Warrier's COLLAGE June 5, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Saturday JUNE 5, 2021 1) Rivers of India* https://youtu.be/7wmCGm8k2eU 2) Seven major rivers of India (*Link Selected by: A P Ramadurai) Good Morning D Young Author Nice Day M G Warrier A Current Affairs RBI Monetary Policy https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/economy/rbi-monetary-policy-2021-live-updates-repo-rate-unchanged-shaktikanta-das-6983411.html RBI response to media speculations : "Amidst the calls for printing of notes, or deficit financing, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das has said "it is a very hypothetical question at this point in time." In response to a media query on RBI's views on taking the deficit financing route to support the economy, Das said, "Central Bank with regard to printing of notes have their own models and assessment. The RBI takes a decision based on so many complex factors which relate to financial stability, inflation level, stability of the exchange rates, etc." B V Babusenan : Kumaran Asan's Poetry Chintaavishtayaya Sita (Sita engrossed in thoughts) The year1919 cannot be ignored by any serious student of modern Indian history. The reference is to the Jalianwala Bagh massacre that churned the conscience of every Indian and imparted a new direction to the freedom movement. It had its effect on the tiny Kerala too but the latter experienced, in addition, a stirring of a different sort,though confined to the literary domain. It was a long poem wherein the poet attempted to see Sita of the great epic Ramayana in another light,as a woman having her own mind. The poet was Kumaran Asan and the poem 'Chinthaavishtayaaya Sita'(Sita engrossed in thoughts) regarded by many as his Magnum Opus. The epic Ramayana, like the Holy Bible, has two parts. The first part that ends with Rama's abhisheka as king is the universally preferred one.In Kerala, one particular month of each year has been set apart for the reading of the first part.There one sees Sita as a typical pathivratha begging Rama to permit her to go with him to the forest. She says: "Do not abandon me, my dearest. When I walk by your side, even the sharpest thorns and stones are like flowers to my feet." But Asan's Sita belongs to the second part, the grievously wronged Sita. This Sita declines to go with Valmiki and her two sons to Ayodhya where King Rama was performing Aswamedha yaga, befitting a powerful monarch, with a golden statue of hers by his side. Sita gives the reason for her disinclination thus: " Once(while leaving Lanka)I proved my chastity before all. Does the king want me to do it again before my taking seat by his side? What does he think of me? Am I a puppet?" She remembers a very sad incident which happened after her abandonment in the forest that, once again, sullied Rama's reputation as an ideal king. That was the killing of Sambuka, a Sudra, for doing thapa, thereby becoming a victim of social laws which have always been cruelly against women and lower caste people("Tharunee paadaja garhinee smrithi", she says)Then she tells herself: "Deplorable is the way of social justice whose slaves are the monarchs.My husband banished me and now he helplessly keeps my golden statue by his side!" Sita knows very well the forces which sent her to the forest. She has this to say about them: " The womenfolk in Ayodhya have, from generation to generation, become rotten with their hearts full of contempt of others, jealousy, greed and the tendency to go astray." Unfortunately, the king succumbed to their pressure. Sita now asks a direct question: "Was it my mistake that we happened to live in the forest for a long time? Am I responsible for that clever Raakshasa king, Ravana, desiring my body?" "Quite strange are the ways of these kings.Ignoring the well-tested love, they lend their ears to the unscrupulous and act foolishly." "If Rama says he had acted as per the wish of the people, that is not correct. There might be others among the the people holding a different view .He hadn't thought of that." "In the matter of considering people's wish,Rama does not seem to be consistent. He forgot that, when Bharatha's mother wanted him to go to the forest, people were against it." These and several kindred thoughts were passing through Sita's mind while she was sitting alone in the garden attached to Valmiki's ashram, on the evening previous to her demise. The poem consists of192 stanzas. Its centenary was celebrated by the literary segment of Kerala in 2019 in the thick of women empowerment thoughts. How prophetic the great poet was! C Collage Essay Newspapers : Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai When we were kids, the school and our parents would give great importance to reading the newspaper . During the morning assembly one selected person from each class had to read the news, taken down by them from the paper. On this day we had to be in school 15 minutes earlier so that our class teacher would approve of what we had copied. The paper was always “The Hindu”. From the 70’s to the present day, we have seen a changing trend in the newspaper. The paper has become smaller in width and also has increased in weight. My mom would have been delighted by this as the paper man would have given her more money for this. I remember her saying that 13 newspaper in those days made one Vis. So she would know the approximate weight of the material sold before it was weighed by the paper man. The change in trend is rather depressing. The first thing that greets your eye in the morning is the face of some model covering the full first page, advertising some garments/ornaments.. Sometimes the first page has a cut in the middle like a door and open it for another ad. OK first page is a waste, move to the second page and lo and behold it is filled with smaller columns of advertisement. Then the third page has the news with an extension on the side – yet another ad. Most of the days in anger I tear this extension. Then you go to the fourth page and you are so depressed reading all the negativity..Sunday paper is still heavier. "Tell me what newspaper you read, I can tell you which state you are from?" is the saying those days when we were growing up. Reading English newspaper is a must to learn how to construct sentences to effectively communicate those days. As long as ad revenues are higher than subscription revenue, the newspapers are going to continue the current trend. Even newspaper ads are slowly going down as the TV ads, internet ads and mobile ads are picking up. With the broadband internet in the finger tips, instant messages are reaching us quickly nowadays. In a few years, only digital newspapers will be available. We still buy the newspapers since it feels good to hold a paper in hands. Barring advertisements there are a few sections even today giving lot of inspiration. D Young Author Chasing L A By Yun Bapat* https://www.amazon.in/dp/B096FYGCFY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_8CDA76QZM502R46HDH92 Fifteen-year-old Nikki has lived her whole life in Philadelphia, and it’s all she’s ever known. She has her best friends, she has her crush, and she has her burning passion for music. But sophomore year seems to want to change that. With opportunities to go past the horizon, and a friend going rogue, Nikki must learn to rise above her fears and continue to grab every opportunity, for in the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take… About the Author Yun Bapat, a freshman in high school, makes her debut as an author with Chasing L.A. Yun comes from a multiethnic background and considers her friends and family to be most important to her. When she isn’t spending time with her friends or family, you will either find Yun curled up on a couch with a book in one hand and a latte macchiato in the other, OR writing a short story, a book or a song. In addition to writing, Yun’s hobbies include music, playing her harp, sailing, and archery. (*Yun Bapat is granddaughter of M K Vartak Ex-GM, RBI Mumbai now settled in Vartak Nagar Thane West Mumbai. Vartak and I were colleagues in RPCD CO Mumbai🙏-Warrier) E Book Review 1) The Upswing https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2020/11/montage-yearning-for-upswing RREADING, while in self-imposed quarantine, the jittery U.S.A. trilogy by John Dos Passos about the America of 100 years ago—a cynical, fractious, increasingly extremist place disillusioned with the rich, the powerful, and the media—produces a jarring sense of recognition. It is always disturbing to realize that problems of a different era have escaped their historical confines—as if one had just read a news headline about a resurgence of smallpox or bubonic plague. The alarming correspondences between the America of today and of 100 years ago are the subject of The Upswing, an ambitious book by Robert D. Putnam, research professor of government, and writer and entrepreneur Shaylyn Romney Garrett ’02 that seeks to describe the century-long oscillation of an entire society. Given the prominence of Putnam’s Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community (2000), the signature book on social capital and its erosion at the beginning of the millennium, his case for improvement now seems especially important. Rather than prescribing anxiety or despair, as so many accounts of the United States do, the new book optimistically suggests that the eventual reversal in fortunes then may augur one now. To prove this somewhat quantitatively, Putnam and Garrett simplify the complex trajectory of American society since 1900 to four curves: economic inequality, political partisanship, social capital, and cultural narcissism. Using certain proxies for these complex phenomena and a few simplifications in curve-drawing, it is possible to get all the disparate trends to superimpose neatly on one another. Their observation of “an unexpected and remarkable synchronicity in trends in four very different spheres over the last 125 years” is the essence of the book. All of the indicators begin in the doldrums at the start of the twentieth century, before the titular upswing takes place. This happy trend extends until the 1960s, after which these indicators pivot and slowly trace a bell curve as they collapse back to their original nadirs: rancorous partisanship, deep inequality, and anomie. 2) Chase https://harlequinjunkie.com/review-the-chase-by-elle-kennedy/


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