Warrier's Collage March 16, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Tuesday, March 15, 2022 1) Magic Planet Thiruvananthapuram https://youtu.be/gOjVoaoburE 2) Oru Sanchariyude diary kurippukal https://youtu.be/eWab-vBIhqc Good Morning Though I couldn't care them for two years, when we came back from Mumbai in December 2021, the plants in the compound, like old friends, started smiling and recognising us, as if we were here all along. We are in Thiruvananthapuram now. Nice Day M G Warrier M Essence of Principal Upanishads : https://www.dlshq.org/books/essence-of-principal-upanishads/ "The Eternal Wisdom of the Sages of India is stored up in the Upanishads. These Upanishads have been a source of great inspiration to the great philosophers, Acharyas and seekers of Truth, not only in India, but all over the world. From time to time, the truths of the Upanishads have been re-interpreted by sages and saints, to suit the time and the spiritual evolution of the people of their generation." A Messages 1) M G Warrier The following message received from Dr T V Gopalakrishnan yesterday was shared with RBI Retirees Groups : Reserve Bank of India had launched Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021 for resolving Customer grievances in relation to services provided by entities regulated by Reserve Bank of India in an expeditious and cost-effective manner. 2. As part of the Intensive and Focussed nation-wide awareness programme for the year 2022, RBI has planned to launch a pan India Media Interaction programme under the Ombudsman Speak feature of the RBI Communication Policy. In this connection, an interview given by Dr. Balu Kenchappa, who was heading the Office of Banking Ombudsman, Chennai till recently, will be aired over DD Chennai (Podhigai) from 8:00pm to 8:30pm and All India Radio, Chennai from 8:00am to 8:30am on March 15 which is celebrated as the World Consumer Rights Day. 3. You may like to view/listen to the programme 2) Media Response March 15, 2022 Welcome move from RBI regulating Microfinance* This refers to the report "RBI unveils new framework for microfinance lenders" (March 15). Even after accepting the need to support small entrepreneurs by channelising bank finance through various conduits including social groups and organisations providing various services including finance to them, costs and terms of such services remained a grey area. After February 2021 Monetary Policy Announcement, RBI followed up its commitment to bring some order at least in regard to areas where bank finance is involved by obtaining stakeholders' views on the proposed measures. Apparently the present Master Circular from RBI is covering all major issues like interest rates, pre-payment penalties, transparency in loan pricing and recovery efforts. If the stakeholders take the RBI move in the right spirit and cooperate, this could be a welcome new beginning. M G Warrier Thiruvananthapuram *This response and S K Gupta's letter on "Fuel price woes" appear in The Hindu Business Line today : https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/article65227901.ece 3) Vishnu Kelkar Heart Mind and Soul Mark Kahn, Ph.D. Independent Thinker wrote while answering a query : "Music provides a great example of mind, heart and soul. I can listen to music and think about the notes, the instruments used, the melody, writing of the tune and I can analyse and appreciate the music from a technical point of view. I can also feel the music, sense the rhythm and the beat, float with melody, rise up and sink down with the harmony and lose myself in the sound. I can also employ both my thoughts and feelings and enter into the music with my complete soul, appreciate both the varied instruments and the music as a whole, sensing and feeling each pulse of sound as music infuses my soul and entering into the musical experience with my complete soul, as if, at that point of time, time itself is lost and my complete being is captivated by the tune." B Focus on corruption The meaning of the word "corruption" can vary according to the context in which it's used. In any case it refers to something the society is not happy to accept. The English-Sanskrit Dictionary* by Monier Williams(1851) starts to define the word corrupt with "DUSH". Obviously it's something unacceptable. But unfortunately, across the world, there's an effort to legalize corruption by giving it socially acceptable coatings. Bribery can become service charges, discount, commission... depending on the purpose and context! *https://www.amazon.in/dp/8171106226/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_NPQXMKSA6VVERGGP1Y9F?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 1) Eradicating Corruption : Power to The People : M G Warrier 2012 Article* https://www.moneylife.in/article/eradicating-corruption-power-to-the-people/28742.html Excerpts : Imagine, one “Corruption Indexing Organization” (CIO) gives you a rating of the person, department, organization (including a political party)/institution on a scale of, say, hundred, how deeply sunk they are in corruption, based on parameters explained to you? There can be several such CIOs specializing in different walks of life. Of course, the functioning will be fee-based and independent of government except for overall regulation, may be through a registration arrangement. *Edited version of this article was included in my books published in 2014 and 2018. See also E. 2) Dr Bimal Jalan timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/cash-flow/corruption-less-under-present-regime-but-judiciary-must-reduce-delays-in-resolving-conflicting-policy-decisions 3) Consumer Rights Day Message received from Dr T V Gopalakrishnan shared with contacts yesterday : Reserve Bank of India had launched Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021 for resolving Customer grievances in relation to services provided by entities regulated by Reserve Bank of India in an expeditious and cost-effective manner. 2. As part of the Intensive and Focussed nation-wide awareness programme for the year 2022, RBI has planned to launch a pan India Media Interaction programme under the Ombudsman Speak feature of the RBI Communication Policy. In this connection, an interview given by Dr. Balu Kenchappa, who was heading the Office of Banking Ombudsman, Chennai till recently, will be aired over DD Chennai (Podhigai) from 8:00pm to 8:30pm and All India Radio, Chennai from 8:00am to 8:30am on March 15 which is celebrated as the World Consumer Rights Day. 3. You may like to view/listen to the programme. 4) A 2015 report : https://m.economictimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/high-court-judge-faces-wrath-of-parliamentarians/articleshow/50235229.cms 5) World Consumer Rights Day 2022 https://www.consumersinternational.org/what-we-do/world-consumer-rights-day/ C You and I write when we feel like doing so. We don't bother where we sit and what we write with, and, others equally do not bother as to what we write. But that is not the case with great writers many of whom have some oddities about the writing part. Alexandre Dumas, the famous French writer, wanted blue paper(only a particular shade of blue) to write novels, yellow paper to write poems and pink paper to write articles. Charles Dickens preferred blue ink and Schiller, German writer and close friend of Goethe, wanted the stinking smell of rotten apples while writing his plays and poems. In order to avoid the temptation of going out of the house while writing, Victor Hugo locked away his clothes. Sir Walter Scott could not compose poetry if he was not on horseback. In Malayalam, there was one who wrote like you and I (without insisting on conditions) but with one major difference. He was P Kunhiraman Nair who could write excellent poems under any physical condition-sitting in a crowded and busy bus stand, with a stumpy pencil and the blank side of a printed notice. Although equally great as Wordsworth himself, he did not have the luxury of recollecting emotions in tranquillity. On many occasions, he wrote poetry on hearing his wife's announcement that there was no grain of rice left in the house. Changampuzha Krishna Pillai, the great trend-setter in Malayalam poetry, was so crazy for appreciation that he did not hesitate to read out what he wrote to any Tom, Dick and Harry! Until twelve years ago, we had a great novelist in Malayalam who was initially known as a writer of military tales. As an aspirant writer, when he approached the legendary Vaikkom Mohammed Basheer for advice, he was told : "From Valmiki to Basheer, we have been writing stories. There is no need for you to add. Still if you insist, write differently." He took the advice seriously and wrote prolifically, each output different from the other in style and approach. The most famous among his novels, which was the story of his native village near Guruvayoor, earned for him all literary honours including the prestigious Ezhuthassan award of the State Government. He was widely known by his pen name 'Kovilan'( real name V. V. Ayyappan) When the urge to write a novel took hold of him, Kovilan would give a note to his wife saying : "From tonight l am skipping dinner. I will avoid the cot and sleep without a pillow". This done, he would patiently wait for an appropriate beginning. If it occurred while asleep, he would get up, light the lamp(no electricity) write a couple of sentences and resume sleep. The real writing would start after others had slept. After a few days like this, he would give his dear wife another note : "I need a good dinner tonight." That night, while eating, he would fall asleep. She would help him to clean his mouth and hand and take him to bed. That night he would sleep soundly on the cot. Only that night. He would resume the rigorous routine from next day and this practice continued until the book was born. Newton might say : The fame of the book is proportionate to the effort put in. Regards D Thiruvananthapuram musings Though I couldn't care them for two years, when we came back from Mumbai, the plants in the compound, like old friends started smiling and recognising us, as if we were here all along. We are in Thiruvananthapuram since December 2021. See attached snapshot. The flowers do not belong to the plants crowding behind. E Blogs & Links Chasing Inclusive Growth : M G Warrier https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07B527VZY/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_8K64F2SDBK19TXP7DGZG Chasing Inclusive Growth: Reforms for Financial Inclusion is about the common man’s perceptions, anxieties and aspirations about the 21st century India growth story with focus on resources management in the Indian context, by policy interventions in the structure and governance of the financial system. This is an area well researched and documented by several scholars, politicians and many in social media. The difference this book claims is the commonsense approach backed by a learning experience of the author spanning half a century. This book dispassionately analyzes the progress in economic and financial sector reforms in the context of initiatives taken by GOI and RBI to (a) provide better environment for doing business and (b) equip institutions in the financial sector to cater to the changing needs of society. It also tries to flag issues needing policy support in areas like gold management, social security systems like pension schemes, healthcare and education. M G Warrier F Leisure : People Rohina Anand Khera https://thepunchmagazine.com/the-byword/non-fiction/rohina-anand-khera-the-art-and-aesthetics-of-living Excerpts : I resolved to make it my mission to bring international-level textile to the retail market, stuff that we were exporting all over the world. We were doing 1000-thread count sheets, beautiful Spanish and French bedspreads, Egyptian and Supima cotton towels, anti-slip bathmats. All these were made in India but were sent overseas for brands like DKNY Home, Pottery Barn, Vera Wang Home, and Country Road, to put their labels on before they were sent back. We started designing for the Indian market, doing everything that an Indian household would need to make a really beautiful home. And that was my struggle. I had to really convince people and market it in such a way that people actually understood the value of what we were selling and did not think that it was just another overpriced store. The interior decorators, the architects who were coming to us for the last 25 years were really happy, but we also slowly started wheeling our way onto social media. At that time, Facebook was huge and we started doing things way ahead of other brands in terms of doing lookbooks, commercials, and educational videos. Through social media, we started making people aware of how they could style their homes effortlessly if they chose quality over quantity; and that has been our motto. Later, when Instagram arrived, it was a huge game-changer for us. The visibility just increased manifold. I have over 3 lakh people on my personal page and close to a lakh on my brand page. So, it’s a very large community and we sell from our e-commerce platform. From being just a boutique store at Nepean Sea Road, we have spread our wings across the whole of India; it is no longer just limited to the Mumbaikars as our entire store is online. When we began, we had just 50 products on our website. Now, we have over 2500 SKUs (stock-keeping units). As our project enters another phase, we are geared up to go international, beginning with the Middle East and a few other countries. I rebranded after I saw a gap in the market. I had to educate people and they allowed me to be a voice of the community. G Spirituality/Faith charan singh (@CharanSingh60) Tweeted: Unity in Diversity - 191 सभे गला विसरनु इको विसरि न जाउ धंधा सभु जलाइ कै गुरि नामु दीआ सचु सुआउ आसा सभे लाहि कै इका आस कमाउ जिनी सतिगुरु सेविआ तिन अगै मिलिआ थाउ Never forget: Meditation Expectations only on God Those who serve Guru, benefit in long run Arjan, 43, SGGS https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1503493342025646080?s=20&t=g77bcjxD35P55Jo7E7Pq0w


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