Warrier's COLLAGE June 9, 2021 : Mysuru Zoo

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Wednesday JUNE 9, 2021 1) Mysuru Zoo https://youtu.be/MuB7HHeuNbc 2) M G Warrier's Books & Blogs : https://www.amazon.com/M-G-Warrier/e/B079ZC3JKX%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier A Universal Prayer : V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram Public meetings were an essential ingredient of our social life until the visit of our malevolent friend, Covid19. Most of these meetings began with a prayer and, in many cases, it would be an invocation of the Hindu gods and goddesses. In Kerala, the participants belonging to other religions would not demur but would remain standing until the prayer was over, though their minds might not be in it. But in some meetings, the theme of the prayer is like this: " Chanthameriyapoovilum Sabalaabhamaam salabhatthilum Santhatham karathaariyannoru Silpachaathuri kaattiyum Hantha chaaru kadaakshamaalakal Arkareshmiyil neettiyum Chinthayaam manimandirathil Vilangum Easane vaazhthuvin." (Here the singer of the prayer is requesting those present, regardless of the religion he or she belongs to, to offer their prayer like this: "You are unequalled in your craft in creating the lovely flowers and many-splendored butterflies. Sitting in your mansion of pure thought, you send us your garlands of grace through the sunrays. We seek your blessings, Lord.") Can there be anything more appropriate than to conceive God as ensconced in 'thought' in a meeting where thoughts are exchanged? Greetings Happy Birthday* : Message from M K Ramamurthy It is here-- today (June 8, 2021), completion of 91 years of age since arrival on this earth and the beginning of the 92nd year. Looking back, I feel sorry I have nothing special to say about any achievement etc so far-- like : Mr P P R with talents like studying Sanskrit and topping in that exam or collection of autographs, Mr Sitendrakumar, writing regarding film songs of yore Mrs Vathsala Jayaraman who can write on different subjects ( from which I keep a safe distance ) Mr Jayakumar, Mr Nallasivan -- to name only a few. One more thing --my Birthday, as per Tamil Panchangam is Vaishaki Visagam day in the Tamil month of Visagam. This year it came about towards the last week of May. I know ( through cursory glance of the Tamil Panchangams) that different months in a Tamil year have varying numbers of days. Wish somebody ( Vathsala Madam, perhaps) explains this? With my Best Wishes to all our colleagues and ( of course wishing for an early positive news about our pension) M K Ramamurthy Greetings from Warrier on behalf of COLLAGE Family : * https://youtu.be/FQvzCXIMmVk Without any comparison, Ramamurthy Sir, when crossing 91 you are a successful person loved by many. We have been reading your mails. You are alert and active and must be reasonably healthy. V T Panchapagesan Chennai is your contemporary. We all wish you a Happy Birthday and pray for your Aayurarogyasaukhyam. With Prayers 🙏-Warrier) B Interaction 1) Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai It was a blissful morning. We were entertained with two feasts : 1. 'The monsoon galore 'by Shri Nallasivan. It was a thesis on Indian monsoon and poor Tamil nadu depending on the receding South West Monsoon. Even Geography professors have to prostrate before him for the minute details, normally missed by them. Congrats Nallasivan Sir. I have your Tamil version with me to cherish every June. 2.That cabbage Curry which is not like Amma's. An entertaing short story shared by Reshmy Warrier ( written by her Caferati writers club friend, Raamesh Gowri Raghavan) : Charred at the bottom, semi boiled in the middle and totally raw on the top!! A little bit of carelessness has earned her so much of reputation, the secret revealed after 40 long years. Some mothers are lucky. If you keep some curved bottomed vessel inside the pressure cooker, the vessel would partially topple with more water on one side, just drenched in the middle and dry at the other end. The final product will be charred, semi boiled and smashed. I have experienced this on two or three occasions. But there is no one to give the award. Silently threw away the charred portion and made a metamorphosis out of the remaining. In this connection I am reminded of a real time incident when I was young. My father took me to Pudukkottai to attend a wedding of Nagaraththaar ( chettiar) family. The chef was a famous Babu. All his recipes were famous in South India. We took lunch. One of the items served was'Palaa Moosu Curry' made out of unripe jackfruit. There was a huge demand for too many servings of the curry. It was really tasty. After lunch my father went into the kitchen, congratulated Babu, his student in the school and complimented on the preparation of Palaa moosu curry for nearly 500 people. My father asked him, " Babu, you are great. This is not Jackfruit season. How were you able to buy so much of unripe jackfruits for cooking a curry for 500 persons? Babu took my father very near to him and whispered something. My father was taken aback. Babu explained the procedure in detail. It was actually 'no palaa moosu at all'. It was Kadalai punnaakku( groundnut oil cake-a garbage product or cattle food), a remnant ater extracting groundnut oil from the seeds. The oil cake is a food for cows. This fellow somehow found out that this oil cake had a similar taste of unripe jackfruit. He procured sacks of oil cake for a throw away price from oil mills and earned a great reputation of 'Palaa King' just by soaking pinnakku for limited hours, boiling at medium heat, add dhal, coconut scappings, season it well and serve as 'palaa moosu' curry. Quite an intelligent fellow! As I was reading the story I too felt that Amma's preparation would be out of something other than cabbage. Mothers in law of those days were very powerful even earning titles out of their mistakes. But modern girls never easily give up. They are more versatile and go above board to find out the secrets. Vathsala Jayaraman 2) Uzhuthra Warrier Mumbai Satapoornima Excellent video. Completion of 100 years ought to have been titled as .. ശതാഭിഷേകം But 84th Birthday has been given this title. Because പൂർണിമ means full moon. I think there must be another word for this if not that of 84th day. C Current Affairs News you can use: New ITR Filing Portal https://zeenews.india.com/personal-finance/new-income-tax-e-filing-portal-launching-today-with-new-features-2367243.html D Adbhuta Ramayanam : Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai In response to article about Sita (engrossed in thoughts) on 5th June, in the Collage by Shri Babusenan, I forward herewith an article of mine sent to Chennai RBI Retirees Group on February 4, 2011. One in All : Adbhuta Ramayanam Sage Valmiki after completing the epic Ramayana, somehow felt disturbed. He felt that the greatness of Sita Devi had not been brought out by him to the extent she deserved. Thus was born another kavya "Adbutha Ramayanam" by Valmiki. In Uttara kandam of Adbutha Ramayanam, all the sages and rishis paid a glorious tribute to Shri Rama for having annihilated Ravana and other demons. Simultaneously they expressed their sympathies to Sita remembering in detail all her sufferings at the hands of Ravana and other demonesses. Sita with a big smile on her countenance said ''Ravana Samharam is not so great a deed as you think". The sages were surprised on her remarks and asked her to explain. Sita continued "In the Maanasoddhara Island, there lived a demon called 'Sumali' and his daughter 'Kaikasi' by name, married a sage called 'vishravas' and begot two sons. The elder one Ravana, by name with 1000 heads resided in Pushkara Island and the second one also known as Ravana had 10 heads and was residing in Lanka. My father Janaka and myself have heard about them even before my marriage. Sri Rama has killed the ten headed Ravana with the help of Sugreeva, Vibheeshana and vanaras. Rama's valour could better be proved only if he kills the 1000 headed Ravana." On hearing Sita's remarks Rama set out with his huge army to attack the elder Ravana. But on being warned about this attack by an unknown voice (Ashareeri) Ravana annihilated the entire army of Rama with a 'Vayu Astra'. Rama's Brahmastra also was rendered powerless and he fell down helplessly on earth. Immediately Janaki Devi transformed herself into a huge fierce form, adorning a huge garland of skulls. She annihilated the 1000-headed Ravana and wiped off his entire retinue.. Valmiki describes Sita's Ghora Tandavam as that of Maha Kali. Shiva is said to have protected the earth from the heaviest and strongest stampings of Sita Devi. After some time 'Roudra Janaki' became very calm( Shantha Janaki) and Rama asked her to reveal who she really was. Sita introduced herself as 'Maheshwari, the prime Parasakthi, the mulaadhara of all creations in the universe. As she narrated this, Shri Rama saw a beautiful crescent on her head. With her power Sita brought back all the people in Rama's army back to life. Sita concluded that all her powers were gifted to her by Shri Rama only and she was nobody without Rama. This epic is in the form of conversation between Sage Valmiki and Sage Bharatwaja. Valmiki introduces Sita as "MOOLA PRAKRITI", the basis of the entire universe. The above episode is based on the research work and commentary on "Adbhuta Ramayanam" by the eminent Sanskrit scholar Dr V Raghavan. Many of us would not have heard about the existence of such an epic at all. But it keeps on record that Sita is none but Parashakthi and her consort Rama also was seen by her as Parameshwara. To conclude, Shri Rama and Shiva, Sita Devi and Parashakti all represent a single source of "CONSCIOUSNESS" or the same 'Shakti' is represented by all of them. It is essentially "one in all" or "All in one". Vathsala Jayaraman. E Book Shelf The Cat Ate My Gymsuit https://www.supersummary.com/the-cat-ate-m "The Cat Ate My Gymsuit is a 1974 children’s fiction novel by American author Paula Danziger. It follows Marcy Lewis, a girl in the ninth grade who has self-esteem issues which she tries to alleviate by opting out of school and social activities. As the book progresses, Marcy’s story reveals that her confidence problems have very real roots in her experiences with an abusive father and a nervous mother who minimizes and protects his actions. The book is a bildungsroman, showing how Marcy develops as an individual by learning to recover from her family-induced trauma, resisting their psychological abuse, and integrating into her society. The book’s title refers to one of the explanations tried by Marcy to exempt herself from gym class." F Leisure DIVORCE vs. MURDER A nice, calm & respectable lady went into the pharmacy, walked up to the pharmacist, looked straight into his eyes & said, "I'd like to buy some cyanide !" The pharmacist asked, "Why in the world do you need cyanide ? The lady replied, "I need it to poison my husband ! The pharmacist's eyes got big & he explained, "Lord, have mercy ! I can't give you cyanide to kill your husband, that's against the law. I'll lose my license ! They'll throw both of us in jail !! All kinds of bad things will happen. Absolutely impossible to give.. You CAN NOT have any cyanide. Just get a divorce" The lady reached into her purse & pulled out a picture of her husband with the pharmacist's wife. The pharmacist looked at the picture & said, "You didn't tell me you had a prescription.." ❗❗❗ *********************************** SOORYA SOORYA SOORYA DAILY BULLETIN 8th June 2021 G Quotes about writing https://www.writerscollegeblog.com/famous-quotes-on-writing/ Like : “Good writing is remembering detail. Most people want to forget. Don’t forget things that were painful or embarrassing or silly. Turn them into a story that tells the truth.” ~ Paula Danziger (Paula Danziger was an American children's author. She wrote more than 30 books, including her 1974 debut The Cat Ate My Gymsuit, for children's and young adult audiences. At the time of her death (2004), all her books were still in print; they had been published in 53 countries and in 14 languages.


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