Capitalism, Socialism and India
Subject: Capitalists, socialists at the dinner table- Indian Model of Mixed Economy
http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ apr/20/capitalists-socialists- at-the-dinner-table-1966649. html
Interesting interpretation of Capitalism and Socialism of Pre-Tech zamaana. Communism has been spared.
Jawaharlal Nehru envisaged a Mixed Economy for India. My friend E X Joseph who was the Secretary-General of All India Audit and Accounts Association during 1950's and 60's (I left AG's Office in 1968) had the the vision to tell us then, that our Mixed Economy is like the meat served to defence personnel by the British during World War II. Horse (Capitalism) and Chicken (Socialism) in 'equal' ratio, 1:1 (One horse for one chicken). Today's capitalism which is ruling the world is understood synonymous with corruption.
M G Warrier