Amicus Curiae seeks audit of temple wealth - The Hindu

Amicus Curiae seeks audit of temple wealth - The Hindu

Online comments posted on April 19, 2014:

The observation “There appears to be resistance on
the part of the entire State apparatus in effectively addressing the said
issues. The lack of adequate investigation by the police is a telling sign that
although Trivandrum is a city in the State of Kerala, parallelism based on
monarchic rule appears to predominate the social psyche.” Made by Amicus Curiae
in fact speaks a lot more than what is expressed in words. The concern about
safety of nation’s resources in the hands of those who are legally responsible
to protect them-be it government, be it a trustee or a corporate or any other
organisation in whose hands the assets have reached- anxiety about the
lethargy of investigating agencies, refusal of government to get accounts and
practices ‘audited’ in time and on an ongoing basis, a lament about the soft
approach of authorities when it comes to ‘divine’ and ‘royal’ issues et al get
factored in, in this statement which should be further followed up. Read this
in the context of the refusal by certain temple authorities even to give even
any indicative figures about the stock of gold/jewellery held when approached by
RBI recently.

M G Warrier


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