Warrier's Collage on Wednesday January 11, 2023

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Wednesday January 11, 2023 Prayers 🙏 https://youtu.be/9bLgp0qPD6E Breaking Barriers : Book Launch https://youtu.be/mazGTo5v2_M (See Collage Books at D) Good Morning 🌄 Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) K Balasubramanian Coimbatore The Statue of Trust or Vishwas Swaroopam is a statue of the Hindu God, Shiva, which is 369 feet tall. Constructed at Nathdwara in Rajasthan, India, the statue opened on 29 October 2022. Currently, the Statue of Trust is the tallest statue of Lord Shiva in the World. Watch this amazing video clip... https://youtu.be/7P3y5d5_epQ 2) Vathsala Jayaraman Great interpretative snippet by Shri Babusenan. The article commences with taking care of every petal of god created beautiful flower and ends in Renaissance movement in Kerala. The change is perceptible throughout the world proclaiming "old order changeth yielding place to new" Yet to be seen whether it is a change from Duravastha to Sukhavastha or susceptible for different conceptions*. Vathsala Jayaraman *Let's always pray for a better tomorrow 🙏-Warrier 3) Sitendra Kumar Dear Shri PPR, Thanks for the instance of the Churchills , the two Churchills bearing the same name creating lot of confusion in the mind of readers. In our country, the confusion in the names of two eminent public personalities, both called Vikram Chandra ought to have created comical situation but for the fact that the anchor Vikram Chandra had lot of public exposure, he was the man we saw daily on NDTV and so we were saved from any confusion. But not Jawaharlal Nehru, who immediately after the independence while forming the Cabinet adroitly overcame the confusion in names and resultant embarrassment which it might have caused. It so happened that Nehru asked his PA to request Bhabha to come to Delhi to be sworn as Cabinet Minister. His PA accordingly obeyed his order. The very next day to his astonishment what Nehru saw was that his PA presented Bhabha before him who was suitably attired in coat and pant. While Nehru had Homi J Bhabha , the famous nuclear scientist in mind, the person who was standing before him was C H Bhabha, a social activist. Anyway, Nehru being a large hearted person, got him sworn as the Cabinet Minister. In 1959, when India under Nariman Contractor, unexpectedly defeated the Australian team under Richie Benaud at Green Park, Kanpur, there was much jubilation and Jassu Patel and Polly Umrigar were the heroes. Jassu Patel took 12 wickets. Australia was stunned. The Australian Govt requested for 10,000 posters of Patel as their public wanted to see him. GOI duly obliged and send the posters. When the consignment was opened in Sydney, the posters turned out to be that of Sardar Patel. The bureaucrats in India thought by Patel, the Australians meant Sardar Patel. When BJP Govt came to power in Haryana, it was troubled by the phonetic similarity in two names, HUDA and Hooda. While HUDA means Haryana Urban Development Authority and Hooda is the President of the Haryana Congress, any mention of phonetic HUDA or Hooda is not liked by the ruling party. So the Govt changed the name of HUDA to HSVP i.e. Haryana Shehri Vikas Pradhikaran, the Hindi translation of HUDA. It's in Pune that the similar names create worse confusion. Any remedy? No. There are three places where the flyovers are named as Bharat Ratna Atal Behari Vajpayee e.g. Agricultural College Chowk, Shankarsheth Road and new Metro flyover bridge at Kothrud. Enough to confuse the tourists. Now the recent case of Sanjha Chullah in SC. There are three restaurants in Delhi owned by the same owner and one in Faridabad whose proprietor is a different one. The Delhi owner first took the matter in lower court ad then to High Court contending that the proprietor in Faridabad should change the name of his restaurant as Sanjha Chullah is the proprietary concern of his only. The High Court has ruled that the expression Sanjha Chullah means ' The common hearth ' and anybody is free to use this name. Nobody has got exclusive right over this. The matter is pending with Supreme Court now. The Churchillian concern for his name for exclusive use of his literary work so as to not to confuse the readers is well understood and is really appreciated. There was an author in 60s/70s whose book in engineering were prescribed in the engineering colleges in Punjab. His name was 'Theraja'. There was another author who used to sell the books on the same subject by writing his name as 'The Raja', the students were obviously befooled by him, at least some of them. It was instructive to read on Churchill which gave a deep insight into the confusion created by similarity in names. Regards, Sitendra Kumar 4) Technology tomorrow : Link shared by Warrier https://www.dnaindia.com/technology/report-one-nation-one-charger-type-c-charger-to-be-mandatory-for-laptop-phones-in-india-about-common-charger-policy-3015904 B Collage in the Classroom : Manoharan https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/current-reflections/secure-through-development-48961/ Excerpts : Use of technology like satellite imagery, UAVs could be used to monitor the border area development in real time. A database for border areas, its schemes, their progress, and so on could be maintained and updated in real time on the lines of NATGRID. All 17 border states and the Centre could be linked on this ‘border grid’. Such technological inputs would corroborate the utilisation certificates and annual reports on BADP by the respective States. Overall, BADP is a good concept to secure borders through developmental approach, but a long way to go before realising its full potential. The author is Director, Centre for East Asian Studies, Christ University, Bengaluru. C SUNDAY COLLAGE (Could not include this in the Sunday Edition) Hinduism what we don't know, westerners know better Have you read these lines by Western geniuses? 1. Michael Nostradamus (1503-1566) "Hinduism will become the ruling religion of Europe. The famous metropolis of Europe is the Hindu capital". 2. Johann Keith (1749-1832) "If not today, one day we will have to accept Hinduism. Because that is the true religion". 3. Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) "Hinduism and Hindus will one day rule this world because it is a mixture of KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM." 4. Houston Smith (1919) "Hindutva is not more trusting than we have in ourselves. If we can turn our thoughts and hearts towards Hindutva, it will benefit us" 5. Costa Loban (1841-1931) "Hindus only talk about peace and reconciliation. I invite Christians to praise, change and believe in it". 6. Herbert Wells (1846-1946) "How many generations are going to face atrocities and murders until Hinduism is well understood.? But the world will one day be inspired by Hindutva. Only on that day will the world become a place for humans to settle and live." 7. Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) "One day this world will accept Hinduism. Refusing to accept the true name of Hinduism will only make one accept its principles. Western nations will surely one day convert to Hinduism. The religion of the learned is equal to that of Hinduism". 8. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) "He (?) Does what the Jews cannot do. He did it with knowledge and energy." "But only Hinduism has the power to lead to peace". 9. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) "I read about Hinduism. I feel that this is the religion of mankind all over the world. Hinduism spread throughout Europe. Many scholars studying Hinduism will appear in Europe. One day the situation will develop where only Hindus will lead the world". Gross intellect is only for one's EXISTENCE.IN LIFE. BUT SPIRITUAL INTELLECT GOES BEYOND THAT WHICH WE HAVE TO REVIVE NOW..🌹🌹🌹 V. T. Panchapagesan D Collage Books Breaking Barriers By Kaki Madhava Rao Review By Dr Y V Reddy https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/books/reviews/breaking-barriers-the-story-of-a-dalit-chief-secretary/article66327223.ece At Amazon Breaking Barriers The story of a Dalit Chief Secretary https://amzn.eu/d/g1YeJcL Born in Pedamaddali village of Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh in 1939, K. Madhava Rao did his early schooling in a village school, Degree course in Hindu College, Masulipatnam, BA. (Hons) degree in Economics from Andhra University and Law Degree from Osmania University. He joined the Indian Administrative Service in 1962 and retired as Chief Secretary of Andhra Pradesh. E Babusenan's Column Bad habits The Reith Memorial Lectures instituted by BBC in 1948 in memory of Lord John Reith, its first Director General, made Bertrand Russell very popular in his own country for the first time after the first world war. His was the inaugural lecture which appeared in book form next year with caption 'Authority and the Individual' The treatment of democracy in the lecture series endeared him equally to BBC and the British Council, and when the British ambassador to Norway wanted somebody to enlighten the Norwegians more about democracy, they did not have to think twice about it. Thus Russell was in Oslo, Norway's capital, during the opening days of October 1949 on a lecture tour. From Oslo he had to proceed to Trondheim, one of the major cities of the country. Russell proceeded to that city in a seaplane which crashed on the way in the Norwegian sea drowing many people including one of the organizers of the meeting. Russell was at the rear end of the seaplane, meant for smokers. He was thrown out of the plane through the open window. He was a good swimmer and, in the bitter cold, he swam towards a boat that rescued him. Later he told some press reporters that, if he did not have the bad habit of smoking, he would not have been allotted a back seat meant for smokers and that saved his life. Russell was on the threshold of 78 then. It was a bad habit that saved an old man's life on board a plane. But, another bad habit, namely drinking, ruined a young man's life on board a recent New York-Delhi flight. He was 34, the top executive of a multi national American company having an office in India. Sitting in the cosy executive wing of an Air India flight the young man was sipping continuously costly wines, most probably supplied happily by the airlines. Perhaps, he wanted to drown in liquor the severe dressing-down he got at the head office for his poor performance. But matters went beyond him. He got utterly inebriated. Then he urinated totally unaware of the bitter truth that the urine fell on a lady sitting beside him, who was old enough to be his mother. (Here one may do well to remember what the Ayurveda says : "If you get the urge while on the back of an elephant, urinate there itself.") After about a couple of months the man is arrested for unruly behaviour and put in prison. The poor fellow lost his job. Of course, the man must be punished, but think, he was totally unaware of what he was doing. Yet, by any stretch of imagination, one cannot equate law to the Christ on the Cross. It can sometimes be like what Mr. Bumble says in 'Oliver Twist.' F Media Response : M G Warrier January 9, 2023 In-flight misbehavior This refers to the piece "In-flight trauma" (From the Viewsroom, January 9). Today, among other reports on the subject in the media, there's also a solemn assurance from Tata Sons chief N Chandrasekharan that "all processes in AI will be repaired". According to an earlier report the insane behaviour of the drunkard passenger has resulted in losing his job. Hopefully, this unfortunate incident involving a VP of a corporate and a reputed airline will trigger a long overdue review of on-board alcohol service policy by all major airlines. Like non-smoking areas, Airlines could consider non-alcohol raws. If for any reason, alcohol is to be supplied to all passengers in select sectors, it could be made optional and perhaps expensive. In sum, we need not continue all western practices of last Century just to feel on par with developed countries. M G Warrier Mumbai G Vathsala Jayaraman's Column The Joy of Quiet If you Google “The joy of quiet", you'll probably get Pico Iyer's opinion piece which appeared in The New York Times’ Sunday Review, served up to you*! It struck a chord in me the first time I read it a few weeks back, but by the fact that it got me thinking several times about its intended message prompted me to want to share it with you. There is apparently a trend in the market right now where people who, not too long ago, were clamouring for the latest in high-tech, time-saving gadgets and devices notwithstanding just tablets and smart-phones, are also the same folks who are now trying to get away from them! On top of this, from the time we wake up till the time we hit the sack, we are unavoidably subjected to thousands of commercial messages, advertising videos, electronic information, and every other form of “noise”. There is a significant community out there who are “desperate to unplug”. It has been reported that the average American spends at least eight and a half hours a day in front of a screen. The average American teenager sends or receives 75 text messages a day. One third of teens send out more than 100 SMSs a day, the predominant group being teenage girls between the ages of 14 and 17. Iyer points out that researchers have found that the average office worker today enjoys no more than three minutes at a time at his or her desk without interruption. We are all living in an info-plagued world where, if we are not careful, we will surely be drowned in an avalanche of texts, moving pictures, brand inferences, flashing lights, sounds and all kinds of commercial spew! People are paying for Freedom software that enables them to temporarily disable their internet connections. In South Korea and China, internet rescue camps have been set up to save kids who cannot pull themselves away from the screen. Iyer noticed that those who part with $2,285 a night to stay in a cliff-top room at the Post Ranch Inn in Big Sur pay partly for the privilege of not having a TV in their rooms. You’ve heard of alcohol and drug rehabilitation centres. Well they’ve now extended their product range to help reform internet addicts! The French philosopher Blaise Pascal was so aptly quoted to say, “Distraction is the only thing that consoles us for our miseries, and yet it is itself the greatest of our miseries.” Let this piece serve as a check for all of us here in Singapore and relevantly so – what with internet speeds increasing exponentially; smart-phone penetration shooting through the roof with many of us carrying two hand-sets; tablets and more launching left, right and centre; brands and advertising being plastered on anything and everything. Friends, let’s not get burnt out for the wrong reasons! Focus on the software that counts – our friends, family, children, parents, colleagues. Make time for these and more – sports, hobbies, music, and the arts. But most of all, do take time to relax. Thomas Merton rightfully puts it when he said, “Man was made for the highest activity, which is, in fact, his rest.” Vathsala Jayaraman *Link for Pico Iyer's article of 2011 : https://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/01/opinion/sunday/the-joy-of-quiet.html H Psychology Today : Handling negativity https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/click-here-happiness/202101/8-science-based-ways-beat-negativity


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