Warrier's COLLAGE June 7, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Monday JUNE 7, 2021 Thridalam Thrigunakaaram... https://youtu.be/HKs_cb-NC90 (Link Selected by : M G Warrier Mumbai) Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier Satsangam with Panchapagesan I am back after a week having introduced by Sri Warrier to you all. > Thinking only of one’s own needs can make one petty and small-minded. > Thinking of others, praying for them, helping them in all possible ways makes living worthy and meaningful........ > Numerical number 24, play an important role while chanting Gayathri Mantram. > We invoke The Sun, The Moon and The Earth, praying and seeking their grace for our betterment in our living....It is really astonishing to note the numerical numbers in the Mantra..... > Sun Diameter is 8,64000 miles which we add is : 9 > Moon diameter is 2160 miles. 9 > Earth, planet diameter is 7 926 miles. 6 > Total 24. > We chant Gayatri, morning, 108 times which is. 9 > Noon.........................32..... 5 > Evening. 64...... 10 > Total 24. > Let us take our body. > Body organs of actions and perception. 10 > Senses. 5 > Brain. Parts. 4 > We are all tiny spark from elements. Which are. 5 > Total 24. > Aksharam is 24.. > TAT SA VI. TU VAR. RE NI YAM > BHA RGO DE. VA. SYA DHI MA HI > DHI YO YO NAH PRA CHO DA YAT... > WE MEDITATE CREATOR LORD’S MOST EXCELLENT LIGHT. > OUR INTELLECT INSPIRES HE WHO IS SUPREME... > BE CHARITABLE THROUGH BODY > BE COMPASSIONATE THROUGH MIND > BE SELF-CONTROLLED THROUGH INTELLECT > FOR MEANINGFUL, REALISTIC LIVING, UNDERSTANDING SELF.... 🙏🙏 V T Panchapagesan A Responses 1) C V Subbaraman Mysuru It was very comforting to read about Teachers in Collage yesterday. They have always been a respected lot, though not financially! A Guru has a unique position in our culture and we all know it. During our schooldays of yore, we were all wearing only the two yards single white dhotis (lungis) and more often than not with the lower half tucked up for convenience while doing work or playing. When we use to see any teacher passing by, we would unfold the tucked half, and stand up in reverence. This was the auto response to the teacher's presence in the vicinity. And who is a good teacher? All teachers are good so long as they do not use the cane or use their thumb and index finger to squeeze a portion of the student's fleshy part in the forearm or calf muscle.! But one Swamiji often says that a good guru is one who trains his students to become more famous than the guru himself. I think this is the real worth of the Guru. subbaraman 2) V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram Nowadays we think of Rama only. I thank myself for having been instrumental in kindling thoughts about poor Sita too. 3) PKK Nair Bengaluru "Two errors are noticed in my readers’ column at A-3 (Collage, June 6, 2021). Please read the poet’s name as Kumaran Asan instead of Ezhuthachan and substitute the word ‘chastity’ for charity!" PKK Nair B COLLAGE Interview : Business Today/India Today : Nirmala Sitaraman (Link Courtesy : G Mohandas Chennai) https://m.businesstoday.in/story/too-early-to-assess-impact-of-second-covid-19-wave-fm-nirmala-sitharaman/1/440944.html C Collage Follow up : Reports Dr P K Warrier Satapoornima 1) Report : The Hindu P.K. Warrier, who added to the fame of Ayurveda, turns 100 : https://thg.page.link/VdWtF6Ga99DanjqW6 2) Article https://www.scienceopen.com/document?vid=260d6c90-538c-4959-bd87-4245ccecea81 D Books on Martin Luther King https://time.com/5186446/book-list-mlk-50th-death-anniversary/?amp=true "Historians and biographers have spent much ink celebrating and interrogating the life and influence of Martin Luther King, Jr. in the 50 years since his assassination on April 4, 1968. Readers interested to know more about the iconic civil rights hero can choose from a wide range of literary options — from shorter books that give an easily digestible overview of his life, to multi-volume tomes exploring his every action in great detail. While some books take a holistic approach toward the life of the man, others focus in on sub-topics of his legacy. In honor of the 50th anniversary of his death (2018), here are 6 books to read about Martin Luther King, Jr" E From Here and There 1) Music Therapy : If the link* opens https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=1002191889903371&_rdr *Received from Kiran Warrier Navi Mumbai 2) Session on Stress Management* College of Agricultural Banking (CAB), Reserve Bank of India, Pune organised a virtual session on “Managing Stress for Effective performance” on May 07, 2021. Shri V G Sekar, CGM and Principal gave a brief welcome address emphasising the importance of managing stress for a more effective contribution to the institution and for leading a fruitful life at personal level. The various aspects of stress including symptoms of stress, causes of stress and the harmful effects of stress were elaborated in the session. *Source : RBI 3) Dreamsellers of Kerala The dream sellers of Kerala: https://thg.page.link/YbYVPELqmhV37Jgg9 Today there are far more lottery ticket sellers around than ever before, making one wonder whether they outnumber their customers! It’s hardly surprising, though. For didn’t a poet wax eloquent, “Hope springs eternal in the human breast”? It’s a truism on which lottery ticket sellers bank for a livelihood. Indeed, it’s the fulcrum on which lotteries — and all involved with them — operate. 4) Socialist Media ? : Open The Magazine https://openthemagazine.com/cover-stories/when-socialist-media-meets-paranoid-state/ "The business model of social media is built on the intelligence of the machine, and on minds managed by algorithms. Our choice is not our choice, and what we see is what we have been programmed to see. The most—perhaps the only—appreciating investment of what the Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff calls surveillance capitalism is the human mind. Harvesting the mind was once the Soviet model; it is now the first rite of freedom in the parallel universe of Big Tech. It is science. It is inevitable. It is, in the end, the triumph of the human mind in defying frontiers, bringing god to the machine. Who wants to be a moral Luddite? So we gave in. The pleasures—and possibilities—of submission were boundless. The pleasures are conditional now. Twitter has a political position. Facebook has outsourced its politics to its own ‘Supreme Court’ with an Orwellian name: Oversight Board. ‘Content moderation’ has become narrative control, and in the case of Twitter, it has become a woke-up call. It has joined the truth warriors of the progressive Left. A case study: At the peak of the recent Israeli-Palestinian limited war, there was a liberal media consensus on who was wrong and who was the victim, and the number of the dead and the visual evidence of devastation added to the angst. Once an aggressor, always an aggressor, and on Twitter, the Zionist aggressor was amplified in anti-Semitic hatred. #HitlerWasRight was the new instance of hashtagged hate, which turned a people’s suffering and survival instinct into a verbal Holocaust. As the actor and filmmaker Sacha Baron Cohen tweeted, “the surge in anti-Semitism on the streets is fuelled by anti-Semitism on social media…Those who celebrate the Holocaust aim to perpetuate another.” There was no cancellation; there was no content moderation. There was only free speech. Hate has higher saleability, and it is not just the algorithm that selects the best-selling, morally suitable hate-tag. It is made possible when the morality of social media joins the morality of the street. It is manmade morality ruthlessly implemented by the machine. It is the Sovietisation of social media, notably Twitter. F Leisure 1) THE ULTIMATE ADVERTISEMENT* A very intelligent girl was asked the meaning of marriage. She said, “sacrificing the admiration of hundred guys, to face the criticism of one idiot.” Position of a husband is just like a Split Air-Conditioner. No matter how loud he is outdoor, he is designed to remain silent indoor! Husband to wife: You should learn to embrace your mistakes. She hugged him immediately. Source : SOORYA SOORYA SOORYA DAILY BULLETIN 6 th June 2021 (Collage Guide : If uncomfortable, replace girl for boy/guy, boy for girl, husband for wife, wife for husband, he for she, she for he and so on. "Idiot", "hugged" etc are constants 🙏-Warrier) ______________________________ 2) Monday Musings* Be careful We all have to be careful because people are facing mental health issues from being isolated for so long. In fact, I have been discussing with the microwave and toaster during coffee break and we all agreed that things are getting hot. I spoke with the window this morning because it was very open about it. I didn't mention anything to the washing machine as she puts a different spin on everything. Certainly not to the fridge as he has been acting very cold and distant. The toilet looked a bit flushed when I asked for his opinion. He didn’t say anything but the doorknob told me to get a grip. The front door said I was unhinged and so the curtains told me to pull myself together. I tried to talk to the mirror as well but it asked me to go reflect on myself first. The vacuum was very unsympathetic and told me to just suck it up, but the fan was more optimistic and hoped it would all soon blow over. In the end, the iron straightened me out. She said everything will be fine and no situation is too pressing! 3) Taxing Smile* The strong man and the midge. The strong man in the circus is just phenomenal. He easily lifts weights which the spectators can’t even move an inch Bends steel rods like pins. Finally he dips a thick towel in a bucket of water-Takes out the towel, squeezes it thoroughly and vigorously shakes it. He throws out to the audience a challenge- If any one of you can so much as extract one drop of water from this towel, I’ll pay Rs 25,000. Several persons jump at this chance. They all fail miserably. A midget just about 4 feet tall comes up. Every one laughs at him. What is happening? The midget casually squeezes the towel and extracts half a litre of water. Audience and the strong man are stunned. The latter is true to his promise and shells out the money. He can’t help asking the midget-What do you do for a living? “Why? I am working in the income tax office “ *2&3 received from A P Ramadurai Cheñnai G Relaxation Quotes https://www.everydayhealth.com/anxiety-disorders/living-with/best-stress-anxiety-quotes/ Like : "You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." — Martin Luther King (Martin Luther King Jr. was an African American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the American civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968.)


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