Warrier's Collage December 24, 2021

Warrier's COLLAGE On Friday December 24, 2021 1) Birth of Jesus https://youtu.be/8gUJWKMMgtQ (Story for Kids) 2) Idea of God & Einstein https://madrascourier.com/books-and-films/religions-must-abandon-the-idea-of-god-articulate-a-new-moral-philosophy/ Good Morning Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Nice Day M G Warrier Spirituality/Faith charan singh (@CharanSingh60) Tweeted: Unity in Diversity - 109 गिआन प्रवेसु गुरहि धनु दीआ धिआनु मानु मन एक मए प्रेम भगति मानी सुखु जानिआ त्रिपति अघाने मुकति भए धन्ना Spiritual Wisdom: Meditation improving concentration, mind merging in God Experiencing peace, satiation, liberation Dhana, 487, SGGS https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1473761055067172864?s=20 A Responses 1) Vathsala Jayaraman Today's(December 23) Collage has an interesting introduction to Indian Drama. I can't but be reminded of Bharatha Muni, the author of Naatya Sastra. It is essentially a work on drama Bharata, the Author of the Natyashastra Bharata Muni, is acknowledged to be a legendary author of the Natyashastra, the first Sanskrit work on dramaturgy. The treatise says that Bharata was the one who popularized the Natyaveda, created by Brahma, on the earth. (Continued at H1) 2) R Jayakumar a) Seat I am very glad to read the responses of Mr E Madhavan and Madam Vathsala on 'seat' sharing in life. There are two different points brought out by them. Madhavan is clear that when seats are shared commonly and without preferences, like while travelling in a local train, it makes a great effect of levelling on life, shedding all egos, (though it may be for a temporary time). Madam has explained her stand that the seat has a very important role in our life. People vie for higher and higher seats to occupy as high as a king's throne. But the higher the seat one aims for, the immoral way one has to seek to climb on it Today is the eve of Christmas Day. Jesus called himself the Son of God. But on the day of his birth his mother found no place to deliver the baby. She delivered her baby in a cattle shed and placed Jesus in a manger (a trough for animal feed) as his first seat on earth. Even when he grew up he never found a proper place to rest. In his own words he said, "Foxes have their holes and the birds their nests, but the Son of Man (God incarnate) has no place to lay his head". He came to give the message, no one is the master, and we are here to serve one another. An egoless society. HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ALL READERS OF WARRIER'S COLLAGE..🌲 R Jayakumar b) Why I am silent? "As you get older, you become quieter, because you realise how much nonsense you've wasted your time on, and now you know that peace is more important than anything else!" 🙏 Forwarded by R Jayakumar (Included in the context of some readers observing silence, of late 🙏-Warrier) 3) Vishnu Kelkar RBI's changing : Have a look at the innovative way RBI is marketing Grade 'B' posts. Exciting, isn't it ? 'Life with RBI is not just another career. It's a commitment. Commitment to serve the Nation, where your decisions make an impact on the way the economy and the financial sector in the country evolves. Come to RBI if you are looking for an ecosystem that encourages continuous learning, an equal opportunity work environment, a supportive HR climate and, of course, an attractive compensation structure. We are a full service Central Bank handling a variety of functions. An exciting array of job roles are handled by our officers depending upon their postings. For more on this, please click / type the following URL in your browser https://opportunities.rbi.org.in/scripts/roles.aspx' VNKelkar B Current Affairs 1) Minutes of the MPC Meeting, December 6-8, 2021 https://m.rbi.org.in/Scripts/BS_PressReleaseDisplay.aspx?prid=52843 2) Media Response Letter to the editor published in The Hindu Business Line on December 24, 2021 : GDP conundrum* This refers to the piece "The gastronomy of GDP" (Tweakonomics 2.0, December 23) by Manasi Phadke. Really enjoyed reading it. My perception is that those few who will understand the subtle satire may have multiple interpretations of the content, depending on individual level of understanding economics and perhaps, each one's economic background. Since the time I have been following economics, I have felt that GDP is that part of statistics which is grossly distorted politically, world over, by experts. All along, international bodies and individual countries have been manipulating GDP figures to suit their temporary purposes without ever attempting to arrive at an internationally acceptable purchase power parity pricing system. Comparison of GDP figures will make sense only in a scenario where prices are standardized in a transparent manner. M G Warrier Thiruvananthapuram *Submitted version 3) Pills for Covid-19 https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/world/pfizer-pill-becomes-the-first-us-authorised-home-covid-treatment/article38018202.ece?homepage=true US health regulators on Wednesday authorised the first pill against Covid-19, a Pfizer drug that Americans will be able to take at home to head off the worst effects of the virus. C Collage in Classroom https://www.britannica.com/topic/gross-domestic-product gross domestic product (GDP), total market value of the goods and services produced by a country’s economy during a specified period of time. It includes all final goods and services—that is, those that are produced by the economic agents located in that country regardless of their ownership and that are not resold in any form. It is used throughout the world as the main measure of output and economic activity. D Readers Write Derozio : V Babusenan "Sir, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and from my wife's bottom." This was how, during the colonial regime, an Indian official concluded his letter thanking his British boss for showing the kind gesture of visiting his house. Let us forget the fun. Still it is an example of Indian English, though of an inferior variety. English is what the English write. When an American writes, that is different. Here we remember what Bernard Shaw said: "England and America are two countries separated by a common language." The English cannot be presumed to have much regard for the English the Indians write. When a group of poets in England ,led by W.B.Yeates, read the English version of the Gitanjali, they saw amazing literary quality in it. Soon their interest in it waned. They found that the English translation, done by Tagore himself, was not good enough. If they had their say, perhaps, Tagore would have missed the Nobel Prize. It is said that, fortunately for him, there happened to be a very influential Swede who had read the book and was tremendously impressed by it! Yet the fact cannot be ignored that the writings of persons like Jawaharlal Nehru and Nirad Chaudhuri are the envy of many native English writers. There exists a great fund of Indian English both in poetry and prose. In poetry one cannot ignore the contribution of the late A K Ramanujan besides the valuable service rendered by him to the Tamil Sangham literature. He taught English poetry during his brief stint, after post graduation, in Sree Narayana College, Kollam. Having been one of his students, I thought of writing a small book on him, placing him at the centre of Indian English poetry. I wrote the book, but my Gurudakshina has long been awaiting the printer's embrace. In my rather perfunctory search for material to write the above book, I came across the Valmiki, the first poet, in Indian English and it was Henry Louis Vivian Derozio(his father was Portuguese ) born in 1809 and was a teacher, at the tender age of 17, at the Hindu College(the later prestigious Presidency College) Calcutta. Even at that age, he exhorted his students to get rid of all sorts of superstition totally and lead a life guided entirely by reason and with strict adherence to truth. He had no compromise with religion and religious practices.For obvious reasons,he was hated by orthodoxy. Even the Brahmos, who were credited with reformist zeal, could not brook his extreme views. Personally Derozio was very likeable and he was loved and admired by his students some of whom were older in age. His senior colleagues in the Hindu College made his life intolerable.In 1831, either he resigned or he was expelled from the college. He was only 22 then. He died of cholera that year itself.His former students and admirers deeply mourned his premature death while the religious surmised that it was on account of God's wrath. Derozio's contribution to English poetry was a collection of poems and a longer poem the' Fakeer ofJungheera'. The latter had, as its theme, the atrocious practice of Suttee(burning of widows in the funeral pyre of their dead husbands). He was influenced by the English poet Lord Byron. The Government of India released a postal stamp in 2009 in commemoration of this revolutionary poet in his bi-centenary year. There stands a statue of his in Kolkata on the same street where Mother Theresa had her Ashram. E Collage Review : Introducing Harland Miller https://www.publishersweekly.com/9780847829286 International Lonely Guy This lavishly illustrated but unsatisfying volume features a series of paintings in which writer and artist Miller uses the cover design of the old Penguin Classics as impetus for word play with book titles. In each work the artist begins with the familiar Penguin cover, then paints in invented titles as well as coffee stains, tattered edges and other signs of use. Some of his titles refer to the works of famous authors, such as Ernest Hemingway, who is represented by such titles as 61 with a Bullet. In the "bad weather pictures," Miller plays on cities in northern England, where he grew up. One book, Plan B, was inspired by a friend's suicide. Sometimes he reproduces inscriptions found in used books, and he also depicts a few back-cover mug shots that simulate author photos. The text, which includes a discursive essay by the artist and rambling interviews with Ed Ruscha et al., sheds some light on the genesis of these paintings, but for the most part the text is too irrelevant and the self-referential titles are not clever enough to relieve the monotony of a large number of paintings all based on the same design. (May) F 1) History of Christmas https://www.britannica.com/topic/Christmas Christmas, Christian festivalcelebrating the birth of Jesus. The English term Christmas (“mass on Christ’s day”) is of fairly recent origin. The earlier term Yule may have derived from the Germanic jōlor the Anglo-Saxon geōl, which referred to the feast of the winter solstice. The corresponding terms in other languages—Navidad in Spanish, Natale in Italian, Noël in French—all probably denote nativity. The German word Weihnachten denotes “hallowed night.” Since the early 20th century, Christmas has also been a secularfamily holiday, observed by Christians and non-Christians alike, devoid of Christian elements, and marked by an increasingly elaborate exchange of gifts. In this secular Christmas celebration, a mythical figure named Santa Claus plays the pivotal role. Christmas is celebrated on Saturday, December 25, 2021. 2) Leisure SMILE As received* I WONDER.... 🙄Why do supermarkets make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get to Pharmacy for their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front? 🙄Why do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and yet get a diet coke? 🙄Why do banks leave vault doors open and then chain the pens on the counter tops? 🙄Why do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in our driveways and put our useless junk in the garage? EVER WONDER...🙄Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin? 🙄Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed? 🙄Why don't you ever see the headline 'Psychic Wins Lottery'? 🙄Why is 'abbreviated' such a long word? 🙄Why is it that doctors and attorneys call what they do 'practice'? 🙄Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavoring, and dish washing liquid made with real lemons? 🙄Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker? 🙄Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour? 🙄Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes? 🙄Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections? 🙄You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?? 🙄Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together? 🙄If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal? *From A P Ramadurai G Quotes about Christmas Lights https://www.quotemaster.org/Christmas+Lights Like : The outdoor Christmas lights, green and red and gold and blue and twinkling, remind me that most people are that way all year round--kind, generous, friendly and with an occasional moment of ecstasy. But Christmas is the only time they dare reveal themselves. Harland Miller H Continued from A1 He is also said to have collected all the material of earlier Acharyas(ancient teachers) like Tumburu, Narada and Nandi and gave the Natyashastra a complete coherence by making additions, alterations and adaptations according to the requirements of time and space. It is clear from the text that later it was the sons and the followers of Bharata who transmitted the art of the theater to the world. Abhinava Gupta uses the name ¸Adi-Bharata for Bharata as the sons and the followers of Bharata were called Bharatas, the actors. Abhinava Gupta's Commentary is the most popular one. It is divided into thirty-six chapters having the following major contents : Origins of Natyaveda (science of dramatic performance), and the concept of anukarana (imitation)of life for dramatic presentation. Three kinds of theatre buildings and their ritual consecration by the sponsor, a rich person or a king. Purvaranga (preliminary performance) in nineteen parts to please the gods and the audience, rasas, sthayi bhavas (basic sentiments), vibhavas (causes and determinants of the rise of an emotion) and anubhavas (gestures) and sanchari bhavas (transitory emotions) as crucial elements of the emotional experience in theatre. Four kinds of abhinayas are explained in full. Clear instructions about costumes of the characters and stage decoration find a place. Change of facial color, trembling of lips, enhancing of nostrils to express the deepest emotions of a character also are dealt with. We are amazed to find theatrical representations, artistic representation of the ordinary world or the real life, and also artistic representation of the imaginary worlds like svarga (heavens), patala (underworld) etc. We find the basics of modern theatre essentials in the work. We find answers to the following questions. i) What is it that the dramatist presents in the drama?, (ii) What are its consti-tuents and how are they related?, (iii) What is the method of dramatising an imaginary or historical plot?, (iv) What are the subjective conditions necessary in the spectator for getting aesthetic experience from dramatic presentation? During Treta Yuga, when Vaivasvata Manvantara was running, the gods, headed by Indra, approached Brahma with a request to him to create a play-thing, which may be pleasing to both the eye and the ear and lead people automatically to follow the path of duty, without the need of any external compulsion, such as the order of a king. The reason why there arose the necessity for such a play-thing was that Treta Yuga is domineered over by Rajas, the quality of action, prompted by selfish desires and emotions and, therefore, the common experience is a mixture of pleasure and pain, during this Yuga. This could not be achieved through Vedic instruction. The gods, therefore, wanted an instrument of instruction such as could be utilised for instructing all, irrespective of caste. They thought that it would be different in form from that of categorical imperative. They also thought that it would not be a mere command, which is unpleasant to hear and equally unpleasant to carry out. Rather it would delightfully instruct, would cover the undesirable tone of command under pleasant sights and sounds; it would administer the bitter pill of instruction under the sweet coating of sugar; it would mix the bitter medicine of instruction with sweet milk so as to make it palatable. These were the circumstances, which led to the creation of the fifth Veda by Brahma at the request of gods. If we look at the traditional account of the origin of the Natyashastra from modern point of view, we find that it contains relevant answers to some pertinent questions that arise in modern minds as they approach the problem of aesthetics. Vathsala Jayaraman


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