Warrier's Collage on Sunday January 8, 2023

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday January 8, 2023 Story for the day : What Men Live By https://books.google.co.in/books?id=-0wEAAAAYAAJ&pg=PP9&source=kp_read_button&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&gboemv=1&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false (Leo Tolstoy) Good Morning Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday January 14, 2023. Ayurarogyasaukhyam 🙏 and Best Wishes to all readers. Nice Day M G Warrier M 134 A Governor's New Year Message As we welcome the New Year 2023, I extend my warm greetings to you and your family members with a sense of hope, confidence and optimism. This is the time to take stock of the year gone by and prepare for the next. The year 2022 opened under the shadows of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 pandemic which had thrown the world into complete disarray. Soon came the war in Ukraine, posing serious risks to the global economic recovery. Energy and even food prices soared and fractures appeared in the international economic order. India also had to take steps to suit its national interests and calibrate its policy responses, like every other country impacted by the war. Amidst such challenges, India's economic recovery gathered pace and became more broad based. Overall, our economy has remained resilient. The policy initiatives taken by the Reserve Bank and the Government are beginning to show positive impact. The global situation, however, remains fluid and highly uncertain. There is need for continued vigil as challenges will keep coming in some form or the other. Complacency has no place in our lexicon and we should remain prepared for all future challenges. The Reserve Bank has played a significant role last year in the economic arena and we remain steadfast in our commitment to safeguarding the trust and confidence reposed on us by the people of our country. We must continue to perform our duties with all sincerity, commitment and integrity, with our hallmark grit and resolve. 2023 is the year of India's G20 Presidency. The Reserve Bank has a very important role in the finance track of the G20. We must put our best foot forward in carrying out our duties and realising the opportunity presented by the Presidency in terms of contributing to the G20 agenda and deliberations. Internally, the Bank has reset the medium-term strategic goals for itself through the Utkarsh 2023-25. Together, as a premier public institution, we have to make this mission a success. On the eve of the New Year 2023, once again, I would like to congratulate you all on being part of this great institution and invite you to contribute your best to the task of nation building. Each drop counts and let us not miss out on a single drop. As Mahatma Gandhi said ‘In a gentle way, you can shake the world'. My best wishes to you and your family members for a happy new year. *Source : RBI Newsletter December 31, 2022 II All are all Humans born to be Humane in living…..New Year Greetings! 2023 SUNDAY COLLAGE New year Greetings , Let 2023 year bring us shaping our way of Living Removing all negative thoughts with nine rules..to be followed.. 1. You will receive a BODY.. You may like it or not , but it will be YOURS for the entire period round.. 2. You will learn LESSONS . You are enrolled in a full time important school, called LIFE.. Each day in The School you will have the opportunity to learn lessons… You may like the lessons or think them IRRELEVANT …………… 3.There are No Mistakes, only Lessons.. Growth is a process of Trial and Error, Experimentation .. The failed ones are as much a part of the process as The experiment that ultimately works… 4.A Lesson is repeated until it is Learned… A Lesson will be prescribed to you in various forms Until you have learned it, Then you can go over to the next lesson.. 5.Learning lessons does not End.. There is no part of Life that does not contain its Lessons… If you are Alive, There are lessons to be learned… 6.There is no better than Here…… When you are THERE has become HERE , You will simply obtain Another THERE that will again look better than HERE…. 7.Others are mirrors of you You cannot Love or Hate something about another person unless It reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself… 8.What you make or your life is up to you…… You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you… The Choice is yours.. 9.The answers lie inside you.. The answers to life's questions be INSIDE YOU.. All you need to do LOOK, LISTEN & TRUST… BE Humane , You will reap the Fruit.. Greetings and very best wishes.. Your loving nonagenarian, V.T.Panchapagesan. 1st January, 2023 B 1) Sitendra Kumar Dear Shri Warrier, An interesting Collage. The superiority of the onion over other vegetable products firmly established by Madam Vathsala Jayaraman. The demand for onions is inelastic. It's always required by one and all except the Jainis. No taste in the meals without it. The high prices of the onions sometimes creates political upheaval. The review by Shri TCA Srinivasa Raghavan of the book ' Veterans of the Reserve Bank' is is worth reading. The analysis by Shri Warrier on SC verdict on Demon is in simple and lucid language and explains the entire judgement in crystal clear terms. The short story of Technology and Humanity by Shri Jayakumar, hopefully, should make us more humane and sensitive in our approach. The Collage is like our cerebral breakfast. Regards, Sitendra Kumar 2) Two Winston Churchills https://www.theodorerooseveltcenter.org/Blog/Item/The%20Two%20Winston%20Churchills An inadvertent reference to TCA Srinivasa Raghavan in Sitendra Kumar's appreciation of the last issue of Collage as "former diplomat" resulted in some discussion among knowledgeable members among RBI Retirees. In the process, illustrious members of TCA family got introduced to us for strange reasons. Collage learnt new things. Once TCA Srinivasa Raghavan reviewed one of my books* for his regular column in the Business Standard (BS). BS rejected the review, saying that they won't publish reviews of books published by Notion Press Chennai. TCA was unhappy. I had to console him saying that my book had been reviewed in other publications and very few people read BS. Collage has a tradition of silently correcting writer's flaws. So, you will not find the short sentence in SitendraJi's write up discussed here. *The book reviewed by TCA was : Restoring Trust in Governance https://amzn.eu/d/4dPlCMG II In praise of mistakes : http://sahyadribooks-remesh.blogspot.com/2012/07/039-in-praise-of-mistakes-robert-lynd.html?m=1 3) Sharad Fadnawis Collage on Wednesday The story by Shri Jaykumar is moving. Describes correctly the disaster technology may cause if not used to acheive its purpose. If not taken note of instantly, the future is bleak. Sharad Fadnavis 4) Time Bank : M G Warrier https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/time-bank-a-concept-worth-experimenting-with-48950/ Excerpts : "“The Time Bank concept is extremely attractive. I wonder why this has not become infective. Why not you send it to some progressive, benevolent, charitable-minded business houses like the Tatas, Bajajs and Birlas for starting jointly a Time Bank in India? Every change and every institution including ancient rituals to modern event management companies which arrange virtual funerals evolved over time proving the saying “Necessity is the mother of invention” again and again." 5) Swami Sivananda, 126 years https://www.deccanchronicle.com/nation/in-other-news/290822/no-desires-in-my-life-says-126-yr-old-yoga-guru.html C Current Affairs https://m.rbi.org.in/Scripts/BS_SpeechesView.aspx?Id=1347 Date : Jan 06, 2023 South Asia’s Current Macroeconomic Challenges and Policy Priorities (Keynote Address by Shri Shaktikanta Das, Governor, Reserve Bank of India – January 06, 2023 - at the high-level Conference co-organised by International Monetary Fund (IMF) Asia and Pacific Department (APD) and IMF South Asia Regional Training and Technical Assistance Centre (SARTTAC), New Delhi) I am delighted to have been invited by the IMF to join this distinguished gathering here today to discuss pathways to resilient, sustainable and inclusive growth in South Asia. I am happy to note that the conference proceedings will be anchored by the research findings and policy recommendations of the book titled “South Asia’s Path to Resilient Growth”. In the current international setting, global trade and growth outlook appear uninspiring, and policies have to be conducted amid a whirlwind of uncertainty. At such critical times, conferences of this nature can help us better understand the evolving scenarios and policy trade-offs. In my address today, I shall briefly cover some of my thoughts on South Asia’s Current Macroeconomic Challenges and Policy Priorities. ***. *** Conclusion With the global trade outlook for 2023 overcast, greater intra-regional trade in South Asia can enhance opportunities for growth and employment in the region. At the central bank level, a key dimension of cooperation in the region has been learning from each other on common goals and challenges, such as infrastructure financing, digital financial inclusion, reducing the cost of cross-border remittances (by linking with UPI system) and unconventional monetary policy, to name a few. Rupee settlement of cross border trade and Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) where the RBI has already started moving forward, can also be areas of greater cooperation in the future. The book to be released today provides plenty of new ideas for forging cooperation in the region and seeking solutions to common problems through right policy interventions. I appreciate the efforts of the authors whose contributions made this book possible. I do believe that the discussions during the day on policy choices will help us in reshaping the future prospects of the South Asian region. Media Response January 6, 2023 Fight against inflation This refers to the article "Don't drop fight against inflation" (The Hindu Business Line, January 6). This is a timely caution as this is the time when pressures will build up on RBI to be "lenient" with price rise, focusing more on overall liquidity. Yes, the reference is to the Budget 23/4 on the drawing board. The chart accompanying the article gives some indications of India's growth and inflation numbers getting decoupled from those of other countries which had more influence on India's monetary and fiscal policies. This is a welcome omen. There's no reason to think that RBI is thinking differently from the thoughts expressed in the concluding paragraph of the article. As regards the divided views among the experts in the Monetary Policy Committee, one should appreciate the transparency in the functioning of MPC. M G Warrier Mumbai January 4, 2023 Institutionalise systems* This refers to the report "RBI to audit 9,500 NBFCs to check on levels of compliance" (The Hindu Business Line, January 4). The passing observation that "the RBI's supervisory staff strength is only about 1500" says much more than the words and number contained therein. RBI missed a chance to reorganise during the last decade as the Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Committee strayed away from its focus and tried to reinvent the role of RBI. The result is the present unenviable position of India's central bank burdened with several responsibilities which traditional central banks have transferred to new arms. Outsourcing of core responsibilities in financial sector cannot replace in-house skills development in the long term. RBI's depleting staff strength is affecting institutional efficiency, especially its regulatory and supervisory outreach to financial institutions engaged in banking and banking-related activities outside formal commercial banks (including cooperatives and NBFCs. Perhaps the answer lies in building new specialised regulatory institutions to handle non-banks and cooperatives having stakes in banking business. M G Warrier Mumbai *Published on January 5, 2023 : https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/letters/letters-to-the-editor/article66339204.ece D LIFE : Take it easy, one day, there will be no tomorrow! No matter how long it lives, the Greatest Lion will eventually die miserably. That's the world. At their Peak, they rule, chase other animals, catch, devour, gulp and leave their crumbs for hyenas. But age comes fast. The old Lion can't hunt, can't kill or defend itself. It roams and roars until it runs out of luck. It will be cornered by the hyenas, nibbled at and eaten alive by them. They won't even let it die before it is dismembered. Life is short. Power is ephemeral. Physical beauty is short-lived, I have seen it in lions. I have seen it in old people. I have seen it in the corporate world. I have seen the so called Powerful CEOs, CFOs and the other Cs who ruled the corporate world with an iron fist, humiliating people left , right and center meet a miserable exit. Everyone who lives long enough will become weak and very vulnerable at some point. Therefore, let us be humble. Help the sick, the weak, the vulnerable and most importantly never forget that we will leave the stage one day E Collage Columns I Babusenan's Column Duravastha' "You gardeners, wake up from your slumber and be active. The season of flowers has arrived. In this garden of flowers, there are flowers high and low, but, there is not a single flower that does not delight the great Vanamaali(to wit, God). Every flower grows slowly according to His wish and struggles to reach perfection. Please take care not to stunt their growth by using force. God gives the gentle breeze, the sunlight and the divine raindrops to them without any discrimination. Let all of them blossom and spread their fragrance. Let all of them shine in their different colours. Let all of them spread their petals fully.You may combine these flowers in such a way that it enhances each flower's beauty. It will certainly please the Lord. Ensure that too much crowding does not affect their growth. Wipe out harmful insects like spiteful competition and hatred. Nurture them with the water of love and manure them properly with kindness. Protect the growing plants with such social rules as would befit the time. The garden that you tend in this manner will, in its quality, excel the heavenly garden of the king of devas and will deserve the admiration of God. Esteemed Vaidikaas, keeping in view the country, its religion and you yourselves the great, may I tell you one thing? It is too late now. The threads of old customs and practices have worn out. People can no longer be controlled by such worn out threads. Please change these rules yourselves. If not, the rules will change you." The above is an inept paraphrasing of the closing lines of a pretty long poem captioned 'Duravastha'(Bad Situation) penned by the great Malayalam poet, Kumaran Asan, exactly hundred years ago, based on the the agrarian uprisal that took place in the erstwhile Malabar area, known as Mappila Revolt (most of the serfs under Namboodiri land owners were Muslims) . Savithri, a Namboodiri girl, ran for her life while her parents and other members of the family were being butchered. She took shelter in a humble hut of Chatthan, a Pulaya youngster, who treated her with respect. She shared the bed with him ultimately. It was not certainly a love affair between an upper caste girl and a lowest caste youngster. It was, in fact, a marriage of necessity earnestly chosen by the girl, but the magic of poetic treatment makes it look like the former. The symbolism of the garden is quite obvious and effective. The message of changing the worn-out social rules brings to mind the famous sentence in the 'Communist Manifesto' of 1848: 'The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains' It also reminds those familiar with English literature the lines of Tennyson in the long poem 'Idylls of the King': 'The old order changeth yielding place to new And God fulfils himself in many ways Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.' 'Duravastha' may not be one among the top ranking works of Asan, but it is, beyond doubt, the most persuasive literary effort contributing to the renaissance movement in Kerala in the last two centuries. II Vathsala Jayaraman's Column PATIENCE AND PERSISTENCE In an Indian temple, when the priest had gone for lunch, the Idol of the Lord and the Stepping Stone were conversing. Stepping Stone: What a good fate you have! We both were the same lump of rock for millions of years. The sculptor carved an idol out of you and everyone is worshipping you. And look at me, I am a stepping stone and everyone stands on me and stamps on. What kind of life is this? The Idol kept smiling and never bothered to answer this, now, a routine murmur from the stepping stone. But the steppingstone (stone used as a step, that is) will never stop his constant bickering. The Idol replied after a long time. But do you remember that when the sculptor set out to carve an idol, it was you he chose, first. You were so impatient. In one strike,you broke into two . But when he tried on me, I grinned and bore all the hammers and chisel strikes with PATIENCE . Here I am the worshipful and happy Idol and you are the Stepping Stone. The difference between success and failure is patience and persistence. A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity. Determination is the strength that will enable you to pass the barrier of useless thoughts in order to create positive thoughts and to be successful in whatever you wish. It comes from within and its partner is patience. Patience teaches you not to push but rather to wait and appreciate the game of life instead,knowing that nothing remains the same,and everything will change at some point. Vathsala Jayaraman Collage in Classroom Learning to write https://www.livemint.com/mint-top-newsletter/easynomics04012023.html F Leisure 1) Stressants* Let's laugh away our stress with ants. 1. 5 ants + 5 ants = Tenants. 2. To bring ant from another country into your country = Important. 3. Ant that goes to school = Brilliant. 4. Ant that's looking for a job = Applicant. 5. A spy ant = Informant. 6. A very little ant = Infant. 7. Ant that has a gun = Militant 8. Ant that has more than enough = Abundant. 8a. Ant that is a specialist = Consultant 😂 9. A proud ant = Arrogant 🤔 10. Ant that is cruel and oppressive = Tyrant 11. Ant that is friendly and lovely = Coolant 12. Ant that changed from evil to good deeds = Repentant 13. Ant that accumulated so much food in winter for summer = Abundant 14. Ant that is unwilling -: Reluctant 15. An ant that keeps financial account = Accountant 16. Ant that occupies a flat = Occupant. 17. Very big ant = Giant 18. The best ant = Excellant 😉 19. Big ant = Elephant 20. Ant that is important = Significant 21. A sarcastic Ant = Mordant 22. An extremely fast Ant = Instant 23. Shouting Ant = Rant 24. An ant that doesn't like changes = Constant. 25. A dirty Ant = Pollutant 26. Any you don't like = Irritant. 27. An ant that claims everything = Claimant 28. An ant that is always serving- Servant 29. An Ant which works to help - Attendant 30.An Ant which Assists - Assistant 31. An Ant who hesitates- Hesitant 32. Merchant 33. Psychophant 34. Covenant 35. Jubilant 36. Deviant 37. Compliant 38. Redundant 39.Pregnant 40. Perspirant 41 Significant 42. Discrepant 43. Depressant 44. Concomitant 45. Triumphant 46. Leutinant 47 Relevant 48. Irrelevant 49. Suspectant 50. Extravagant 51. disinfectant 52. Flamboyant 53. Malignant 54. Refrigerant 55. Suppressant 56. Migrant 57. Nonchalant 58. Luxuriant *Shared by T R Suresh Bangalore 2) Interesting exchange offer Husband was keenly looking at a hoarding...for a long time.... The hoarding was of a beautiful girl with a mixer grinder... Wife taps his arms gently and tells him... "Let's go home....The exchange offer is only on the mixer grinder!"... 111 DAY SOORYA FESTIVAL 5 th JANUARY 2023.. കളിയും കാര്യവും WHAT is hardest to break ? What is the hardest thing to break then? The answer is: HABIT! If you break the H, you still have A BIT. If you break the A, you still have BIT. If you break the B, you still have IT! Hey, after you break the T in IT, there is still the'I'. And that (I) is the root cause of all the problems.Isn’t it right?! Now you know why HABIT is so hard to break! Vathsala Jayaraman G Siddheshwar Swami : Last journey https://www.youtube.com/live/m8MEU14270U?feature=share Incredible final journey! A common man from a small village who sacrificed his ancestral property of 200 acres, who had only two pairs of white dress & a pair of chappal(who use to wash his clothes himself), who declined National Award Padmashree, Doctorate award of an University, Govt offers to his Ashram, Govt medical help for his treatment when he was not well, who never had anything in his name ( not even a bank account), was able to gather twenty lacs of people on his last journey. This is called achievement in life. Unbelievable but what this world has witnessed at Bijapur.🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾The procession was calm, cool and systematic as the life of Sri. Siddheswar Swamiji, but full of tears in everyone's eyes. Free food and water to everyone was arranged by Bijapur District Administration and Bijapur people. ( Arial view @ Bijapur on 03.01.2023) 💐💐💐


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