Warrier's COLLAGE August 13, 2021 : Anniversary Special

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Friday August 13, 2021 Happy Birthday Wishes https://youtu.be/0wkdRPI0ZCY (Collage First Anniversary Special) Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier Gitanjali : Tagore https://youtu.be/5fEbBW4dZlw A Collage Counseling Age No Bar : Dr Prabha Ramadurai CheƱnai After going through the achievements after retirement of Shri K Ramasubramanian, V Babusenan and others, I am sharing my experience. I am sure there is no age bar for studying, learning or achieving knowledge. We need only interest and urge. I am very proud and happy to share that I started further studies at a very late age. 10 years after my matric, I did my graduation. When I completed a certificate course in Homoeopathy, diplomas in Bach flower remedies and Acupressure, I was already 50 and was entitled to treat patients with Bach flower remedies, Acupressure, Magneto therapy, and Bio-Chemic (12 tissues remedies). I did my M D in Acupuncture at the age of 64. Got Diploma in counseling and guidance at 65. In my 70th year I receieved my Ph D in Bach flower remedies. My first book got published when I was 68, the second at 71 and the third at 75. In between I obtained diplomas in Naturopathy and Food Therapy. Next January I am completing 80. Still I am teaching and am in contact with patients. Due to failing eyesight and lack of strength in hands, I have stopped entertaining acupressure and acupuncture cases. In this pandemic phase whatever I learnt in my later years is keeping me and my mind busy and happy in solving some unknown persons' problems through counseling and suggesting proper flower remedies over phone which they can get from the Homoeopathy pharmacies and feel better. Their feedback is my tonic to study more about the Systems of Medicine I know. I wholeheartedly thank God for showing me the right path of helping those in need, at least after retirement, which has always been my dream. Prabha Ramadurai (Thanks for sharing this useful information. I'm sure, at least some readers who knew you earlier and were not aware of the kind of guidance available from you, may get in touch with you now. Happy to be a link in the process-Warrier) B Select Responses 1) Sitendrakumar Ex-RBI Thanks for the precious articles, invaluable ones and lot of information which gives us strength and motivation. There are many like One Act play by Shri Babusenan (It must be published in WR), heroic and successful attempt by Shri K Ramasubramanian to succeed in the exam conducted by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (Now RBI must sanction extra pension @20% for all those above 80), information by K S Iyer on Gurukuls (It's sad we did away with them and wholesale adopted Macaulay's system of education), Shri Warrier's views on casual approach to appointment in RBI at top levels (RBI to pay heed to them) etc. A source of valuable information, that is, Warrier's Collage. Sitendra Kumar 2) Madan Gauria Mumbai Copied below is message from Exrbitesplus Group Coordinator for the kind attention of group members : Will be very thankful if you can delete earlier large mail before replying. It is already available in everyone's inbox. At the most you can retain address line of sender for quick reference as I have done in this case. It will save us lot of space. I will request Warrier also to put a line to this effect in his Collage for information of readers. madan gauria M-1 3) Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai What an elaborate write-up on Indian Education! We were under the wrong impression that they were simple Veda Paata Shalas and there was training in Veda Recitation. Actually we never thought such a vast area, such great subjects were covered in Gurukula System. Having been forced to be away from such glorious studies we are in dark, sending our children to US for studies. What a pity! 4) V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram I thank Shri Sitendrakumar for expressing his admiration of the One-Act Play, others who, though mutely, enjoyed it and the Editor of the Collage for having accommodated it despite its length. C Collage in Classroom I One Act Play, Drama... https://facultyweb.cortland.edu/kennedym/genre%20studies/playsoneact.htm "What is a One-Act Play? The one-act play is to the full-length play what the short story is to the novel. Percival Wilde defines the one-act play as “an orderly representation of life, arousing emotion in an audience” (Wilde 41). Bernard Grebanier provides this definition: “A one-act play is an elaboration of a single, significant incident” (Grebanier 172). Because the playing time of a one-act is about twenty to sixty minutes, the playwright has the challenge of creating an engaging plot, enticing characters, and resolution to the conflict in a relatively short amount of time." (One reader wanted to know the difference between One Act Play and Drama. I didn't know how to explain beyond what the reader may already know and didn't want to trouble Babusenan Sir. This is the shortcut I opted for-Warrier) II Bonus Read Poems : Nature https://bestlovesms.in/nature-poem/ Collage Choice A Poem on Nature I love the sound of birds so early in the morn, I like the sound of puppies soon after they are born. I love the smell of flowers and the taste of honey from bees. I love the sound the wind makes when it's blowing through the trees. I love the way the sky looks on a bright and sunny day,and even when it's rainy, I love the shades of gray. I love the smell of the ocean, the sound of waves upon the sand, I love the feel of seashells and how they look in my hand. And when the sun is gone, I love the moon that shines so bright, I love the sounds of crickets and other creatures of the night. So when I lay me down to sleep, I thank the Lord above, For all the things of nature and more, all the things I love. D Reader's Contribution Gossip Time with Vathsala Jayaraman When we were living in the village people used to sit on the veranda of houses or prakarams of temple sand stand for hours to talk. When we started our family in Chennai, we thought that we need not bother about gossip, since in a big city they may not have time to gossip. In Madras, people used to say that in north India ,people attend to their own work and do not talk ill of others. But when some Punjabis, Maharashtrians or Gujaratis mingle together there were lot of rumours, ill talks and so on. They might not talk about Madrasis since they didn't know much about them. But once intimacy is established, gossip knows no bar. While at the air port some stranger mami was boasting about her daughter, a performing singer in US, specifically criticising about other performers in comparison with her daughter. We have to come to a definite conclusion that gossip is a global issue. All human beings, without exception, exhibit an innate interest in what others do. This preoccupation with the lives of other people is perhaps a byproduct of the psychology that has been evolved from prehistoric times, which made our ancestors socially successful.Is it that we are hardwired to be fascinated by gossip? This should not be an excuse, since in olden days when people lived in small groups,meeting strangers was a rarity and gossip helped them to thrive and survive. Is this an easy way to justify gossip?Simply shift the blame on the nameless ancestors? Whether we inherited this from our ancestors, or through nurture from the parents,the fact remains the same. There may not be anything wrong in feeling confident of one's own merits. But it becomes a gossip when you try to establish power not by the merit by ill faming others. If every one starts ignoring, gossip may end. But people care more for "what will four people say about us?" without knowing who those four persons are. Every one of us, in some part of the daily routine, become a part of those four (whether in person, chat or through face book or any internet media). Even when we think of insulting others it is the first step in gossip, as our thoughts are more powerful than words. As such, gossip is inseparable from us. Rather we can try to transform the negative gossip into positive practical realities and derive maximum benefit out of the same. Vathsala Jayaraman E Joke Pressing husband's forehead, wife gently asked : "Before marriage, who pressed your head?" Husband gave a simple heart-touching answer : "Before marriage, there was no headache" (Mandatory Disclosure : I'm protected. I had a migraine headache since childhood which left me only during 1990's, when I was in my 50's-Warrier) F Leisure Opportunity & Real Worth* Two important management lessons I learnt from a 500-rupee note. 1.I was in an audience listening to a motivational guru. He pulled out a 500-rupee note. Holding it up, he asked, "Who wants this 500-rupee note?" Lots of hands went up. Including mine. A slow chorus began to build as people began to shout "Me!" "Me!" I began to wonder who the lucky one would be who the speaker would choose. And I also secretly wondered -- and I am sure others did too -- why he would simply give away 500 rupees. Even as the shouts of "I want it" grew louder, I noticed a young woman running down the aisle. She ran up onto the stage, went up to the speaker, and grabbed the note from his hand. "Well done, young lady," said the speaker into the microphone. "Most of us just wait for good things to happen. That's of no use. You've got to make things happen." The speaker's words have stayed with me ever since. 'Simply thinking about doing something is of no use' Our lives are like that. We all see opportunities around us. We all want the good things. But the problem is we don't take action. We all want the 500-rupee notes on offer but we don't make the move. Get up, and do something about it. *Don't worry about what other people might think. Take action.* 2. Several years later, it was another day, another time and another motivational guru. As I watched him pull out a 500-rupee note and hold it up for all to see. I thought I knew what he was going to do next. But he just asked a simple question. "How much is this worth?" "Five Hundred rupees!" the crowd yelled in unison. "Right," said the speaker. He then took the note and crumpled it into a ball and asked "How much is it worth now?" "500 rupees!" screamed the audience. He then threw the note on the ground, stamped all over it and picked up the note and asked one more time: "And how much is it worth now?" "500 rupees!" was the response. "I want you to remember this," said the speaker. "Just because someone crumples it, or stamps on it, the value of the note does not diminish. We should all be like the 500 rupee note. In our lives, there will be times when we feel crushed, stamped over, beaten. But never let your self-worth diminish. Just because someone chooses to crush you -- that doesn't change your worth one bit! Don't allow your self-worth to diminish because someone says something nasty -- or does something dirty -- to you." 'Never let your self-worth diminish..... Have a Wonderful Day! *Received from A P Ramadurai CheƱnai (Though the lessons qualify for "Collage in Classroom", purposely brought it down to Leisure as I want more people to read this-Warrier) 2) National Flag* Did you know? On 15th August (Independence Day) the National Flag is "Hoisted", whereas on 26th January (Republic Day), it is "Unfurled". What is the difference between 'Hoisting the Flag' and 'Unfurling the Flag' ? Well, on 15th August, the flag is kept folded, down at the middle of the flagpole and it is pulled up at the top of the pole before it is spread out. This process is known as 'hoisting of a flag'. It signifies that, the country was freed after a span of colonial domination. On the other hand, on 26th January the tricolour is unfurled. On this day, the 'folded-flag' is being placed high up at the top of the flagpole (not at the middle or lower height of the pole) and it is spread out by pulling the rope. This is known as 'Unfurling of the tricolour'. It signifies that being the National Flag of an Independent, Sovereign country, it can not stay hung at a lower height, but it should be held high above. This may be a small but very significant aspect of our tricolour, that is being honoured with the country's history. *Received from T V Janardhana Warrier Thalassery G Quotes about Birthday https://www.shutterfly.com/ideas/happy-birthday-quotes/amp/ "Happy Birthday to Kiran! You do so much for others. I hope you can take some time for yourself on your big day. You deserve it as much as anyone, and more than most.” M G Warrier


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