Warrier's COLLAGE June 27, 2021 : Sunday Special

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE Sunday LIGHT June 27, 2021 Sunday Music : Sankara...Nadasareerapara... https://youtu.be/PBTQ3Qb7nww (Movie : Sankarabharanam, Telugu) Good Morning Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday July 3, 2021. Best Wishes for their continued health and happiness during the years ahead. Prayers 🙏-Warrier Nice Day M G Warrier A Select Response Vathsala Jayaraman My experience with a neuropatient for 33 years also supports what Smt Prabha has written. More than the doctor's advice our past experience and commonsense matter a lot. Adhering to instructions is good. But being too much obsessive about restrictions can render the treatment useless. B Story with a Lesson : V T Panchapagesan Chennai THIS TOUCHED MY HEART...... There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.' One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. He asked her, 'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?' The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him. Her boyfriend left her in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.' This is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations. Life Is a Gift Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak. Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat. Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to ALMIGHTY GOD for a companion. Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who died Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets. Before whining about the distance you drive Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet. And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job. But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another - Remember that not one of us is without sin and we all answer to one MAKER. And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on your face and thank GOD you're alive and still around. 🙏 V T Panchapagesan C Literary Review https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/blink/read/kaaraa-the-writer-who-breathed-short-stories/article34777637.ece In a literary life of 77 years, Kalipatnam Rama Rao, or KaaRaa Master, as he was popularly known, wrote just under 30 stories. The last one was penned some 25 years ago. But the 97-year-old writer earned a permanent place in the history of Telugu literature not just for his collection of stories. He will be remembered for his lifelong efforts at initiating would-be authors into serious writing by conducting workshops. Besides running a column (Neti Katha) to encourage amateur writers, he wrote a series of articles on the art of writing short fiction. KaaRaa, who breathed his last on June 4 at his residence in Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, will also be remembered for establishing Katha Nilayam, a treasure trove of Telugu short stories, in his home town. He extensively toured undivided Andhra Pradesh, collecting short stories from book lovers and amassed thousands of short stories for the Srikakulam library, which was open to all. D NRI Complex : Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai Dear All, I have never really reacted to a piece written by someone else before. Many people settle for good and leave India again. Their action makes me share my own thoughts. The well-written article talks about an NRI (non resident Indian), who returned to his country and then found enough reason to leave again. The reasons he cites, probably genuine, seem to revolve around the inability to fit in with certain aspects of the Indian way of life, be it the treatment of servants, the poverty or the traffic rules. In a commendable, bold manner the writer claims he did not like the person he had become in India. Thus implying that in India, we become part of a terrible system and become terrible ourselves. Finally, he and his wife returned back to the USA, where they now live in California. So why am I reacting to it? Well, I am doing so because I am also a returned NRI. I lived in Hong Kong for 11 years, worked for American investment banks until I finally returned to India in 2008. Given this, many NRIs often ask me what is it like to return to India. I am usually too busy writing books or columns and never get a chance to share my relocation experience much. I felt I could provide a different perspective, especially to those thinking of moving back to the country. Please note, I am not offended by the article. I am glad he wrote it. This is something many NRIs feel. Certain foreign media houses love to carry stories about the poor little pathetic India ,stereotype or the real muck beneath the shining India stories anyway. After all, everyone has the right to write, express and feel whatever they want. I am not going to counter argue the points raised by them. I will simply share some of my own experiences in the situations mentioned in the article. I must also add I don't want to come across extolling my virtues. However, it is important people who have read the above piece to get another side of the story as well. So here goes: We moved to Mumbai in 2008. Both my wife and I worked in banking jobs then, and domestic help was imperative given our 3 year old twin boys. We had an older helper who had been with us for a while. She joined us and brought along her young 18-year-old daughter. I was particular that the young girl does not become a full time maid. She was to help her mother, but essentially help play with the kids and not do hard domestic chores. I saw potential in her, and enrolled her for a basic computer course. This meant she needed to go out of the house everyday. Almost everyone in the house protested. My mother and in-laws, both from a somewhat older school of thought, didn't seem too enthused. They felt I was the classic NRI idiot, returned from abroad and now trying to push his modern reform agenda. Even the girl's mother (our elder maid) didn't seem that excited but approved it. The girl however was excited and over the moon. They only taught her data entry, but there was a Maharashtra government certificate at the end of it. She started to perform well at the course and soon her mother warmed up to me as well. Then, the proverbial disaster struck. The girl had a boyfriend from her native place near Bangalore. He came to Mumbai and eloped with her. This was done while she went to her computer classes. Apparently the girl's mother had opposed the guy for an year. Hence, the girl only saw this as a way out. Of course, hell broke loose. Everyone in the building mocked me, for sending my servant to computer classes. We didn't find out about the elopement for two days, and everyone in the house had sleepless nights as we went to various police stations. Finally, we found out the girl had married the boy. She never spoke to me, but sent me a message that she felt ashamed to have let me down. I was told by my family not to interfere in how servants are managed. Around the same time, we also had a driver. He was extremely good at his job, and soon the family began to trust him. He used to come to South Mumbai (where we lived) from far sub-urbs and dreamt about moving closer (to a slum, of course). After an year of work, he asked me for around fifteen thousand bucks, to pay the deposit for his new place. I ask several questions to establish veracity, and he gave me reasonable answers. I gave him the money. He disappeared. I found out later he had moved to Dubai, as he found a job there. Again, my family lashed out on me, given stupidity. Hence, you can see that I wasn't exactly off to a great start in India. Much like the gentleman who wrote that article, I also was told that all of them are thieves and to keep them in their place. Unfortunately, or fortunately, that is not the person I am. I cannot assume a person is a thief as default. To me, a person helping me in the house is giving me enormous service. To treat them badly is unthinkable. I hate abuse of power to the core, and yes, many Indians abuse their domestic helps without even realizing it. Anyway, the idiot me continued with my welfare approach to domestic help. We moved to Bandra in a year, and our driver then, used to live in South Mumbai. I didn't want him to quit. However, his commute using public transport would be hard. He asked for a bike. I bought him one. He didn't run away with it. It has been over a year. We had another set of two maids. One of them is another young girl, around 20 years old from a village in Ratnagiri. I told her she has to learn something. She chose English and found a set of classes near the house. Everyone opposed me again. I told her to go ahead anyway. She has joined classes. She has not run away. This morning she said to me in slow but perfect English Bhaiya, would you like your breakfast? smiled and I felt it was worth it. In my house, nobody is allowed to call the maids servants. We call them helpers, the kids call them didis. There is no question of separate cutlery. They eat what we eat, and are paid enough that they can afford good clothes, soap and shampoo that the hygiene standards are at par with us. I also found the helpers quite bored in the afternoons. That is when the dissent, negative gossip and nonsense starts. I installed a small TV and Tata sky in their room. My elder folks flipped again. They told me they will sit on my heads. I ignored them and their barbs. My helpers run my life. I am grateful to them. A TV costs nothing these days, but dramatically improves their quality of life. It also gives me more privacy. This summer, I even installed a small AC in their room. I didn't tell anyone at home (for more barbs would have come). I just did it. It is hot and humid in Mumbai, and they have a tiny room. My elder maid has kids in Bangalore. Every summer, we call them to our house to live with us. They play with my kids, with their toys. When we go to Bangalore, my kids spend a day in her house. They haven fallen sick because of it. Whenever she wants leave, if it is reasonable, we send her home. Every week, both maids have a day off. Every Diwali, we give them a bonus and a raise, given the high inflation rates. This year, I had a new book which did well, hence the bonus will be bigger. When a cookery show wanted to feature me in my kitchen (Secret Kitchen), I insisted my maids are featured on the show, as they do my cooking. Both of them dressed up on the day of the shoot. The episode has one dish cooked entirely by my maids. Day after tomorrow, on Diwali day, all of us will go see movie together at a Multiplex. My driver will also get tickets for his family to watch it near his house. Altogether, 17 of us will watch the movie. That is what is fun about India. I am fortunate I am able to make a difference to these people's without costing me that much. Yes, the traffic bugs us. It bugs my wife more. She has often told people to park before the zebra crossing. Her public social crusade sometimes embarrasses the hell out of me. We know it won't change the country. However, us being there means another example of how things can be different. Because of me, another friend has bought his driver a bike. Someone else bought movie tickets for their maid. It is still a trickle. Most of India still doesn't treat servants well. However, it is fun to be part of the trickle. It is nice to imagine that one day this trickle of positive change will become a flood. And that you, in your own little way, had something to do with it. And this is the most exciting part of coming back to India. To be the ambassador of change in your own world. You don't have to be a celebrity, authority or a powerful person to effect change. You just have to change yourself, and set an example for others. Slowly, people will see the right path. Of course, you can also quit. You can take you bloody Indian approach people have taken against my country for decades. I won't judge you. I really won't. . I really wish the person who wrote the article above is happy in the USA. I love America, it is a wonderful country that understands creativity, talent, freedom and equality. It has drawbacks, but I look their positives more. I wish India will adopt many of those positive qualities one day. But until that happens, I don't wish to quit. I love India too much to quit. I want to be here, till the last servant is mistreated and the last person breaks traffic rules. I want to be here, not to be perfect, but to try my best to not succumb to all that is negative in my country. I want to fight it, for simply fighting it feels good to me. Meanwhile, on Diwali day, my maids are going to pack paranthas and Mithai for the entire crew so we are not hungry during the Ra.One show. We are going to wear new clothes, watch the movie and have our lunch. In the evening, we will light diyas in the house, burst crackers with the kids and pray to God. I feel lucky to be in India, for I have spent many Diwalis abroad and no matter how many high-class NRI parties you go to, it just doesn't feel the same as the Diwali back home. Home, yes, that is what India is to Indians and will always be. Forward recd from my friend. Vathsala Jayaraman E 1) Residential Colonies...1 Jawahar Nagar Thiruvananthapuram https://entecity.com/news/10-things-about-jawahar-nagar-you-probably-dont-know/amp/ Many famous personalities had their homes here Jawahar Nagar is home to many famous personalities in the field of art, politics, literature and movies. Many politicians including former chief minister V.K Krisha Menon, former speaker Damodaran Potty, EMS Namboodiripad, K. Karunakaran lived here. Jawahar Nagar was also home to Vayalar Ramavarma, P Bhaskaran, Joseph Mundassery and one of Malayalam film’s great actor Thikkurisi Sukumaran Nair. Also known as IAS Colony Many of the first residents in the colony were prominent citizens such as bureaucrats, IAS and other high ranking government officers. Hence Jawahar Nagar was also called as “IAS Colony”. Now residents of the colony include high profile businessmen and other celebrities. Jawahar Nagar has also transformed from pure residential colony to commercial centre. Currently, about 40 commercial institutions function here. 2) Thinking differently : Vathsala Jayaraman Who am I ?? ......... I am You (We are You) THERMOMETERS AND THERMOSTATS Do you know the difference between a ther­mometer and a thermostat? A thermometer simply measures the temperature. It doesn't do anything about it. A thermostat measures the temperature and then responds. If the temperature is too high, a thermostat may shut off the heat. If the temperature is too low, a thermostat may trigger heat to turn on. It measures temperature and it does something about it. While a thermometer is a passive tool, a thermostat is an active tool. They both experience the temperature, but a thermostat responds. Some people are like thermometers - they passively allow what may harm them to just happen. They have problems and difficulties and they believe there isn't anything that can be done about it. They feel helpless as they watch life happen. They feel as if they have no power. Others are more like thermostats. When they are faced with difficulty, they kick into action. They believe that something can be done; a solution can be found; a hurt can be healed. They respond; they make decisions; they go into motion. Advice columnist Ann Landers said, "If I were asked to give what I consider the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity, it would be this: Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life. When it comes, hold your head high, look it squarely in the eye, and say, 'I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me.'" In other words,respond courageously and creatively. Do you know that you can be bigger than any trouble that comes your way? If you have become stuck because you feel frightened or helpless, it is time to respond. It is time to go into motion. It is time to activate your faith. When you become bigger than your problem, it cannot defeat you. Today - will you be a thermometer or a thermostat? Falling down is not defeat. Defeat is when you refuse to get up. With best wishes to be a thermostat, Vathsala Jayaraman F Leisure Story Time with Badrinarayanan Cheñnai Power of Silence* The Story of the Donkey and Tiger The donkey told the tiger: ′′The grass is blue". The tiger replied: ′′No, the grass is green". The discussion became heated up, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, and to do so they approached the lion, King of the Jungle. Before reaching the clearing in the forest where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey started screaming: ′′Your Highness, is it true that grass is blue?". The lion replied: "True, the grass is blue". The donkey rushed forward and continued: ′′The tiger disagrees with me and contradicts me and annoys me please punish him". The king then declared: ′′The tiger will be punished with 5 years of silence". The donkey jumped for joy and went on his way, content and repeating: ′′The grass is blue"... The tiger accepted his punishment, but he asked the lion: ′′Your Majesty, why have you punished me, after all, the grass is green?" The lion replied: ′′In fact, the grass is green". The tiger asked: ′′So why do you punish me?" The lion replied: ′′That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is not possible for a brave, intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey, and on top of that to come and bother me with that question". The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who doesn't care about truth or reality, but only the victory of their beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on discussions that make no sense... There are people who for all the evidence presented to them, do not have the ability to understand, and others who are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and the only thing that they want is to be right even if they aren't. When ignorance screams, intelligence shuts up. Your peace and tranquility are worth more. (Author unknown) *Received from Badrinarayanan Cheñnai (Good story. But I only hope all those who are remaining silent are not assuming they are tigers 🙏-Warrier) G Quotes about Sunday https://sayingimages.com/sunday-quotes/ Like : "Sunday is a perfect day to choose a new path in life. Don't be afraid of changes, they come when they are really needed. Have a wonderful Sunday."


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