Revamping fiscal architecture
February 1, 2019
Revamping fiscal architecture
This refers to the article “Time to improve the fiscal architecture”
(BS, February 1). The three suggestions by A Prasanna relating to creation of
Fiscal Council, adoption of ‘deficit neutral’ rule by government and advance
annual ceiling for market borrowing make sense in the context of government’s
search for external remedies for internal debilities.
Government’s efforts to camouflage fiscal deficit using surreptitious
methods like deferring payments due and pressurizing government-owned bodies to
divert funds or pay extra or advance dividends are already inviting adverse
observations by analysts. There is one school of thought which considers
explaining a higher deficit with more prudent and transparent accounting system
a better and desirable alternative than the present tight rope walking which
brings embarrassment to several organizations.
Long term solution lies
in mapping nation’s wealth remaining unaccounted and considering a realistic
taxation policy which should cover high income groups and agricultural income.
M G Warrier