Warrier's Collage August 6, 2021 : Celebrating a comeback

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Friday August 6, 2021 Celebrating a comeback https://www.indiatoday.in/sports/tokyo-olympics/video/tokyo-2020-india-men-hockey-bronze-celebration-boria-majumdar-1837005-2021-08-05 ( Reporting Live from Tokyo on August 5, 2021) Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier M A Select Responses and Interactions 1) Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai While establishing the date of Rama we have studied about the lineage extending upto Nanda Dynasty. Between Thretha Yuga and Dwapara Yuga there is a difference of nearly 2000 years only and Kaliyuga starts at the Ascension of Krishna to Vaikuntam. With all these things, we tend to believe that Kaliyuga is already over and we are in next Dwapara Yugam and we will be moving to Threthayugam before this century ends. 2) V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram I am delighted to learn that Vathsala Jayaraman liked the first part of the One-Act Play on Einstein. I have just completed the third and final part* and am sending it in the hope that she and a few other readers may like it as a whole. Best wishes for the Collage. (*At D2) 3) M G Warrier Yesterday, spoke to Thiruvanantapuram colleagues P S Balakrishnan and R Pankajakshan Nair. PSB stays in Srivaraham area and Nair in Kaudiar. Nair's sons are also staying close by. B Twentieth Century Inventions & Discoveries https://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/inventions-and-discoveries-of-the-twentieth-century/inventions-1900-to-1990/ If you are planning to invent or discover something now, exclude these, please! C Collage Profile : Arianna Huffington https://www.britannica.com/biography/Arianna-Huffington Huffington, a prolific and best-selling author started off with her debut work, The Female Woman (1974), which was followed by biographies of opera diva Maria Callas and artist Pablo Picasso as well as by several self-help volumes, notably Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder (2014) and The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time (2016). Huffington also wrote a number of political books, including How to Overthrow the Government (2000), Right Is Wrong (2008), and Third World America: How Our Politicians Are Abandoning the Middle Class and Betraying the American Dream(2010). 2) Book Review : a) Sleep Revolution https://amp.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/17/the-sleep-revolution-by-arianna-huffington-digested-read Excerpts "Help!" I wailed helplessly, while answering some very important emails on my BlackBerry. My daughter came running. “What’s the matter?” she said, looking very bored. “I’ve got Fomo.” “What’s that?” “It’s fear of missing out, you idiot. And it’s got so bad, I’m now not sleeping at all well, which is why I am so critically injured.” On my way home from the ER, where a doctor applied a plaster to my life-threatening wounds, I resolved to write another book to help all the little people who might find themselves in the same situation. Well, obviously not exactly the same situation, as I was one of the world’s most successful businesswomen running an internationally famous website named modestly after myself, but as near to it as other people could realistically expect to get. And the book I was going to write was about sleep, because it was clear to me people weren’t getting nearly enough. b) Third World America https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=129727773 When she examines the state of the nation, the co-founder of The Huffington Post sees mounting foreclosures; high levels of debt and unemployment; crumbling infrastructure; a skewed financial system that favors the rich; a broken political system and a shrinking middle class. In her book, Third World America: How Our Politicians Are Abandoning the Middle Class and Betraying the American Dream, Huffington argues that the secure standard of living that Americans once took for granted is under threat. "Increasingly, staying in the middle class -- let alone aspiring to become middle class -- is becoming a game of chance," Huffington tells NPR's Jennifer Ludden. "There isn't a clear trajectory to get into the middle class and to stay there." D Readers' Contribution 1) Tarka & Nyaya : Vathsala Jayaraman Shri Ramadurai's take on 'cleaning' in Collage today, of a dirty man and a clean man are exemplary. For the past few days we receive mails having lessons either from Gurus or lawyers. As things stand all members of the group may become experts in logical thinking soon. This leads me to Nyaya. (Continued at H1) 2) Absent-minded Professor, Scene 3 : V Babusenan (The same room. One evening in April1955.Shorn of the pens,pencils and notebooks lying pell-mell on the table,the whole room bears a dismal look of tidiness.Dr.Einstein lies on the sofa,propped up by pillows.He is exactly the familiar figure with flowing silvery hair and sweater minus the pipe.He is pale and exhausted.Dr.Dean,his personal physician,gives him an injection.Helen Dukas,his factotum,stands watching with a worried look.) (Continued at H2 ) E Blogs & Links 1) Peace with Pain https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/advanjali/peace-with-pain-35958/ Posted online comments : ' though the article is focused on a particular category of pain, enjoyed reading it as the three stages of pain are professionally explained. looking forward to reading more from this writer.' 2) Creating a feeling https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/addiction2excitement/creating-a-feeling-35957/ Excerpts : "Showing off is a selfish act. Like many selfish acts, it likely is a successful short-term strategy in many cases, and might even be a good strategy in a few. But in general, showing off is a poor long-term or global strategy. Sometimes, it’s a personality disorder. For many people to “show off” comes with an inherent negative connotation. It carries with it the assumption that the action does not have value in itself, but exists only to try to manipulate others into being impressed. But the best way to brag about yourself to others is probably not to brag at all." F Leisure For some humour* What did the baby corn say to the mama corn? Where's popcorn? How did the barber win the race? He knew a shortcut. Did you hear the joke about the roof? Never mind, it's over your head. Why can't Cinderella play soccer? Because she's always running away from the ball. Why are teddy bears never hungry? They're always stuffed! Why was the weightlifter upset? She worked with dumbbells. Why was the broom late for school? He overswept. Why was the teacher wearing sunglasses? Because her students were so bright. Let's eat Grandma! Let's eat, Grandma! Punctuation saves lives. When past, present, and future walk into a bar. It is tense. Why did the math book look so sad? Because it had so many problems. Be like a proton. Always stay positive. Why didn't the sun go to college? It already had a million degrees. Why can't you trust an atom? They make up everything! How do you know Saturn was married more than once? Because it has a lot of rings. What do you do when no one laughs at your science jokes? Keep trying until you get a reaction. *Received from A P Ramadurai Cheñnai G Quotes about phones https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/phones-quotes Like : "We take better care of our smartphones than we do of ourselves - the phones are always recharged!" -Arianna Huffington (Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington is a Greek-American author, syndicated columnist, and businesswoman. She is a co-founder of The Huffington Post, the founder and CEO of Thrive Global, and the author of fifteen books.) H 1) Continued from D1 Nyaya is also called Tarka-Sastra and its author is Gautama. Its main purpose is to establish by reasoning that the Karta or Creator of all this world is Parameswara. Indeed, it seeks to prove the existence of Isvara through inference. Reasoning thus has a major place in Nyaya. Logic or reasoning is of course indispensable to any study. The Vedas make a statement and Mimamsa determines its meaning. Though we have faith in the Vedas, doubts arise in our minds regarding the meaning of scriptural passages. If these doubts are cleared through reasoning, the message of the Vedas will be affirmed. When we construct the marriage pandal we test the strength of the bamboo or timber posts by trying to shake them. In the same way we must subject truths to proper tests so as to confirm them. All logical reasoning must be accepted but it must be firmly rooted in authority. Also, arguments must not be of a carping character, stemming from the urge to be merely contrary. When Sankara was about to depart from this world his disciples requested him for a brief upadesa. It was then that he imparted his succinct teaching in the form of five stanzas which go by the name of Upadesa-Pancaka or Sopana-Pancaka. "Dustarkat suviramyatam - Srutimatastarko'nusandhiyatam", is a line from it. It means that you must give up the habit captious arguments and that in dealing with a question you must employ proper reasoning, duly respecting the views of the Vedas. Without reason to guide us it is like roaming aimlesssly in the forest. But reason must be founded on authority. Nyaya finds the meaning of Vedic passages in this manner. Kanada too created a Nyaya sastra: it is called Vaisesika. One object is distinguished from another on the basis of the special characteristics or "particularities" of the two. The name "Vaisesika" is derived from the fact that it inquires into such particularities. There is a good deal of science n this Nyaya sastra. Atmic matters like the individual self, the cosmos, Isvara, moksa or liberation are examined.). The Nyaya inquiry into truth is through the four pramanas or instruments of knowledge of "pratyaksa", "anumana", "upamana" and "sabda". Pratyaksa is direct perception, what is perceived by the eyes and the ears and so on. It is anumana or inference that is central to Nyaya. What is anumana? We see smoke rising from the summit of a distant mountain: we notice only the smoke, not the fire, which is concealed by the rock perhaps. But even if we do not see the fire we may infer that the forest has caught fire. This is anumana. Here the fire is called "sadhya" and the means by which we infer its presence is "sadhana", "linga" or "hetu". By performing Vedic works [let us take it] we have become pure within. We have also found a good teacher and we have faith in his instruction. But, if we happen to hear something different from what he tells us, doubts naturally arise in our minds. These doubts have to be cleared; they must be discussed and a decision arrived at. Here we must have recourse to a pramana (source or instrument of knowledge) like anumana or inference. Both Nyaya and Vaisesika conduct inquiries based on anumana. Thank you Ramadurai Sir for driving me so far. Vathsala Jayaraman 2) Continued from D2 Dr.Dean:"Professor,if I may tell you the truth,the situation is quite grave.One artery wall is swollen and is bleeding.Immediate surgery is the only answer." Dr.Einstein:"(in a weak voice) And the chances are" Dr.Dean :"Fifty fifty.I shall contact Dr.Frank Glenn,the cardiac surgeon, and ask him to come from New York immediately." Dr.Einstein :"No need,Dr.Dean.My job is,perhaps,finished.I welcome a natural end.How long will it take?" Dr.Dean:"Can't say.It may come in a moment,May take hours,May take days." Dr.Einstein:"In that case,please see to it,if you can,that the pain is endurable ." Dr.Dean:(Sadly)If you insist,what can I do?Helen,dear,I shall remain downstairs in the drawing room.If the pain recurs,contact me.(He goes) Dr.Einstein:"What is that long envelope you hold in your hand,honey?" Helen:It's a letter from Lord Russell." Dr.Einstein:"(Anxiously) From Bertrand Russell?It must be that Russell-Einstein Declaration which,according to him,should carry my signature first.Thank God! it has come at the right moment.Helen,open it and read out to me the resolution part of it." Helen :"(Reads)In view of the fact that in any future world war, nuclear weapons will certainly be employed,and that such weapons threaten the continued existence of mankind,we urge the governments of the world to realise,and to acknowledge publicly ,that their purposes cannot be furthered by a world war,and we urge them consequently, to find peaceful means for the settlement of all matters of dispute between them." Dr.Einstein:"Excellent! This is exactly what was in my mind.You have met Russell,haven't you?He never misses me whenever he visits the States.What a man!Even at 83,he untiringly works for the well-being of mankind.Many persons do not like him for his agnostic stand in the matter of belief in God.But, I strongly feel that he is nearer God than many of them.Do you know he has interpreted my abstruse ideas in such a simple language that evoked even my jealousy ?I still remember the concluding sentence of that book.:'The final conclusion is that we know very little,and yet it is astonishing that we know so much,and still more astonishing that so little knowledge can give us so much power.' How profound!I wish him well!.Helen,give me that paper and your pen.Let me sign it.(After signing the document)Most likely,this is the last public document I sign.(Heaving a sigh)I feel as if a great weight is off my mind.Send this to Lord Russell as quickly as possible.He must be waiting for it".(Helen goes to the table and places it carefully under a paper weight.Einstein is watching) "Helen,my dear child,come and sit by my side.Let me hold your hand" (She obeys) Dr.Einstein :(Pointing his finger at his late wife's portrait)Look,my poor Elsa is watching. She is happy with the way you take care of me. Helen,do you remember what I said when you saw me first?" Helen:"You were lying in bed and you said amusingly:'Here lies an old corpse.'(The hand that held hers,loses its grip and falls.She looks at his closed eyes and runs to the staircase calling aloud"Dr,Dean,Dr.Dean".The doctor comes running and examines his pulse.He gently lowers the hand murmering"f-i-n-i-s-h-e-d." (The curtain falls) 3) Punishment for Sins In Srimad Bhagavatam, Suka tells Pareekshit about different kinds of sins, said P T Seshadri in a discourse. Suka talks about different kinds of narakas (hells) that await sinners, who are punished according to the nature of their sins. A person who grabs someone's property is taken by Yama's men to a hell called taamisra. Here he is given no food or water, and is beaten by Yama's men. He who hoards all his wealth and never gives to the poor will go to rowrava. People he had turned away take the form of venomous creatures called ruru, and bite him. A person who neglects his parents will go to kaalasutra. He will be made to stand in a vessel of copper, below which a fire will be lit. The Sun beats down on his head, and he will have to endure this heat for thousands of years. A man who torments someone who is already suffering, will go to andhakupa, and there he will be constantly stung by mosquitoes and bitten by snakes. A bad ruler or even his servant who misuses power, will go to vaitarani. Here he will be pushed into a river of filth, and will be bitten by all kinds of germs. A man who gives false evidence, who promises dana, but goes back on his word, or a man who is dishonest in his business will go to aveechimaan. Here he is rolled down a hill, repeatedly. He doesn't die, but is in agony. He who is proud of his family, of his lineage, of his wealth or his learning, will go to kshaarakardma. Here he will hang upside down. He who is rude to guests will go to paryaavartana. Here he will be punished for his harsh words. Crows will peck at him. An avaricious person will go to Soochimukha, where he will be poked with needles. Suka thus gives a warning to everyone who reads Srimad Bhagavatam, of the dangers of being sinful. (Source : The Hindu Faith Column)


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