The Doctor's tales: Happy At Heart by Tiny Nair
The doctor’s tales -A beginner's guide for professionals features/metroplus/society/dr- tiny-nairs-guide-to-being- happy/article7557524.ece
This is a 2015 article. Doctors are good human beings. It's another matter that good doctors do not get the kind of time to discuss weather with you.
Dr Tiny Nair, a reputed senior cardiologist in Thiruvananthapuram is different. He finds time to interact with you, to observe happenings around and observe himself with detachment. As of today, I know him through his writings. This article gives a good introduction to Dr Nair's personality. Of course, you can always know more by a Google search. I pick up his book "Happy At Heart" and read a page or two, when I feel unhappy after reading newspapers or surfing emails
M G Warrier
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