Warrier's Collage December 31, 2021


Warrier's COLLAGE
December 31, 2021

New Year Eve 2021/2022

Good Morning

Nice Day

M G Warrier


charan singh (@CharanSingh60) Tweeted:
Unity in Diversity - 116

दिसै सुणीऐ जाणीऐ साउ न पाइआ जाइ
रुहला टुंडा अंधुला किउ गलि लगै धाइ
भै के चरण कर भाव के लोइण सुरति करेइ
नानकु कहै सिआणीए इव कंत मिलावा होइ 

To meet God
not hands, ears, eyes
respect, devotion & consciousness



E Madhavan Thrissur

Referring to V Babusenan's write-up in Collage of December 29, 2021 :

"Very informative anchored in keen observation and sense of history."


Current Affairs

RBI releases Financial Stability Report

Date : Dec 29, 2021
RBI releases the Financial Stability Report, December 2021

Today, the Reserve Bank released the 24th issue of the Financial Stability Report (FSR), which reflects the collective assessment of the Sub-Committee of the Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC) on risks to financial stability and the resilience of the financial system.


Media Response

Counselling the doctors*

This refers to the piece "Doctors, nurses deserve respect, compassion" by PT Jyothi Datta(December 30). Briefly, but in a focused manner, the article covers several inadequacies in India's Healthcare System which needs immediate attention and remedial action.
The system is under-staffed at all levels, ill-equipped in every sense and staff stressed out and underpaid. Besides, every medico is a whipping boy of sarcastic Social Media.
Together, all these bring to surface the need for timely professional counseling for those in medical professionals from entry level until the time they remain active in profession.
Unlike in the armed forces or professionals in industries, those in medical profession get much lesser opportunities for spending time in training establishments, where relevant counseling is included as part of the programmes conducted.
The pandemic has brought to surface several challenges faced by frontline workers who are exposed to several types of risks which hitherto went unnoticed.

M G Warrier

*Published in The Hindu Business Line on December 31, 2021. Also read my 2013 Moneylife article on other dimensions of Healthcare, some of which are being addressed by the present government :


Healthcare : Food Allergies

A talk by Dr Ramakrishna Modi Fortis Hospital


Author Page : M G Warrier

About "Scrambled Monologues" :

About the book
The title of the book may not describe the content. Individual essays are focused and self-contained. Scrambling is about sequencing them subject-wise or chronologically!
These are random essays written at different points of time in different contexts. If you find a thin stream of continuity in thoughts or consistency in perceptions, that could be real. Because thoughts do not grow old with the biological age! Because I have scrambled the content, despite each essay being self-contained, start reading from any page. The only guarantee is, if you gift this book, it will not come back to you.
No more promises or claims. Except that, if you opt to read this book, the next book from me will reach you faster. Depends on your risk appetite. Happy reading.

You can also visit my blogs :

1) @timesofindia

2) My Blog @

Warrier's Collage is posted here everyday.

Life : Nostalgia



1) Avoid being judgemental

```Can you judge who is the better person out of these 3?

Mr. A - Hey had friendship with bad politicians, consults astrologers, two wives, chain smoker, drinks eight to 10 times a day.

Mr. B - He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps till noon, used opium in college & drinks whiskey every evening.

Mr. C - He is a decorated war hero, a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink and never cheated on his wife and was a painter.

You would say Mr. C 



Mr. A was Franklin Roosevelt! (32nd President of the USA) 

Mr. B was Winston Churchill!! (Former British Prime Minister)


Strange but true...

Its risky to judge anyone by his habits!
Character is a complex phenomenon.

So every person in your life is important, don't judge them, accept them.

The same Boiling Water that hardens the egg, Will Soften the Potato!
It depends upon Individual's reaction To stressful circumstances!

Enjoy the journey called Life``` 

2) Smile & proceed

A young farm boy accidentally overturned his wagon load of corn. 
The farmer who lived nearby heard the noise. "Hey Willis!!" the farmer yelled. "Forget your troubles. Come in and eat dinner with us. Then I'll help you get the wagon back up."
 "That's mighty nice of you," Willis answered, "but I don't think Pa would like me to."
 "Nonsense, come on!" the farmer insisted. "Well, okay," the boy finally agreed, "but Pa won't like it." 
After a hearty dinner, Willis thanked his host. "I feel a lot better now, but I know Pa is going to be real upset."
 "Don't be foolish!" the neighbor said with a smile.
 "By the way, where is your Pa?" 
"Under the wagon."

*Received from A P Ramadurai


Quotes on New Year Resolutions

Like many. Here are two of them :

  1. Like many other people, you've decided to make New Year's resolutions because you know there are things you're unhappy with in your life. Thibaut Meurisse
  2. A New Year's resolution to stay in touch with old friends, start exercising, or get more sleep has no real painful consequence for not following through, at least in the short-term, unless you attach a consequence yourself. Derek Doepker


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