Warrier's COLLAGE June 26, 2021 : Medical Science

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE Saturday June 26, 2021 1) Science of Balance https://youtu.be/DqaGPn8gvkY (Ayurveda and the Science of Balance) 2) Ayurveda : Basics https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/fundamental-principles-of-ayurveda "He whose doshas are in balance, appetite is good, all tissues of the body and all natural urges are functioning properly, and whose mind, body and spirit are cheerful or full of bliss, he is a healthy person." Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier Satsangam with Panchapagesan I came across this article and thought I will share with you all... MA N T R A S One of the forms of prayers is Mantra. It is defined as–"Mananen trayte iti" that which protects us by constant pondering. Mantras need not necessarily have a meaning. Mantras are so designed that they create certain vibrations in our body whether we are listening to them or whether we are reciting them ourselves. Since they are effective with the vibrations, they cannot be translated into any other language. They are like proper nouns, which have to be same irrespective of language. This also gives an open invitation for others to devise their own Mantras if they can. There is no bar. Only condition is that test your Mantra thoroughly for positive effect and early results for your own benefit. Negative effects of vibrations are well known to all. Vibrations caused by noise, aeroplanes, bombs & earthquakes play havoc in our lives. Similarly the soothing vibrations received through patting, rocking, good music, and melodious voices of good speakers, singers, breeze etc, which affect us positively. They comfort us, calm us, put us to sleep and refresh us. They bring even a morose* to life. If simple vibrations can do so much good to us, imagine, what miracles properly designed mantra can do for us! Let us now come to one of the important mantras. The most important is the monosyllable – Aum. Aum is so designed to generate vibrations, which originate at the navel and climb up the spinal cord to reach up to the medulla oblongata and the brain, which controls all functions and actions of our body. "Tasya Vachakha Pranavah", so says 'Patanjali' in the 'Yoga-Sutra'. It means 'Oum' is the address of God. It actually throws light on God. It is the indicator of place of God, the real self i.e." the Brahman". Interestingly, navel is the main and the first source of energy in the beginning of any mammal's life. In the mother's womb, when the embryo comes to life, it is the umbilical cord connected to the navel that gives us the life sustaining juices and the oxygen or the 'Pran' This chanting really kindles the dormant energy lying at the base of the torso and at the end of the spinal cord. It travels upwards during the vibrations and finally reaches the brain spreading the light everywhere within. To feel the vibrations, one can do a simple exercise during the chanting of "Aum". Close your ears by both the hands, palms blocking the ears and the thumbs touching the rear side of the neck, wherein lies the medulla oblongata, other fingers going upwards closely touching the skull. Close your eyes. Continue the chant. You can feel the vibrations coming up, if Aum is chanted in the bass tone. V T Panchapagesan (Optional Link : Mantra Recital https://youtu.be/zwTGyO3MdP4/) The Thought of The Day : https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/covid-19-effect-on-student-life/covid-19-effect-on-student-life-23470/ (A student shares experiences/thoughts) A Select Responses 1) V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram About longevity : What is the use of reaching near about 100, or even crossing it, if one cannot live like that Mizoram man Ziona Chan who recently passed away at the age of 76? He had 38 wives, 89 children and 36 grand children, all living under the same roof, eating from the same kitchen and living in harmony. How lucky that man was to always have around him 7 to 8 smiling wives! Had he been in his senses at the time of his death, he would perhaps have regretted that God denied him longevity. The greatness of Ziona Chan will be evident if one listens to what Kunchan Nambiar had to say about a person having two wives: "Randu kalathratthe vatchu porukkunna Thandu thappikku sukhamillorikkalum" (The fool who has two wives to manage will never know a moment of happiness) 2) Dr Prabha Ramadurai In conversation with a Japanese doctor "And remember: Finally the Japanese Doctor summed up: Look mister, Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Beer in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO-HOO, what a ride my life was"!!" Absolutely true. Very good advice. Everything within limits does good instead of bad for mind and body. My husband was diagnosed with Ischemic heart problem in 1983. He was asked to follow lots of do’s and don’ts. Being a diabetic he had strict control upon diet etc. which he followed like a very obedient student. He was following doctor’s advice very strictly. Plate of sweets or savories never attracted or tempted him. Fried items, pickles and even most of the fruits were dream of the past for him. In spite of all precautions he was hospitalised very often and every time he went through angiogram. This continued till 2009 and he had CAG and again angioplasty in 2012. I spent most of my time in hospitals. Again during his hospitalisation in 2013 when instead of improvement his condition started becoming worse, my daughter asked the doctor” My father is following all the norms set by you along with regular walking and exercises, how come he is getting hospitalised so often?”. The doctor coolly said it is part of their routine procedure to ask patients to follow strict diet pattern which is uniformly prescribed to all. These things have no meaning. They have to do nothing with their health conditions. After struggling for more than a month somehow or the other my daughter and I got him discharged against medical advice, admitted him in another hospital and brought him back home within 10 days- which was nothing less than a miracle about which I have shared with our group. Gradually he started relishing everything and by the God’s grace he is fit enough except for age related problems. He is regularly doing moderate walking and breathing exercises. According to my findings when restrictions are laid upon the mind and thoughts run behind them, the feeling of inability itself makes a person sick. Everyone wants to have good health and knows the limitations of what to do and what not, but when they are imposed it becomes like a punishment. (I am sincerely thankful to our MAF scheme which has taken care of his hospitalisation every time). Prabha Ramadurai B Book Review : Being Mortal https://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/nov/02/being-mortal-review-atul-gawande-death-palliative-care-alzheimers Being Mortal is not a plea for assisted death, although Gawande is not against the idea of making drugs available to terminally ill people who are suffering. He is mainly concerned that reliance on assisted death is yet another distraction from what makes the end of life meaningful, not only for the dying, but also for those around them. Our failure to give any value to the last phase of life, our insistence on health and safety above all, has led to a dependence on care homes that are little more than parking places; Gawande is rightly scathing about a system that exists largely as a form of containment, where the temptation is to deal with people as if they are inconvenient. As the starting point for a neglected debate, the book raises questions that it doesn’t answer. If autonomy is what matters, how do we respond when a person who is debilitated makes poor choices? Can a person with Alzheimer’s articulate what constitutes a good life? It may be, of course, that these questions are unanswerable in a general sense. Gawande’s clinical reports, thick with the particularities of people’s passions, the singularity of their existence, suggest that what matters is the individual. C Collage in Classroom History of Medicine https://www.britannica.com/science/history-of-medicine/Traditional-medicine-and-surgery-in-Asia Both Charaka and Sushruta state the existence of a large number of diseases (Sushruta says 1,120). Rough classifications of diseases are given. In all texts, “fever,” of which numerous types are described, is regarded as important. Phthisis (wasting disease, especially pulmonary tuberculosis) was apparently prevalent, and the Hindu physicians knew the symptoms of cases likely to terminate fatally. Smallpox was common, and it is probable that smallpox inoculation was practiced. Hindu physicians employed all five senses in diagnosis. Hearing was used to distinguish the nature of the breathing, alteration in voice, and the grinding sound produced by the rubbing together of broken ends of bones. They appear to have had a good clinical sense, and their discourses on prognosis contain acute references to symptoms that have grave import. Magical beliefs still persisted, however, until late in the classical period; thus, the prognosis could be affected by such fortuitous factors as the cleanliness of the messenger sent to fetch the physician, the nature of his conveyance, or the types of persons the physician met on his journey to the patient. D Physiotherapy : Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai 8th September is celebrated as the World Physical Therapy Day. Physiotherapy as a paramedical branch is gaining importance for the past 25 years. In olden days, in case of fracture they used to go for native treatment, bandaged after applying some herbal juices, keep the limbs motionless for three weeks. Bones would automatically get set. When people realised that normal movement is equally important as the bone setting, physio therapy and yoga exercises for accelerating normal movements became popular. Even after surgery doctors advise the patients to go in for physiotherapy as early as possible. The success of physiotherapy often depends on the involvement and perseverance of the patient. Sometimes when the joints become stiff it may take even months to get cured. As physiotherapists charge Rs 150 to Rs 200 per sitting depending on the course of treatment, many patients are unable to afford the treatment. In case of differently abled children, physiotherapy has to be continued for years. Parents who are not financially sound, leave the treatment half way, leaving the children to suffer. In Western societies many concessions are given to physically challenged persons and treatment at a very moderate rate is available. Such social awareness does not exist here. People don't understand the mental agony and complexes of the child under consideration unless they have a personal experience. We have to admire differently abled persons, who come to the forefront, being undeterd by the challenges, overcome their complexes and ignore the mockeries of the society, strive harder and harder with patience and perseverance. They stand tall and make us proud. Many children would have at least been partially cured, if not fully recovered, had they been treated early. Another branch called Occupational Therapy, a rarity in our country is very useful in curing major disorders like cerebral palsy, dwarfism, seizure, gait abnormality, strokes, mental retardation etc. Occupational therapists essentially focus on understanding and improving the functional inabilities and help the patient to lead an optimal life notwithstanding the disabilities. Many good physiotherapists and occupational therapists land up in Western countries as the recognition and opportunities seem to be bright. It is strange to find that courses in physiotherapy and occupational therapy conducted even by some Govt institutes are not recognised by our own Indian Universities due to some political bias. One of our relative boy got his degree from a Govt Institute approved after five long years. The position is not rosy as it is stated to be. Even without injury or fracture, senior citizens may require Geriatric Physiotherapy because of limb disuse, lack of exercises or bone degeneration due to ageing process. Even cardiovascular disorders are said to have some relief by water therapy and electrical stimulation. As constraint in movement will lead to total dependency on others, it is imperative that we keep fit by normal exercise, moderate diet and if need be, go in for necessary therapy under a good doctor. Vathsala Jayaraman E Over a cup of coffee : Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai For Telugus, Mallu's and Kannadiga's Filter Coffee of the Madras Kind does not go as deep into the psyche as it does for Tamil Brahminical people. Here is a Raagamaalika (a garland of raagas : Lyrics [with English Transliteration and Translation]: Kaappi konDu / vaaDi,, / (Honey, Please bring me (my) coffee !) ChuDA ChuDA oru /kaappi konDu /vaaDi , , / (Bring me my steaming hot cup of coffee) /Chandana coloril / ChuDA ChuDA oru / kaappi konDu / vaaDi , , / ( The coffee color should be In the color of sandalwood, ) /nurai nuraiyuDan/Chandana coloril / ChuDA ChuDA oru / kaappi konDu / vaaDi , , / ( with the froth of the milk on top ) Aavi parakka /nurai nuraiyuDan/ Chandana coloril / chuDA ChuDA oru / kaappi konDu / vaaDi , , / ( Steaming hot is how I would like my coffee ) Gama Gama endru / Aavi parakka /nurai nuraiyuDan/ Chandana coloril / chuDA ChuDA oru / kaappi konDu / vaaDi , , / (With the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee) Eversilver Dabaraa / Tamblaril aatthi / Gama Gama endru / Aavi parakka /nurai nuraiyuDan/Chandana coloril / chuDA ChuDA oru / kaappi konDu /vaaDi , , / (In the special stainless steel serving cup and saucer ) RenDarai Teaspoon/Geeni kalandu /Eversilver Daba / raa Tamblaril aatthi /Gama Gama endru /Aavi parakka /nurai nuraiyuDan/ Chandana coloril / chuDA ChuDA oru /kaappi konDu / vaaDi , , / (dont forget to add my 2.5 teaspoons of sugar ) Strong aana /decoctionil /RenDarai Teaspoon/Geeni kalandu /Eversilver Daba / raa Tamblaril aatthi /Gama Gama endru /Aavi parakka /nurai nuraiyuDan/ Chandana coloril / chuDA ChuDA oru /kaappi konDu / vaaDi , , / (strong and dark coffee , the way I like it ) Filteril irakkiya / Strong aana / decoctionil /RenDarai Teaspoon/Geeni kalandu /Eversilver Daba / raa Tamblaril aatthi /Gama Gama endru /Aavi parakka /nurai nuraiyuDan/ Chandana coloril / chuDA ChuDA oru /kaappi konDu / vaaDi , , / (of course , using the stainless steel filter ) varutthu araittha / powderil / Filteril irakkiya / Strong aana / decoctionil /RenDarai Teaspoon/Geeni kalandu /Eversilver Daba / raa Tamblaril aatthi /Gama Gama endru /Aavi parakka /nurai nuraiyuDan/ Chandana coloril / chuDA ChuDA oru /kaappi konDu / vaaDi , , / (the blend of coffee beans, dark roasted, ground fine ) Chickory Chertu / varutthu araittha / powderil / Filteril irakkiya / Strong aana / decoctionil /RenDarai Teaspoon/Geeni kalnandu /Eversilver Daba / raa Tamblaril aatthi /Gama Gama endru /Aavi parakka /nurai nuraiyuDan/ Chandana coloril / chuDA ChuDA oru /kaappi konDu / vaaDi , , / (added chickory root powder to the coffee powder ) Kaacchiya pasum / paalil konjam / Chickory Chertu / varutthu araittha / powderil / Filteril irakkiya / Strong aana / decoctionil /RenDarai Teaspoon/Geeni kalandu /Eversilver Daba / raa Tamblaril aatthi /Gama Gama endru /Aavi parakka /nurai nuraiyuDan/ Chandana coloril / chuDA ChuDA oru /kaappi konDu / vaaDi , , / (With Boiled Warm Cow's milk ) indru karandhu / Kaacchiya pasum / paalil konjam / Chickory Chertu /varutthu araittha / powderil / Filteril irakkiya /Strong aana / decoctionil /RenDarai Teaspoon/Geeni kalandu /Eversilver Daba / raa Tamblaril aatthi /Gama Gama endru /Aavi parakka /nurai nuraiyuDan/ Chandana coloril / chuDA ChuDA oru /kaappi konDu / vaaDi , , / ( freshly milked today from the cow) Kaappi konDu / vaaDi,, / aDiye ! (Please bring that coffee, my love ) Kaappi konDu / vaaDi,, /Honeye ! (Honey, Please bring me my coffee) Kaappi konDu / vaaDi,, / (Please bring me my coffee) Vathsala Jayaraman F Leisure How many kidneys we have?* Teacher addresses a student and asks: “How many kidneys do we have?" “Four!", The backbencher student responds. “Four? Haha,” The teacher was one of those who took pleasure in picking on his students' mistakes and demoralizing them. “Bring a bundle of grass, because we have an ass in the room," the teacher orders a front bencher. “And for me a coffee!”, the backbencher student added. The teacher was furious and expelled the student from the room. The student was, by the way, the humorist Aparicio Torelly Aporelly (1895-1971), better known as the "Baron de Itararé". On his way out of the classroom, the student still had the audacity to correct the furious teacher: "You asked me how many kidneys‘ we have. " ‘We have four: two of mine and two of yours. ‘We have’ is an expression used for the plural. Enjoy the grass". Life demands much more understanding than knowledge. Sometimes people, because they have a little more knowledge or ‘believe’ that they have it, feel they have the right to underestimate others. *Received from S R Badrinarayanan Cheñnai G Quotes about Medical Science https://www.azquotes.com/quotes/topics/medical-science.html Like : "We look for medicine to be an orderly field of knowledge and procedure. But it is not. It is an imperfect science, an enterprise of constantly changing knowledge, uncertain information, fallible individuals, and at the same time lives on the line. There is science in what we do, yes, but also habit, intuition, and sometimes plain old guessing. The gap between what we know and what we aim for persists. And this gap complicates everything we do." Atul Gawande (Atul Gawande is an American surgeon, writer, and public health researcher. He practices general and endocrine surgery at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.)


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