and change should be congratulated. The novel is set in first person, with the narrator, Pip, also being the main character. The language used is pretty weird, with some old English sort of stuff in there. Once you get used to the language it’s pretty good and not that hard to follow." (*This book was one of the Non-detailed texts for us in College, 1959-60. Happy to introduce this in Collage after 60 plus years 🙏-Warrier) D Collage in Classroom Healthcare Stress Management* https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/how-to-turn-everyday-stress-into-optimal-stress Excerpts : "In fact, stress serves a natural, physiological purpose that can help us solve important problems and learn and grow from our experiences. Instead of trying to eliminate or tamp down stress, we should try to understand it and optimize it, minimizing the downsides while capturing the upsides. No meaningful life is stress-free. But, managed correctly, stress can be an engine of personal growth and peak performance. In this article, we'll help you better understand stress and reframe how you manage it for yourself and the colleagues you lead and work with." *Link Courtesy : Reshmy Warrier Mumbai E Unread literature http://mainstreamweekly.net/article11656.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MainstreamWeekly+%28Mainstream+Weekly%29 Excerpts : When asked to elaborate how his narrative focus has evolved in his novels, Gurnah stated: “...there is one focus of what I write about: belonging, rupture, dislocation. Perhaps that is already more than one focus, and within those three, there are already many other issues to do with loss and pain and recovery. I write about the resourcefulness with which people engage with these experiences”. (Ibid.) It is really impossible to limit the creative journey of an author within a boundary. However, the following reading of Abdulrazak Gurnah’s novels provides us a broad perspective of his creative journey: Through a skilful narrative strategy that employs complex narrative perspectives, vivid descriptions, imagery, symbolism and credible characterization, Gurnah affords the reader an opportunity to read East Africa through the basic units of the community, focussing on ordinary everyday lives and interactions. (Anne Ajulu Okungu, Reading Abdulrazak Gurnah: Narrating Power and Human Relationships, Doctoral Thesis, submitted to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2016) (I'm not amused. How long do we keep poverty, deprivation and other classes of human sufferings to retain the fertility of resources for research and literature?🙏-Warrier) F Leisure Namma Chennai, Nanmaerum Thamizhagam 🙏 Why Chennai is called SuperKing ************************** Chennai is the 2nd city in the world to become a Municipal Corporation next to London, in the year 1688. Chennai is the only City in India which will have 2 International Ports, Chennai Port & Ennore Port. Chennai has the longest Beach in India, 12 kms Urban Beach, 2nd longest in the World. Chennai is the only City which houses a National Park within City limits. The Guindy National Park. Chennai is the only City which has three Rivers flowing through it, Adyar River, Coovum River, Kosasthalai River. Chennai's Old Mahabalipuram Road (OMR), is the single largest IT Corridor in India. Chennai is the single largest Automobile Manufacturer in Asia. Fondly called the "Detroit of Asia". Chennai houses the largest Bus Terminus in Asia at Koyambedu. Chennai is the birth place of 'Chicken 65' @ Hotel Buhari. Chennai has the largest Library in Asia, 'Arignar Anna Centenary Library'. Chennai's Vandalur Zoo is the largest Zoo in India. Chennai's Guindy Engineering College is the oldest in India - 1794. Two of the 'Top Ten' Engineering Colleges in India is located in a single Road - IIT Madras, CEG (College of Engineering — Guindy/Guindy Engineering College), at Sardar Patel Road, Guindy, Chennai. Chennai houses the oldest shopping Mall in India, Spencer Plaza - 1863. The Madras High Court is the World's Second Largest Court Complex. Chennai is the only Indian City attacked during World War. Chennai, City of Flyovers, largest number of Flyovers in India. Kathipara Flyover, is the largest clover-leaf Flyover in Asia. Chennai is the Indian City with most number of foreign visitors annually. Chennai is the Health Capital of India, with most number of foreign and domestic foot falls. Royapuram Railway Station, is the oldest functioning Railway Station in India. Integral Coach Factory (ICF), Chennai, is the World's largest Rail Coach Manufacturer. Madras Medical College, is the oldest Medical College and oldest Hospital in India, 1664. The first ever flight in Asia, flew in and around Chennai, 1910. Oragadam is the largest Automobile Hub in South Asia, with 22 'Fortune 500' Companies. Chennai has the highest number of Cinema Theatres in India. Quite obvious, Tamil Film Industry has given "4 Chief Ministers" to the State. Chennai has the oldest Race Tracks in India, both Horse Race & Motor Race. Madras School of Art is the oldest Fine Arts Institute in India (1850). Higginbothams, Mount Road, Chennai is the Oldest Book Store in India (1844). EID Parrys, Chennai is the oldest Company in India (1780). MRF, Chennai is the largest Tyre manufacturer in India. Madras Regiment, is the oldest Infantry Regiment of Indian Army (1750). AVM Studio is the oldest surviving Film Production House in India. St. George's Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School is the oldest School in India (1715). Chennai is also the only City in the World where all forms of surface transport are manufactured.. From Bicycles, 2-Wheelers, Cars, Trucks, Armoured Personnel Carriers, Locomotives, Railway Coaches, Main Battle Tanks. The entire range of Surface Transport. Not even Detroit can boast of this wide range of Surface Transport... *Received from R Jayakumar Mumbai via Group mail (I lived in Madras State during 1944-57. I have a "cloth-bound" SSLC Book from Madras University in addition to the one issued by Kerala University in 1959. Proud of Madras. In 1969, went to Eliot's Beach with Sunny who went swimming in the sea. Fed up, standing alone on the shore, as I thought I knew swimming, I too joined. It was 2 p m only and the beach was not crowded. About 50 yards into the sea or two waves away, the waves started hugging me and taking me away. Sunny wasn't anywhere near. I squeezed myself out of the hug and reached the shore somehow, to live longer and tell you the story today 🙏-Warrier) G Quotes about Life's Expectations "37 Expectation quotes that'll tell you a valuable lesson" https://www.blissquote.com/2020/12/expectation-quotes.html?m=1 When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are. - Donald Miller (Donald "Don" Miller is an American author, public speaker, and business owner. He is the CEO of StoryBrand, a marketing company. He is also an author of personal essays and reflections about faith, God, and self-discovery)


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